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G.W. E 100

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G.W. E 100

Deutschland | SFL | Stufe X
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6.100.000  Credits Kosten
550110 HP Struktur
87/10049.74/100 t Höchstgewicht
  1. Kommandant
  2. Richtschütze
  3. Fahrer
  4. Funker
  5. Ladeschütze
  6. Ladeschütze
900900 hp Motorleistung
40/10 km/h Höchstgeschwindigkeit
2020 deg/s Wendegeschwindigkeit
10.3418.09 hp/t Leistungsgewicht
YesYes Pivot
// mm Wannenpanzerung






900/1200/640900/1200/640 HP Schaden
53/66/37253/66/372 mm Durchschlag





1.54 r/m 

Standard Gun

Reload Times
Nominal: 39 s
50% Crew: 48.31 s
75% Crew: 42.18 s
100% Crew: 37.39 s
Rammer: 33.65 s
Vents: 36.57 s
Both: 32.91 s
Both and BiA: 32.19 s
Both and Max Crew %: 30.86 s

See Crew, Consumables, or Equipment for more information.





1.54 r/m 

Standard Gun

Reload Times
Nominal: 39 s
50% Crew: 48.31 s
75% Crew: 42.18 s
100% Crew: 37.39 s
Rammer: 33.65 s
Vents: 36.57 s
Both: 32.91 s
Both and BiA: 32.19 s
Both and Max Crew %: 30.86 s

See Crew, Consumables, or Equipment for more information.






Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 1 (900 Damage):
With wholly penetrating hits

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1386
50% Crew: 1116
75% Crew: 1278
100% Crew: 1449
100% Crew
Vents: 1485
Rammer: 1611
Both: 1647
Both and BiA: 1683
Both and Max Crew %: 1755

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 2286
50% Crew: 2016
75% Crew: 2178
100% Crew: 2349
100% Crew
Rammer: 2511
Vents: 2385
Both: 2547
Both and BiA: 2583
Both and Max Crew %: 2655

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 2 (1200 Damage):
With wholly penetrating hits

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1848
50% Crew: 1488
75% Crew: 1704
100% Crew: 1932
100% Crew
Vents: 1980
Rammer: 2148
Both: 2196
Both and BiA: 2244
Both and Max Crew %: 2340

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 3048
50% Crew: 2688
75% Crew: 2904
100% Crew: 3132
100% Crew
Rammer: 3348
Vents: 3180
Both: 3396
Both and BiA: 3444
Both and Max Crew %: 3540

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 3 (640 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 985.6
50% Crew: 793.6
75% Crew: 908.8
100% Crew: 1030.4
100% Crew
Vents: 1056
Rammer: 1145.6
Both: 1171.2
Both and BiA: 1196.8
Both and Max Crew %: 1248

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 1625.6
50% Crew: 1433.6
75% Crew: 1548.8
100% Crew: 1670.4
100% Crew
Rammer: 1785.6
Vents: 1696
Both: 1811.2
Both and BiA: 1836.8
Both and Max Crew %: 1888

See here, here, or here for more information.






Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 1 (900 Damage):
With wholly penetrating hits

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1386
50% Crew: 1116
75% Crew: 1278
100% Crew: 1449
100% Crew
Vents: 1485
Rammer: 1611
Both: 1647
Both and BiA: 1683
Both and Max Crew %: 1755

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 2286
50% Crew: 2016
75% Crew: 2178
100% Crew: 2349
100% Crew
Rammer: 2511
Vents: 2385
Both: 2547
Both and BiA: 2583
Both and Max Crew %: 2655

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 2 (1200 Damage):
With wholly penetrating hits

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1848
50% Crew: 1488
75% Crew: 1704
100% Crew: 1932
100% Crew
Vents: 1980
Rammer: 2148
Both: 2196
Both and BiA: 2244
Both and Max Crew %: 2340

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 3048
50% Crew: 2688
75% Crew: 2904
100% Crew: 3132
100% Crew
Rammer: 3348
Vents: 3180
Both: 3396
Both and BiA: 3444
Both and Max Crew %: 3540

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 3 (640 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 985.6
50% Crew: 793.6
75% Crew: 908.8
100% Crew: 1030.4
100% Crew
Vents: 1056
Rammer: 1145.6
Both: 1171.2
Both and BiA: 1196.8
Both and Max Crew %: 1248

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 1625.6
50% Crew: 1433.6
75% Crew: 1548.8
100% Crew: 1670.4
100% Crew
Rammer: 1785.6
Vents: 1696
Both: 1811.2
Both and BiA: 1836.8
Both and Max Crew %: 1888

