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Pz.Sfl. IVc

Pz.Sfl. IVc

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Pz_Sfl_IVc (Stock)

380000 價格
350 血量
22.31 / 26 公斤重量
  1. 車長
20/14.5/14.5 前/側/後,毫米車身裝甲
12/0/6 前/側/後,毫米砲塔裝甲
360 匹馬力引擎功率
60 公里/小時最高時速
44 度/秒迴轉速度
135 標準砲彈殺傷力
139 毫米標準砲彈穿透力
4 完全裝填的時間
26 度/秒砲塔迴轉速度
380 公尺可視範圍
400 公尺訊號範圍
Pz.Sfl. IVc

The Pz.Sfl. IVc is a German Tier V Tank Destroyer.

Proposed antiaircraft vehicle mounting the 88-mm antiaircraft gun. Development started in Germany in 1941. The vehicle was based on the Pz.Kpfw.IV chassis. The operational requirements for the vehicle were constantly changed, and the FlaK 41 gun was mounted on the chassis only in 1944. The vehicle was to be the basis of variants with other armament alternatives. However, the plan was never implemented. Only three prototypes were manufactured.

The Panzer Selbstfahrlafette IVc, often referred to by players as the "Toaster" or "Flak Bus" is a rather unique tank destroyer. It receives two 8,8cm guns, giving it formidable firepower for a tier 5 tank destroyer. It is also exceptionally mobile, with a top speed and traverse speed rivaling that of the StuG III G. However, it has absolutely no armor and is a massive target, which means that it performs its best supporting allies from a sniping position, far away from the frontline.

The Pz.Sfl. IVc leads to the Nashorn.

Compatible Equipment

增強型扭力桿 3 噸級
"濕式" 彈藥架 1 型

Compatible Consumables

辛烷值 100 汽油
辛烷值 105 汽油

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Excellent gun elevation; best in the game
  • Excellent guns in both the 8,8cm Flak 37 and 41
  • Great View Range
  • Good Mobility
  • Easy grind due to the good guns


  • Extremely poor armour; all vehicles in the game will have no difficulty inflicting damage, highly vulnerable to HE rounds
  • Poor camouflage values for a TD
  • Poor gun traverse and depression with top gun
  • Large and boxy Silhouette


The Pz.Sfl.IVc is another in the line of the weak armoured, but strong firepower vehicles. It follows the same rules that the preceding tanks in the line follow, and that is to keep far away from the front, while supporting with your accurate and powerful guns. With it's great mobility, it can move to better positions in a pinch.

You should look for a spot on the map where your guns can be put to the best use, and ideally wipe out as many enemy tanks as possible. If the battle goes poorly, the incredibly weak armour will not allow you to brawl with other tanks without taking damage, and thus it can be hard to "carry" the battle by yourself.

To stress the point, you have essentially no armour. In this tier range many vehicles will be using howitzers loaded with High Explosive ammunition, and will be able to easily destroy you in one shot. Keep away from enemies as much as possible, the armour will be penetrated on every enemy shot that connects, and your armour simply will not bounce anything. Try to be 15m behind a bush when firing at an enemy within 445m, this will greatly help to mitigate return fire.

A unique aspect of the Pz.Sfl.IVc is the insane gun elevation it has, due to it's intended anti-air capabilities. The vehicle can be on a steep hill and have enough elevation to shoot at targets that are essentially behind it on another hill or elevated position. While unique, this ability will rarely ever be used, but it is worth keeping mind if you find yourself in a situation where you might need it.

Historical Info

The history of the Flakpanzer fur schwere FlaK began in 1941 when the Waffenamt ordered yet another heavy Panzerjager vehical. the 8.8cm K (Pz Sf) auf Sonderfahrgestell. The chassis was also know as the Pz Sf IV c. A special version of the 8.8cm L/56 was planned to be mounted in an open turret carried by the Sonderfahrgestell. Later. It was envisaged to mount the L/71 version of the 88cm PaK. The chassis were built, but the requirement for this Panzerjager was cancelled and the chassis were used for the development of the heavy FlaK vehicle. In 1944, the FlaK41 was mounted, and plans were in hans to mount the Geraet 42. Krupp also proposed this as the chassis for the 10 5cm leFH43 Waffenträger.

Specific features:

The Sonderfahrgestell was based on the Pz Kpfw IV, but was a very much modernized vehicle. The Flakpanzer could lower the superstructure sides to allow 360° traverse. New, wide (520mm) tracks were used in conjunction with Schachtellaufwerk (interleaved suspension).

Historical Gallery

Light Tanks
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Tank Destroyers
Self-Propelled Artillery