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Revision history of "Premium Tanks"

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19:29, 10 August 2014(2,730 bytes)re-write, made it much shorter and removed unnecessary per-nation summaries
22:23, 7 September 2013(5,514 bytes)Cleaned out more stuff I overlooked from the last edit...there's probably more errors but I'm tired of reading.
02:57, 30 August 2013(5,526 bytes)Major grammar and coherence issues fixed
19:51, 19 August 2013(5,555 bytes)grammar and spelling... so much carp. can't be bothered to fix it all
19:59, 24 October 2012(1,052 bytes)If you want to manually edit the tanks go to Premium Tanks/Data
15:54, 27 September 2012(8,940 bytes)Reordered NA garage style
23:13, 21 September 2012(8,631 bytes)Please do no release tanks yet until OFFICIAL 8.0 RELEASE.
23:32, 19 August 2012(8,631 bytes)Added note that this page does not (and should not be updated to) reflect the day to day availability of tanks in the Gift Shop.
23:32, 14 August 2012(8,499 bytes)Fixed incorrect wording
09:53, 9 August 2012(8,478 bytes)Formatting update
05:20, 14 May 2012(8,084 bytes)All tanks reformated to Name on top
04:09, 14 May 2012(8,447 bytes)Germans updated to name over, rest to follow
03:13, 14 May 2012(8,414 bytes)all premium tanks added.
01:32, 14 May 2012(5,264 bytes)format testing still. Russians have info on 2 lines below, with a 2nd SU-85 on 3
22:37, 13 May 2012(4,767 bytes)Format changes tween Americans and Germans
21:39, 13 May 2012(4,630 bytes)spacing adj on american
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