See here, here, or here for more information.
Schaden pro Minute



0.76 m 

With 50% Crew: 0.941 m
With 75% Crew: 0.822 m
With 100% Crew: 0.729 m
With BiA: 0.713 m
With BiA and Vents: 0.697 m
Maximum possible: 0.668 m

For more details, see Crew



0.76 m 

With 50% Crew: 0.941 m
With 75% Crew: 0.822 m
With 100% Crew: 0.729 m
With BiA: 0.713 m
With BiA and Vents: 0.697 m
Maximum possible: 0.668 m

For more details, see Crew



4.8 s 

With 50% Crew: 5.946 s
With 75% Crew: 5.192 s
With 100% Crew: 4.602 s
With GLD: 4.184 s
With BiA: 4.501 s
With BiA and Vents: 4.403 s
With both and GLD: 4.003 s
Maximum possible: 3.837 s

For more details, see Crew or Equipment



4.8 s 

With 50% Crew: 5.946 s
With 75% Crew: 5.192 s
With 100% Crew: 4.602 s
With GLD: 4.184 s
With BiA: 4.501 s
With BiA and Vents: 4.403 s
With both and GLD: 4.003 s
Maximum possible: 3.837 s

For more details, see Crew or Equipment
1212 deg/s Gun Wendegeschwindigkeit
12° Waffenwinkel
-0°/+45°-0°/+45° Richtwinkel
3030 rounds Munitionskapazität
2020 % Brandwahrscheinlichkeit

310 m 

With 50% Crew: 243.6 m
With 75% Crew: 276.8 m
With 100% Crew: 310 m
With Recon and Situational Awareness: 325.7 m
With Coated Optics: 341 m
With Binocular Telescope: 387.5 m
Maximum possible: 443.8 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment

310 m 

With 50% Crew: 243.6 m
With 75% Crew: 276.8 m
With 100% Crew: 310 m
With Recon and Situational Awareness: 325.7 m
With Coated Optics: 341 m
With Binocular Telescope: 387.5 m
Maximum possible: 443.8 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment



720 m 

With 50% Crew: 581.2 m
With 75% Crew: 665.6 m
With 100% Crew: 750.9 m
With 100% Signal Boost: 864 m
When affected by 100% Relaying: 792 m
Maximum possible: 1080.9 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment



720 m 

With 50% Crew: 581.2 m
With 75% Crew: 665.6 m
With 100% Crew: 750.9 m
With 100% Signal Boost: 864 m
When affected by 100% Relaying: 792 m
Maximum possible: 1080.9 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment
Werte sind Stock - klick für Top
G.W. E 100

Additional Statistics
(Top Configuration)



Der G.W. E 100 ist ein deutscher Selbstfahrlafette der Stufe 10.

Ein Projekt für einen 210-mm-Mörser auf der Wanne des E 100. Das Fahrzeug wurde nie gebaut.

While it is very similiar to the GW Tiger, it has a very slight boost on reload time, accuracy, a slightly wider horizontal arc, more ammo capacity and better armor. It acts like a middle ground between the Object 261 and T92. It also possesses a unique skirt armor, which absorbs splash damage, so a direct hit is needed to kill this SPG.

Der G.W. E 100 markiert das Ende seiner Linie deutscher Selbstfahrlafette.

Module / Verfügbare Zubehörteile und Verbrauchsgegenstände




Stufe Geschütz Durchschlag

X 21 cm Mörser 18/2 53/66/372 900/1200/640 1.54 0.76 4.8 5900 340000



Stufe Motor Leistung

IX Maybach HL 234 TRM P45 900 20 1300 88000



Stufe Ketten Höchstgewicht
Rmin Gewicht

X G.W. E 100 100 20 0 42000 36000



Stufe Funkgerät Funkreichweite

X 10WSc 720 160 51600

Verfügbare Zubehörteile

Geräuscharmes Abgassystem, Klasse 1 Überschwere Splitterschutzbeschichtung Tarnnetz, Klasse 2 Entspiegelte Optik, Klasse 1 Experimentelle Optik Verschleißfester Richtantrieb Verbesserte Konfiguration Innovatives Ladesystem Verbesserter Waffenrichtantrieb, Klasse 1 Veränderte Konfiguration, Klasse 1 Verbesserter Drehmechanismus, Klasse 1 Scherenfernrohr, Klasse 1 Ansetzer, Klasse 1 Turbolader, Klasse 1 

