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05:17, 25 June 2019(5,905 bytes)
09:05, 2 January 2016(5,468 bytes)Frontal Hull is made out of gunner's and driver's seat
16:08, 3 December 2015(5,047 bytes)readded CrystyB:eu's changes
16:02, 3 December 2015(4,925 bytes)fixed errors. (tank does not have APCR, it has HEAT. tier 8 250mm HEAT is middle range penetraton, not high. 7 frontal gun depression. 9 only exists on side of tank. cupola is not easy to hide due to sluggish acceleration.)
03:21, 29 November 2015(5,135 bytes)changing piped links to a safe-for-templates version...
02:12, 29 November 2015(5,115 bytes)fixing typos, adding links
14:53, 26 October 2015(3,104 bytes)please provide reference material. No evidence of any prototype for this exists. WG said it was considered, they never said a prototype existed. In addition, keep in mind China was Communist. Getting a functional patton turret is questionable and gives support to this just being considered.
23:37, 18 October 2015(874 bytes)removed unneeded commentary
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