T2 Light Tank
T2_lt (Stock)
650 Preis |
220 SPRobustheit |
7.6 / 8.3 Gewicht |
- Kommandant
- Richtschütze
- Ladeschütze
- Fahrer
- Funker
17/15/6Wannenpanzerung(Front/Seiten/Heck mm) |
16/16/16Turmpanzerung(Front/Seiten/Heck mm) |
265 PSMotorleistung |
72 km/hHöchstgeschwindigkeit vorwärts/rückwärts |
47 °/sDrehen/Wenden |
10 damage |
30 mmMittlere Durchschlagskraft |
9.3 Dauer für vollständiges Nachladen |
39 °/sGeschützrichtgeschwindigkeit |
210 mSichtweite |
500 mFunkreichweite |

The T2 Light Tank is a very fast tank, with a top speed of 72 km/h and one of the highest hp/ton ratings of any tank in game. It has a fairly weak gun and poor armor though, with the weakest rear armor of any tank. Its use as a deep penetration scout is limited by its short radio range. The only way to play this tank is to never stop and try to engage the enemy by circling, but beware that it has a large turning radius at speed so you'd better plan ahead as you approach. Its light weight means it takes heavy damage when rammed, usually tracking it and often outright killing it.

Stufe | Turm | Turmpanzerung (Front/Seiten/Heck mm) | Geschützrichtgeschwindigkeit (°/s) | Sichtweite (m) | Erfahrung | Gewicht (t) |
I | T2D1 | 16/16/16 | 39 | 210 | 0 | 700 |
Stufe | Geschütz | Mittlere Durchschlagskraft (mm) | Feuergeschwindigkeit | Streuung auf 100 m | Zielerfassung | Erfahrung | Gewicht (t) | |
II | 20 mm Hispano-Suiza Birkigt Gun | 30/41 | 10/10 | 86.54 | 0.5 | 1.71 | 0 | 68 |

Stufe | Motor | Motorleistung (PS) | Brandwahrscheinlichkeit bei Treffer | Erfahrung | Gewicht (t) |
IV | Continental R-670-5 | 265 | 20 | 0 | 256 |

Stufe | Fahrwerk | Maximalgewicht | Drehen/Wenden (°/s) | Erfahrung | Gewicht (t) |
II | T16E2 | 8.3 | 47 | 0 | 1800 |

Stufe | Funkgerät | Funkreichweite (m) | Erfahrung | Gewicht (t) |
IV | SCR_210 | 500 | 0 | 80 |
Compatible Equipment
Compatible Consumables
Player Opinion
Pros and Cons
- Great acceleration and top speed
- Good gun for tier 2
- Good gun elevation
- Small size and good camouflage helps while scouting/spotting in bushes
- Absurd high ammo (1200)
- Poor armor
- Poor view range
- Poor signal range
- Harsh matchmaking
- Dies easily if rammed
The T2 Light will excel when top tier, as it is very fast and has a wealthy amount of burst damage. You are unable to bounce shots in this tank however, so take caution when fighting enemies, and try to attack them when they are distracted and use your speed to get back into cover, then 9 seconds later, repeat. This tank would be a lot more interesting if it was placed in the same battle tiers (see sidebar) as the M2 Light Tank. As it is, it's fast, but it has a lousy radio, so it doesn't make for a good scout. Training your radio operator in the perk Signal Boosting will improve your radio range. Beware of enemy T18s, as you will have difficulty penetrating their armor, while they will damage you easily.
Crew Skills
Commander: Sixth Sense, Camouflage, Recon.
Driver: Off Road Driving, Camouflage, Clutch Braking.
Radio Operator: Signal Boosting, Relaying, Camouflage.
Early Research
None required, this is a premium tank.
Historical Info
Historical Gallery
Sources and External Links
Light Tanks | IT1 Cunningham • IIT1E6 • IIT2 Light Tank • IIT7 Combat Car • IIIM22 Locust |
Medium Tanks | IIT2 Medium Tank • IIIM2 Medium Tank • IVM3 Lee • VM4A2E4 Sherman • VM4 Sherman • VRam II • VIM4A3E8 Fury • VIM4A3E8 Sherman • VIM4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo • VIIT20 • VIIIM26 Pershing • VIIIT26E4 SuperPershing • IXM46 Patton • XM48A1 Patton |
Heavy Tanks | VT14 • VT1 Heavy Tank • VIM6 • VIIT29 • VIIIT32 • VIIIT34 • VIIIT34 Independence • IXM103 • XT110E5 |
Tank Destroyers | IIT18 • IIIT82 • IVM8A1 • IVT40 • VM10 Wolverine • VT49 • VIM18 Hellcat • VIM36 Jackson • VIIT25/2 • VIIT25 AT • VIIIT28 • VIIIT28 Prototype • IXT30 • IXT95 • XT110E3 • XT110E4 |
USA | IT1 Cunningham • IIT1E6 • IIT2 Light Tank • IIT7 Combat Car • IIIM22 Locust |
UK | IICruiser Mk. III • IIICruiser Mk. IV • IVCovenanter • VCrusader |
Germany | ILeichttraktor • IIPz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f) • IIPz.Kpfw. 35 (t) • IIPz.Kpfw. II • IIIPz.Kpfw. 38 (t) • IIIPz.Kpfw. III Ausf. A • IIIPz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J • IIIPz.Kpfw. II Ausf. G • IIIT-15 • IVPz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. • IVPz.Kpfw. II Luchs • VVK 16.02 Leopard • VIVK 28.01 • VIISpähpanzer SP I C • VIIISpähpanzer Ru 251 |
USSR | IMS-1 • IIBT-2 • IIT-26 • IITetrarch • IIIBT-7 • IIIBT-SV • IIILTP • IIIM3 Light • IIIT-127 • IIIT-46 • IVA-20 • IVValentine II |
France | |
China | VIIType 62 • VIIType 62 Dragon |
Japan | IRenault Otsu • IIType 95 Ha-Go • IIIType 98 Ke-Ni • IIIType 98 Ke-Ni Otsu • IVType 5 Ke-Ho |
Czechoslovakia | |
Sweden |