Verfügbare Verbrauchsgegenstände

Automatisches Feuerlöschsystem Natürliche Deckung Schokolade Kalibrierte Optik Visierfeinabgleich Erfahrene Brandbekämpfer 100-Oktan-Benzin 105-Oktan-Benzin Handfeuerlöscher Penible Wartung Großer Erste-Hilfe-Kasten Große Ersatzteilkiste Die Pflicht zuerst Granatensortierer Ordentliches Munitionslager Aufs Ziel fokussiert Volle Konzentration Kleiner Erste-Hilfe-Kasten Kleine Ersatzteilkiste Kunstvolles Schalten Schnappschuss Kampflinie 

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Good balance of damage, reload, and accuracy
  • Decent armor can deflect some shots; skirt armor helps absorb splash damage
  • Size allows it to equip a Super Heavy Spall Liner and makes it resistant to ramming
  • Better DPM than the T92
  • Highest HP of any arty in the game


  • Rather slow speed and traverse
  • Biggest SPG of its tier
  • Very slow shell velocity
  • One of the lowest camo ratings in-game, along with the GW Tiger.


The G.W. E 100 has the third largest cannon in the game, with a rated average of 2000 damage with its HE shell. It does not do the most damage, but is more accurate and reloads much faster than the T92 or Conqueror Gun Carriage. However, it has limited gun traverse and relatively low mobility due to its E 100 chassis, but the 2nd highest shell arc of any tier 10 artillery (only surpassed by the Conqueror Gun Carriage). Like most high tier artillery, it is very large with a horrible camo value (as it is based on the E 100) which lets scouts spot it easily. It has sideskirts that protect the tracks, which can decrease damage from counter-artillery fire. As artillery shots leave tracers in the air, relocating between shots to avoid enemy artillery pinpointing your location using the tracers is absolutely crucial to prevent an early death. The G.W. E 100 has some armor, with 80mm sloped armor on the front and 50mm on the sides, which can bounce a shot if you're lucky. In Clan Wars, the G.W. E 100 is one of the less preferred artillery pieces, as the Conqueror Gun Carriage is used due to its higher arc, better mobility, and bigger splash, and the M53/55 is used in the generalist role that the G.W. E 100 would normally be used in due to it's higher mobility. It may see use in smaller clans due to tank locking, as it is more used than the Batchat 155 58 and the T92.

Early Research

none needed

Suggested Equipment

Large-Caliber Artillery-Shell Rammer Enhanced Gun Laying Drive Spall Liner 


Historical Info

As part of the late-war German effort to standardize their tank production and maximize the production of cheaper, more reliable tanks the Entwicklung series was comprised of six different tank weight classes, from which several specialized variants were developed. Orders had also been given, from as early as 1942, to commence the development of the Geschützwagen (german for Artillery Wagon) series which converted existing chassis to mount greater artillery guns. These two projects combined at the end of 1943 to yield the Geschützwagen Type Entwicklung (GW Type E for short) artillery. Even though the GW Type E never got past the drawing board, it was nonetheless planned to have been based on the chassis of the Heavy Tank E-100. The design would have potentially been armed with a varying choice of high-caliber guns, ranging from the 70mm K 72 L/50 gun to the Skoda 305mm GrW L/16, and, like its earlier variants, would've had its armament mounted on the rail platform inside the hull, allowing it to be dismounted anytime. It would be operated by a crew of eight (Commander, Driver, Gunner, Radio operator and four Loaders) had it even seen service. The typical slopped armor layout from late-war German tanks was included, with a front-mounted transmission and reduced armor in comparison to the E-100. After World War 2, the idea of mounting high-caliber guns on tanks was abandoned, with 155mm howitzers being the usual caliber for Self-Propelled Artillery Guns.

Historische Galerie

Historical Accuracy Errata

The following are consensus errors or inconsistencies which have been identified with the configuration of the vehicle in question and conflict with information available on the public record. The causes for these divergences in the game are normally not disclosed and may be rooted in game balance.

It is generally agreed the GW E as it exists in the game is considered to be a fabrication based on liberties taken with various program proposals.

