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ascFecha Nombre Miniatura Tamaño (bytes) Usuario Descripción Versiones
04:02 1 oct 2015 AA_Aura_Example.png (archivo) 16 KB amade:sea Corrected AA aura labels, added plane statistics. 1
12:38 9 oct 2015 Screenshot_of_Iwaki_Alpha's_Concealment_Attribute.jpeg (archivo) 98 KB amade:sea A screenshot showing the base detection ranges for the Japanese cruiser Iwaki Alpha. 1
12:50 9 oct 2015 Cone_indicating_render_and_view_range_in_minimap.jpg (archivo) 103 KB amade:sea A screenshot showing the cone indicating a ship's render and view range in the minimap. 1
13:14 9 oct 2015 Diagram_showing_relationship_between_detection_range_and_view_range.png (archivo) 19 KB amade:sea A diagram showing how detection range and view range affects how ships are spotted. 1

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