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Revision history of "Template:TankData"

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16:47, 3 July 2019(21,515 bytes)Undo revision 285357 by keep_on_trying:ru (talk)
09:42, 6 August 2018(21,541 bytes)Adding Italian to a/an grammatical exception list.
15:25, 10 November 2016(20,953 bytes)better show problems directly in head of article. It's more effective. Similar to Wikipedia template "multiple problems"
17:05, 25 October 2016(21,020 bytes)category is enough for the moment (that {{append}} for missing links is just an invitation for spammers)
15:39, 8 September 2015(20,750 bytes)Because people can't read instructions.
07:14, 17 April 2015(20,654 bytes)Undo revision 222004 by Haswell:na (talk)
10:48, 1 March 2015(20,882 bytes)testing reverting Equipment and Consumables widgets
19:13, 21 February 2015(20,193 bytes)Update to prepare for shell cost calc overhaul
17:34, 17 February 2015(20,161 bytes)Variable name error correction
17:26, 17 February 2015(20,163 bytes)Added Shell Cost calculations
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