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Revision history of "Maps"

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11:23, 6 February 2023(31,645 bytes)
13:49, 21 August 2022(31,614 bytes)moved Kharkov and Minsk to Removed maps section
00:16, 5 February 2021(31,368 bytes)Undo revision 302868 by Kriegsmaschine00:eu (talk) Put the list of old maps back
18:21, 8 October 2020(31,382 bytes)Minsk led to minsk ship on WoWS, changed to Minsk_Map page
01:33, 1 January 2019(31,399 bytes)"Cliff" description changed to better describe the advantages of the central plateau area
01:28, 1 January 2019(31,298 bytes)Edits made to make the map summaries more concise, Empire's Border given substance
04:55, 13 October 2018(31,542 bytes)moved maps Highway and Widepark back to current summer maps. Removed Empire's Border from upcoming maps.
05:42, 8 July 2018(30,774 bytes)Moved maps removed in 1.0 to the removed section; changed wording of description of Mannerheim Line; Listed each section in alphabetical order
22:06, 3 June 2018(31,052 bytes)Moved some removed map to their section
19:18, 13 May 2018(31,007 bytes)Province is back as of 1.01
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