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Revision history of "Consumables"

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18:13, 10 August 2013(10,285 bytes)remove old patch reference
18:12, 10 August 2013(10,299 bytes)remove old patch reference
14:54, 6 July 2013(10,316 bytes)RSG doesn't cause some fixed value of damage, but instead a percentage according to SerB
10:56, 7 November 2012(10,211 bytes)Starting with 8.1, the game can differentiate between gasoline and diesel engines on the same vehicle.
19:53, 20 October 2012(9,802 bytes)Clarified that rations add 10 to the existing percent level, not add 10 percent to them. so 75 to 85, not 75 to 82(.5)
09:27, 20 October 2012(9,752 bytes)slight rephrasing of rations description
06:21, 12 October 2012(9,715 bytes)Added Pudding and Tea
12:52, 22 June 2012(9,463 bytes)small repair kit now repairs both tracks
11:16, 28 March 2012(9,409 bytes)added anchors to everything
09:41, 28 March 2012(8,789 bytes)Made "Premium Consumables" into an anchor
06:05, 18 February 2012(8,780 bytes)added note about Oil + Removed Speed Governor stacking
05:09, 25 January 2012(8,593 bytes)added reference to RU wiki
01:47, 25 January 2012(8,565 bytes)forgot the Chinese rations
19:08, 24 January 2012(7,417 bytes)Added missing Chinese and French consumables and did some corrections
15:15, 5 November 2011(6,911 bytes)In the game, it is CASE OF COLA
15:51, 4 September 2011(6,909 bytes)readability, grammar, e.g. vs. i.e.
02:16, 23 July 2011(6,785 bytes)Grammar and clarifications
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