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IS8 (Stock)

3531000 Cena
1630 HPVýdrž
50.06 / 58.9 Hmotnost
  1. Velitel
  2. Radista
  3. Střelec
  4. Řidič
  5. Nabíječ
120/80/60Pancíř korby(čelní/boční/zadní, mm)
201/148/50Pancíř věže(čelní/boční/zadní, mm)
700 hpVýkon motoru
50 km/hMax. rychlost / couvání
26 stupňů/sRychlost otáčení
400 damage
175 mmPrůměrná průbojnost
12.1639034447212 Doba úplného nabití
23 stupňů/sRychlost nastavení odměru
250 mDohled
500 mDosah rádia

The IS-8 is a Soviet tier 9 heavy tank

The IS-8 is a departure from its "parent", the IS-3, as instead of being a hands-on assault tank, the IS-8 is a "softer" but faster heavy tank, comparable to the IS. It drives more like a "super medium" than a heavy. The front armor is slightly increased in thickness compared to IS-3, but it is far less effective in the front due to the worsened angles and increased height of the tank, and the side and rear armor are decreased. The turret is very hard to penetrate and the center of the front hull is capable of bouncing shots from the direct front, but shots from other tier 9s will often go straight through. The top gun, however, has enough penetration to easily take on other tier 9 and 10 heavy tanks, and does a lot of damage with a quicker reload than the IS-3's BL-9 gun. Using the IS-8's speed to avoid damage and pick on other heavies makes this tank an extremely formidable opponent.



Úroveň Věž Pancíř věže (čelní/boční/zadní, mm) Rychlost nastavení odměru (stupňů/s) Dohled (m) Zkušenosti Hmotnost (t)
VIII T-10 201/148/50 23 250 0 11000
Úroveň Dělo Průměrná průbojnost (mm) Rychlost palby Rozptyl na 100 m Čas zaměření Zkušenosti Hmotnost (t)
VIII 122 mm D-25T 175/217/61 400/400/500 4.93 0.46 3.4 0 2590
IX 122 mm BL-9 225/265/68 400/400/500 4.58 0.4 3.4 55000 2790
X 122 mm M62-T2 258/340/68 420/420/500 5 0.38 3.4 61000 3397
Úroveň Věž Pancíř věže (čelní/boční/zadní, mm) Rychlost nastavení odměru (stupňů/s) Dohled (m) Zkušenosti Hmotnost (t)
IX T-10M 201/148/50 23 250 35380 11000
Úroveň Dělo Průměrná průbojnost (mm) Rychlost palby Rozptyl na 100 m Čas zaměření Zkušenosti Hmotnost (t)
VIII 122 mm D-25T 175/217/61 400/400/500 5.15 0.46 2.9 0 2590
IX 122 mm BL-9 225/265/68 400/400/500 4.73 0.4 2.9 55000 2790
X 122 mm M62-T2 258/340/68 420/420/500 5.16 0.38 2.9 61000 3397


Úroveň Motor Výkon motoru (hp) Pravděpodobnost požáru při zásahu Zkušenosti Hmotnost (t)
IX V-12-5 700 15 0 1024
IX V-12-6 750 15 32940 1024

Úroveň Podvozek Maximální nosnost Rychlost otáčení (stupňů/s) Zkušenosti Hmotnost (t)
VIII T-10 58.9 26 0 10000
IX T-10M 58.9 28 29750 10000


Úroveň Rádio Dosah rádia (m) Zkušenosti Hmotnost (t)
VII _10RK 500 0 100

Compatible Equipment

Vertikální stabilizátor Mk 2
Těžká protistřepinová vložka
Maskovací síť
Naplnění nádrží CO2
Skládaná optika
Vylepšený pohon děla
Vylepšené torzní tyče Třída 5+ t
Cyklónový filtr
Vylepšená ventilace Třída 3
Hydraulický nabiják pro děla velkých ráží
Binokulární dalekohled
„Mokré“ bedny s municí Třída 2

Compatible Consumables

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Very good speed for a heavy tank, can keep up with medium tanks
  • Turns fast for a heavy tank
  • Powerful 122mm gun with more damage and faster reload than the earlier guns. With rammer, vent, 100% crews with BIA, it's only 11 secs for the top gun. With food, it's 10 secs
  • Sloped armor has a chance to ricochet shots
  • Spaced armor on the sides


  • Turret armor is weak on both sides and rear
  • Can't reach the top speed on flat ground
  • Frequent module damage
  • Large lower glacis is easily penetrated
  • Less HP than other tier 9 heavy tanks


  • Take care to avoid taking fire from other tier 9 and 10 tanks, as even mediums can easily penetrate and damage the IS-8. Use speed to move in quickly around corners or other tanks to hit targets and back away quickly.
  • The angling of the front hull bounces shots best from a direct line from the enemy's gun or with a very slight angle, and is only very reliable against tanks lower than tier 8.
  • The IS-8 has very little gun depression, so avoiding mounting hills first is a good idea because the soft underside of the tank is very exposed when going over before the gun is low enough to shoot targets. A good strategy is to go up them sideways to get the gun up at more of a level angle.

