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Revision history of "Battle Mechanics"

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23:33, 9 November 2016(105,151 bytes)Undo revision 242852 by Stargate22:eu (talk)
19:21, 9 November 2016(105,166 bytes)→ Visibility
15:44, 9 November 2016(105,138 bytes)→ Target Destroyed
00:21, 8 November 2016(105,123 bytes)→ Radio Range‎ Change to working link for RadioRange.jpg translation; the old link gave me the error "You do not have permission to view this forum." even when I was logged in.
15:53, 7 October 2016(105,109 bytes)Undo revision 240717 by coc:eu (talk)
05:01, 3 June 2016(118,776 bytes)edited matchmaking info
23:08, 22 February 2016(116,110 bytes)→ Map Restrictions‎ updated map rotation based on 9.13 data
04:33, 24 January 2016(115,317 bytes)Reverted edits by ZombiePenguin99:na (talk) to last revision by Ludonjast:eu
15:02, 15 January 2016(115,601 bytes)edit corrected ? should this picture be edited or moved to comments it needs to be fixed thanks
08:21, 29 December 2015(115,486 bytes)→ Draw Distance‎ replaced cube with circle
08:19, 29 December 2015(115,482 bytes)replaced 707m with the new 564m render range.
23:44, 23 December 2015(115,287 bytes)Reverted to revision 228976
16:16, 16 December 2015(109,756 bytes)minor typo with Spahpanzer SP 1 C
16:02, 16 December 2015(109,743 bytes)minor typo with the spelling of a few tanks.
15:59, 16 December 2015(109,762 bytes)Added the new scouts that were introduced a while back (the new American, Russian, and German scouts), and added "Pearl River" to the list of removed maps.
15:22, 15 December 2015(115,230 bytes)Edited and removed some lines
02:52, 15 December 2015(115,243 bytes)i only made a minor edit to this page. feel free to edit this page so that it can be a bit better. Make sure your contributions do not violate copyright and can be verified.
16:37, 6 December 2015(115,168 bytes)Edited the unavailable maps, and current state. (Either completely gone, replaced, or still available.
00:35, 30 November 2015(114,808 bytes)Reverted edits by PolskiDan7:na (talk) to last revision by LoserMcGoozer__:na
02:57, 19 October 2015(114,690 bytes)Reverted edits by Tudor_87:eu (talk) to last revision by LoserMcGoozer__:na
01:04, 13 October 2015(114,690 bytes)Added a lot of hyperlinks.
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