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18:29, 8 January 2024(26,291 bytes)13.0
20:36, 19 March 2022(24,303 bytes)Change-log updated for Update 0.11.2.
03:43, 10 July 2021(23,606 bytes)Removed mentions of being available for purchase
06:58, 3 July 2020(24,015 bytes)Update commander skills
04:20, 3 July 2020(24,014 bytes)Update captain skills
03:55, 3 April 2020(23,579 bytes)references to ship - worldofwarships.com & YouTube
23:42, 26 March 2020(23,356 bytes)references to Wikipedia for ship and class
10:00, 16 December 2019(22,878 bytes)Minor change to signals
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