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Revision history of "Crew (WoWP)"

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16:02, 21 November 2019(14,027 bytes)Updated Ballistics Expert to reflect nerfed stats.
10:25, 25 March 2019(13,999 bytes)changing demo expert value
10:02, 1 August 2018(13,669 bytes)removed the "incorrect skills" header because skills are updated.
14:43, 15 April 2018(8,877 bytes)Added comment that information is no longer accurate. I mean to review the entire article at some point, but that involves rewriting all of it.
22:17, 8 October 2016(8,746 bytes)+Category:World of Warplanes
19:29, 17 January 2015(8,686 bytes)added icons for skills
19:16, 17 January 2015(8,260 bytes)The link in the Injury section was linked to the WoT Consumables paged. Changed to the Consumables_(WoWP) page
03:51, 16 July 2014(3,234 bytes)changed heading sizes slightly
03:33, 16 July 2014(3,253 bytes)Made the page: But still needs improvements!!!
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