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Revision history of "Tanks of Germany"

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00:16, 19 December 2023(8,350 bytes)file typo
00:15, 19 December 2023(8,355 bytes)update tech tree file to one with more accurate research links (1.12.1)
19:19, 3 March 2021(8,353 bytes)I don't think that the Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe had tanks. The Wehrmacht was the German armed forces, including the air force and the navy.
17:28, 18 January 2019(8,313 bytes)There was a lot of preferential, and opinionated phrasing in German tank destroyers. I tried to balance it out, but any individual can alter my changes to suit the overall wiki.
22:54, 3 December 2016(7,643 bytes)Added Bison Gun elevation thingy
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