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GW Panther

GW Panther

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2014年8月23日 (六) 03:24的最新修訂版本
Created page with "{{XboxTankData|Tank=G_Panther |It is a good artillery for its tier, with the widest (along with the M37) gun traverse arc of any artillery thanks to its limited turret..."

2014年8月23日 (六) 03:24的最新修訂版本

G Panther (Stock)

1380000 價格
360 血量
29.56 / 32 公斤重量
  1. 車長
50/30/20 前/側/後,毫米車身裝甲
30/16/16 前/側/後,毫米砲塔裝甲
325 匹馬力引擎功率
46 公里/小時最高時速
24 度/秒迴轉速度
950 標準砲彈殺傷力
85 毫米標準砲彈穿透力
21.1 完全裝填的時間
10 度/秒砲塔迴轉速度
370 公尺可視範圍
310 公尺訊號範圍
GW Panther

It is a good artillery for its tier, with the widest (along with the M37) gun traverse arc of any artillery thanks to its limited turret rotation - making it easy to move to new targets without having to move the hull of your tank. The GW Panther starts with the Hummel's gun, but gets a more accurate and powerful gun once researched. The GW Panther cannot excel in the role of a tank destroyer, as the Hummel did due to its size and lack of gun depression, but it can do the job in an emergency. The GW Panther is highly maneuverable for a tier 7 SPG, which allows easy relocation in the event of detection. It is nicknamed "Dracula", due to its Dracula cape-like armor on the rear and side of its gun.

Compatible Equipment

增強型扭力桿 5+ 噸級
"濕式" 彈藥架 1 型

Compatible Consumables

辛烷值 100 汽油
辛烷值 105 汽油

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Very good gun range for both of the guns
  • Decent acceleration and top speed, can reach his top speed easily
  • Wide firing arc, allowing you to keep aiming circle accurate
  • Decent reload speed
  • Good aim time


  • Not the best camouflage value
  • Now slow hull traverse speed, along with the Hummel in 8.6.


Slightly more sluggish than the Hummel, the GW Panther trades some mobility for firepower. Thankfully however, it doesn't give much away for a large gain in power; maintaining maneuverability and speed compared to the other Tier 7 SPGs.

The GW Panther is a very solid arty, having a high accuracy and a large firing arc; and these days with the raised dispersion while moving (since 8.6), a large firing arc is very important. This also works well with the camouflage net, as it stays active in critical situations. Therefore, if any enemies come near, you have the element of surprise.

The high accuracy (0,70, the best of any german SPG), a good firing arc and high damage amkes the G.W. Panther one of the most feared SPGs in the game.

Historical Info

In 1942, German designers started the development of a new series which would utilize chassis and components of various tanks and use them as mountings for various heavy weapons. Designs of the Grille Series incorporated many new technical modifications in order to mount heavy weapons. Some vehicles of the Grille Series were designed to be weapon carriers - Waffenträger. Some of those vehicles reached prototype stage, but none of them entered production that was planned for mid 1945. The Grille 12/15 was to be based on a Panther chassis. Originally, the Grille 10 was built based on the order for heavy anti-tank vehicles to be armed with the 88mm Flak L/56 gun and be used against fortifications of the Maginot Line. In June of 1940, a change of technical specifications occurred: the vehicle build by Krupp was modified to be a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. It was based on the Pz Sf IVc chassis. The original anti-tank vehicle, designated as 8.8cm K(PzSfl) auf Sonderfahrgestell, was to be armed with the 88mm Pak 43 gun, but only a wooden model was made. In late 1942, three prototypes were made: the Versuchsflakwagen für 8.8cm Flak 37. In 1944, they were re-armed with the 88mm Flak 41 guns and designated the Versuchsflakwagen für 8.8cm Flak 41. A single example was re-armed again with the 88mm Flak 37 and sent for tests to Italy, where it served with Heeres Flakartillerie Abteilung (Sf.) 304, and was assigned to the 26th Panzer Division.

Historical Gallery

Sources and External Links

Light Tanks
Medium Tanks
Heavy Tanks
Tank Destroyers
Self-Propelled Artillery