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22:21, 24 July 2022(13,070 bytes)11.6
17:16, 4 July 2022(13,137 bytes)Edited camo insert to appear blank in prep for 0.11.6 econ changes.
14:53, 28 January 2021(10,466 bytes)updated commander skills
16:41, 17 August 2020(11,000 bytes)Hydro on both hulls
20:09, 3 July 2020(11,131 bytes)Update Commander skills
20:20, 29 March 2020(11,132 bytes)references to Wikipedia for ship and class
05:29, 2 December 2017(9,842 bytes)Updated Historical Gallery, History section, Upgrades, Consumables, Performance, and Pros/Cons.
12:56, 1 August 2017(8,912 bytes)Protected "Ship:Karlsruhe" ([Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite))
20:46, 20 February 2017(8,912 bytes)Added Commander Skill, Camouflage, Upgrades, and Signal Flag sections.
01:37, 25 January 2017(6,557 bytes)added a possibly good playstyle for this ship.
19:18, 20 May 2016(1,147 bytes)Created page with "<!-- DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE LINES WITH COMMENTS (it's look like as this or next line) -->{{WoWs_Ship|Promo=<!-- in case of gift or promo ship write conditions to get it. -->..."
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