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儘管日本重型戰車和中型與輕型戰車有很大的不同,但它們仍有些相同的設計。日本戰車都有很優異的俯角(Chi-Nu Kai和一些重型戰車當它們的砲管在小砲塔之上時俯角會被限縮),幾乎沒有傾斜裝甲(除了VII-X階中型戰車),以及強大的火力。


從II階開始,科技線分成中型戰車輕型戰車。日本直到V階的輕型戰車都有很好的速度和機動能力,這些特性在Type 5 Ke-Ho這輛車體小且行動敏捷並擁有驚人火力的戰車達到巔峰。不過,這些良好特性帶來的代價是它們的裝甲異常的薄弱,讓它們不適合做出如同其他輕型戰車一般的偵查。

在中型戰車科技線上,它們犧牲了些許的速度換來更多的火力,在Type 97 Chi-Ha身上顯而易見,儘管有些笨重,但跟同階比起來擁有很強大的火力和準確度,使它不只能參與支援作戰,在必要的時候也可以充當驅逐戰車使用。日本中型戰車和輕型戰車一樣,裝甲都比起它們的對手還要脆弱許多。


高階日本中型戰車並沒有增加砲塔的裝甲厚度,而是將砲塔設計成帶有傾斜裝甲的圓弧狀(如同中國中型戰車),以STB-1為例,這輛戰車的砲塔傾斜裝甲最低平,使得它幾乎能抵抗遊戲中所有的攻擊。They also likewise have cramped modules and crew. However, in contrast they still retain their excellent gun depression but also abysmal hull armor. In essence they are not jack-of-all trades and masters of none like the Russian Mediums, but are extremely potent as second line support tanks, and if handled properly can even take on primary roles in a pinch, if only temporarily.

Overall those who expect to see Japanese medium tanks brawl effectively will be generally disappointed and surprised, as all of the tanks in the Japanese medium line lack strong armor found in Russian and German tanks that will be sufficient for such. However, those who prefer a supporting role, sniping, flanking, etc. will very much enjoy what the Japanese mediums have to offer.

Other than few similarities mentioned earlier, Japanese heavy tanks are nearly polar opposities of medium tanks. They generally have terrible mobility (with expection being O-I Experimental), flat but extremely thick armor, huge alpha damage, takes a long time for reload. Japanese heavy tanks lacks real weakspots on front, but at cost they are much worse at angling than their German counterparts due to either terrible side armor or having weak cheeks on front that becomes easily penetratable when angled. They are also the biggest tanks in the game, being notably bigger than even the Maus, making them very easy targets from artillery.

The tier 5, O-I Experimental, is like link between low tiers and higher tiers. It shares monstrous size and great firepower from its bigger brothers, however it still has rather weak armor like its predecessors. It also has something what other Japanese heavy tanks lack: mobility. From tier 6 and up, Japanese heavy tanks are generally similar: very slow, very thick but also very flat armor, highest HP pools for their tier, big gun with high damage but have terrible reload time and being biggest tanks in the game. When going up in tiers, they generally get better side armor and eventually lose miniturrets at tier 9, but at cost gains hull cheeks as weakspot. Tier 6 - 8 Japanese heavies have options for 150mm derp guns, and tier 9 and 10 have 14cm naval guns, which results in unique caliber and alpha damage (600) in World of Tanks.

0.9.4 日本科技樹

Light Tanks

  • annoJ01_NC27.png
    Tier_01_icon.png Renault Otsu

  • annoJ03_Ha_Go.png
    Tier_02_icon.png Type 95 Ha-Go

  • annoJ02_Te_Ke.png
    Tier_02_icon.png Type 97 Te-Ke PremiumIcon2.png

  • annoJ07_Chi_Ha.png
    Tier_03_icon.png Type 97 Chi-Ha

  • annoJ04_Ke_Ni.png
    Tier_03_icon.png Type 98 Ke-Ni

  • annoJ06_Ke_Ho.png
    Tier_04_icon.png Type 5 Ke-Ho

Medium Tanks

  • annoJ15_Chi_Ni.png
    Tier_02_icon.png Chi-Ni

  • annoJ26_Type_89.png
    Tier_02_icon.png Type 89 I-Go/Chi-Ro

  • annoJ09_Chi_He.png
    Tier_04_icon.png Type 1 Chi-He

  • annoJ08_Chi_Nu.png
    Tier_05_icon.png Type 3 Chi-Nu

  • annoJ12_Chi_Nu_Kai.png
    Tier_05_icon.png Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai GoldIcon2.png

  • annoJ10_Chi_To.png
    Tier_06_icon.png Type 4 Chi-To

  • annoJ11_Chi_Ri.png
    Tier_07_icon.png Type 5 Chi-Ri

  • annoJ13_STA_1.png
    Tier_08_icon.png STA-1

  • annoJ18_STA_2_3.png
    Tier_08_icon.png STA-2 GoldIcon2.png

  • annoJ14_Type_61.png
    Tier_09_icon.png Type 61

  • annoJ16_ST_B1.png
    Tier_10_icon.png STB-1