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Revision history of "Battle Mechanics"

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07:12, 8 September 2023(107,415 bytes)Max view range change, tested on tanks.gg with sheridan
15:04, 10 August 2023(107,245 bytes)→ Ghost Shells‎ Moving :Replay to Tank: space to avoid confusion with WoWs.
16:05, 13 February 2023(107,208 bytes)Edited HE banner to inform potential readers that the article is no longer accurate due to 1.13 changes
23:40, 16 December 2022(107,097 bytes)Added information clarifying splash damage is no longer possible with normal HE
17:36, 6 May 2020(107,590 bytes)Undo revision 294251 by Gruff_:eu (talk) There's no need of proof for this mechanic as it should be commonly known, you can test it yourself in a training room. Also here's a twitch clip where you can see that he gets spotted because he was set on fire: https://clips.twitch.tv/SteamyTubularSnakeAliens However, it has been tested multiple times if driving while being on fire has an effect, and every time it had zero impact, please show a proof that it has before changing it to a lie again. Thank you.
10:55, 6 May 2020(107,608 bytes)Undo revision 293887 by Hurk:na (talk) - Where is the data to support this supposed drop in camo values? Why add it in and take out the decreased fire damage line?!
18:04, 4 August 2018(106,905 bytes)→ View Range‎ Very obviously, the tank commander can see a great number of things beyond the view range, viz. the landscape.
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