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Revision history of "Tournaments (WoT)"

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21:25, 15 November 2016(7,435 bytes)+category
14:21, 9 July 2014(7,155 bytes)Fixed broken link
14:19, 9 July 2014(7,172 bytes)Expanded Registration section
14:11, 9 July 2014(6,900 bytes)Cleaned up headers
19:53, 8 July 2014(6,794 bytes)Added intra-page links.
19:50, 8 July 2014(6,689 bytes)added bullet point about repair & ammo costs.
16:07, 8 July 2014(1,044 bytes)Created page with "Tournaments differ from random battles in several ways: * Teams can range anywhere from three to fifteen players. (Each team can also contain sev..."
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