Sources and External Links

Light Tanks ILeichttraktor IIPz.Kpfw. II Ausf. D IIMKA IIPz.Kpfw. 35 R IIPz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f) IIPz.Kpfw. 35 (t) IIPz.Kpfw. I IIPz.Kpfw. II III43 M. Toldi III IIIPz.Kpfw. M 15 IIIPz.Kpfw. 38 (t) IIIPz.Kpfw. III Ausf. E IIIPz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J IIIPz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C IIIPz.Kpfw. II Ausf. G IIIPz.Kpfw. T 15 IVPz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. IVPz.Kpfw. II Luchs VVK 16.02 Leopard VIVK 28.01 mit 10,5 cm L/28 VIVK 28.01 VIIAufklärungspanzer Panther VIISpähpanzer SP I C VIIIleKpz M 41 90 mm VIIIleKpz M 41 90 mm GF VIIIHWK 12 VIIIHWK 30 IXSpähpanzer Ru 251 XRheinmetall Panzerwagen
Medium Tanks IIIGroßtraktor - Krupp IIIPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A IIIPz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) IVPz.Kpfw. III Ausf. J IVPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D IVVK 20.01 (D) VPz.Kpfw. III Ausf. K VTurán III prototípus VPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H Ankou VPz.Kpfw. III/IV VPz.Kpfw. IV hydrostat. VPz.Kpfw. V/IV VPz.Kpfw. V/IV Alpha VPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H VPz.Kpfw. T 25 VVK 30.01 (H) VIPz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm VIVK 30.01 (D) VIVK 30.02 (M) VIIPanther/M10 VIIPanther VIIVK 30.02 (D) VIIIPanther mit 8,8 cm L/71 VIIIPanzer 58 VIIISchwarzpanzer 58 VIIIPanzer 58 Mutz VIIIM48A2 Räumpanzer VIIIKampfpanzer 07 RH VIIIIndien-Panzer VIIIPanther II IXE 50 IXT 55A IXKampfpanzer 50 t IXKunze Panzer IXLeopard Prototyp A XE 50 Ausf. M XLeopard 1
Heavy Tanks IVPz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f) IVDurchbruchswagen 2 VITiger 131 VIVK 30.01 (P) VIVK 36.01 (H) VIIVK 45.03 VIITiger I VIITiger (P) VIIIVK 100.01 (P) VIIIVK 168.01 (P) VIIIVK 168.01 Mauerbrecher VIIIVK 75.01 (K) VIIIE 75 TS VIIILöwe VIIITiger II VIIIVK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A IXE 75 IXMäuschen IXVK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B XE 100 XPz.Kpfw. VII XMaus XVK 72.01 (K)
Tank Destroyers IIPanzerjäger I IIIMarder II IVStuG III Ausf. B IVPz.Sfl. IC IVJagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer IVMarder 38T VStuG IV VPz.Sfl. IVc VStuG III Ausf. G VIDicker Max VIJagdpanzer IV VINashorn VIIE 25 VIIKrupp-Steyr Waffenträger VIIJagdpanther VIISturer Emil VIIIFerdinand VIIIKanonenjagdpanzer 105 VIIIRheinmetall Skorpion G VIIIRheinmetall Skorpion VIIIJagdpanther II VIII8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger VIIIRhm.-Borsig Waffenträger IXJagdtiger IXWaffenträger auf Pz. IV XGrille 15 XJagdpanzer E 100 XWaffenträger auf E 100
Self-Propelled Artillery IIG.Pz. Mk. VI (e) IIISturmpanzer I Bison IIIWespe IVPz.Sfl. IVb IVSturmpanzer II VGrille VIHummel VIIG.W. Panther VIIIG.W. Tiger (P) IXG.W. Tiger XG.W. E 100
UK IILoyd Gun Carriage IIISexton II IIISexton I IVBirch Gun VBishop VIFV304 VIICrusader 5.5-in. SP VIIIFV207 IXFV3805 XConqueror Gun Carriage
Germany IIG.Pz. Mk. VI (e) IIISturmpanzer I Bison IIIWespe IVPz.Sfl. IVb IVSturmpanzer II VGrille VIHummel VIIG.W. Panther VIIIG.W. Tiger (P) IXG.W. Tiger XG.W. E 100
France IIRenault FT 75 BS IIILorraine 39L AM IVAMX 105 AM mle. 47 VAMX 13 105 AM mle. 50 V105 leFH18B2 VIAMX 13 F3 AM VIILorraine 155 mle. 50 VIIILorraine 155 mle. 51 IXBat.-Châtillon 155 55 XBat.-Châtillon 155 58
USSR IISU-18 IIISU-26 IVSU-5 VSU-122A VISU-8 VIIS-51 VIISU-14-1 VIIISU-14-2 IX212A XObjekt 261
ru:Tank:G61 G E