Early Research

The 122mm BL-9 gun carry over from the IS-3 so immediately load it. The 122mm M62-T2 gun is the most important upgrade, but it is necessary to upgrade the suspension to the T-10M suspension before the gun can be mounted. Afterwards, research the V-12-6 engine to give the IS-8 its mobility, and then the T-10M turret.

Historical Info

The T-10 (also known as Object 730) was a Soviet heavy tank of the Cold War, the final development of the KV and IS tank series. It was accepted into production in 1952 as the IS-8 (Iosif Stalin, Russian form of Joseph Stalin), but due to the political climate in the wake of Stalin's death in 1953, it was renamed T-10.

The biggest differences from its direct ancestor, the IS-3, were a longer hull, seven pairs of road wheels instead of six, a larger turret mounting a new gun with fume extractor, an improved diesel engine, and increased armor. General performance was similar, although the T-10 could carry more ammunition. T-10s (like the IS tanks they replaced) were deployed in independent tank regiments belonging to armies, and independent tank battalions belonging to divisions. These independent tank units could be attached to mechanized units, to support infantry operations and perform breakthroughs.

Demise of Soviet Heavy Tanks

The mobile nature of armored warfare in World War II had demonstrated the drawbacks of the slow heavy tanks. In the final push towards Berlin, mechanized divisions had become widely split up as heavy tanks lagged behind the mobile T-34s. The Soviets continued to produce heavy tanks for a few years as part of the Cold War arms race (compare the heavier U.S. M103 and British Conqueror), but the more flexible T-54 and T-62 medium tanks already had armor and armament comparable to the T-10's. In the 1960s, the Soviets embraced the main battle tank (MBT) concept, by replacing heavy tanks with mobile medium tanks. In the late 1960s, the independent tank battalions with heavy tanks were re-equipped with the higher-technology T-64s, and later, the very fast T-80, while regular tank and mechanized units fielded the more basic T-55s and T-72s. T-10 production was stopped in 1966, and heavy tank projects were cancelled, such as the auto-loaded, 130 mm-armed Object 770. Antitank guided missiles (ATGMs) started to be deployed widely during this period, and would become an effective replacement for the heavy tanks' long-range firepower. The Soviets made use of them first on BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles, and later on the T-64 and other MBTs. Eventually, light, sophisticated reactive armour was used to give the MBTs a further edge in protection without slowing them down. According to Bryan Perret, "the engagements of the Six-Day War, especially that at Rafah, merely emphasised what the Soviet Army already knew, namely that the heavy tank had had its day".

Production History

The T-10 served with the Soviet Union but was not known to have been provided to Warsaw Pact nations, though Soviet heavy tank regiments stationed in those countries may have been equipped with them. T-10Ms were "in the unhappy position" of simultaneous production by two factories (Kirov as Object 272 and Chelyabinsk as Object 734) "with incompatible parts".[2] Not until 1962 was Kirov's version standardized upon.[3] The T-10 is known to have been exported to Egypt and Syria.[4] It was used in combat during the Yom Kippur War, where it normally provided long-range fire support to the T-55/T-62 tanks, with little success.[5] Heavy tanks were withdrawn from Soviet front-line service by 1967, and completely removed from service in 1993. Many of the tank chassis were converted to missile vehicles. It is estimated that some 6,000 Soviet heavy tanks were built after the end of WWII, including IS-2s, IS-3s, and T-10s.


  • T-10 - (1952)
  • T-10A - (1956) modification, adding a single-plane gun stabilizer.
  • T-10B - (1957) adding a 2-plane gun stabilizer.
  • T-10M - (1957) improved version with longer M-62-T2 L/43 gun with five-baffle muzzle brake, 2-plane gun stabilizer, machine guns replaced with 14.5 mm KPVT (a better ballistic match for the new main gun), infrared night vision equipment, NBC protection. Overall length is 10.29 m.
  • 1963 - T-10Ms are equipped with OPVT deep-wading snorkel.
  • 1967 - T-10Ms are supplied with APDS and HEAT ammunition.

Historical Gallery

Sources and External Links

Light Tanks
Medium Tanks
Heavy Tanks
Tank Destroyers
Self-Propelled Artillery