Pz.Sfl. IVc
Pz.Sfl. IVc
Mouse over "
380.000 Kosten |
46092 HP Struktur |
22.35/2612.86/29 t Höchstgewicht |
- Kommandant (Funker)
- Richtschütze
- Richtschütze
- Fahrer
- Ladeschütze
- Ladeschütze
360400 hp Motorleistung |
60/20 km/h Höchstgeschwindigkeit |
4448 deg/s Wendegeschwindigkeit |
16.1131.1 hp/t Leistungsgewicht |
YesYes Pivot |
// mm Wannenpanzerung |
AP/APCR/HE Granaten |
135/135/175240/240/295 HP Schaden |
139/174/38194/237/44 mm Durchschlag |
r/m ▲
15 r/m Standard Gun ▲
8 Feuerrate Standard Gun |
Standard Gun
Standard Gun
2025 Standard Gun ▲
Standard Gun
Standard Gun
1920 Schaden pro Minute Standard Gun |
m ▲
0.35 m With 50% Crew: 0.434 m ▲
0.32 Genauigkeit With 50% Crew: 0.396 m |
s 1.7 s 2.1 Einzielzeit |
2626 deg/s Gun Wendegeschwindigkeit |
48° Waffenwinkel |
-5°/+85°-5°/+90° Richtwinkel |
8560 rounds Munitionskapazität |
2020 % Brandwahrscheinlichkeit |
m 340 m 340 Sichtweite |
m 400 m 550 Funkreichweite |
Der Pz.Sfl. IVc ist ein deutscher Jagdpanzer der Stufe 5.
Vorschlag eines Luftabwehr-Fahrzeugs mit einer 88-mm-Flugabwehrkanone. Die Entwicklung wurde 1941 in Deutschland begonnen. Das Fahrzeug baute auf dem Chassis der Pz.Sfl.IVc auf. Die operativen Anforderungen wurden ständig geändert, so dass die FlaK 41 erst 1944 auf dem Chassis verbaut wurde. Das Fahrzeuge sollte als Grundlage für andere Ausführungen mit verschiedener Bewaffnung dienen. Der Plan wurde jedoch nie umgesetzt. Es wurden nur drei Prototypen gebaut.
The Panzer Selbstfahrlafette IVc, the "Toaster," or "Flak Bus," is a unique tank destroyer, as it receives two 88 mm guns, giving it formidable firepower for a tier 5 tank destroyer. It is also exceptionally mobile, with a top speed and traverse speed rivaling that of the StuG III G. However, it has absolutely no armor and is a massive target, which means that it performs its best supporting allies from a sniping position, far away from the action of the battle. Moving in too close will get this machine destroyed in very short order.
Der Pz.Sfl. IVc markiert das Ende seiner Linie deutscher Jagdpanzer.
Module / Verfügbare Zubehörteile und Verbrauchsgegenstände
Stufe | Motor | Leistung (hp) |
Brandwahrscheinlichkeit (%) |
Gewicht (kg) |
Kosten ()
| |
V | Maybach HL 90 | 360 | 20 | 550 | 16400 | |
V | Maybach HL 100 | 400 | 20 | 550 | 17700 |
Verfügbare Zubehörteile
Verfügbare Verbrauchsgegenstände
Player Opinion
Pros and Cons
- Very high top speed and insanely quick traverse speed; Eliminates flanking as a threat and allows for quick relocation
- Best gun elevation in the game ( 90° when fully upgraded! )
- The top 88mm gun can easily punch through even tier VII tanks and has good Alpha
- Very easy grind to top gun
- One of the most accurate tier V Tanks ( Good for sniping, it's primary role )
- Pitifully thin armor will be torn to shreds by HE shells
- Significantly less p/w ratio than Stug III
- Gun arc becomes very narrow with the top gun; Depression is also an issue.
- Very fat, boxy and easy to spot ( Makes the paper thin armor even more annoying )
- Top 88mm gun does not carry over into other TDs down the line
It should be noted, that the Flakbus does have some inherent characteristics that give it a very unique set of ways it can be exploited. The very high gun elevation, for example, allows it to be on the forward side of a hill (rather than behind it, like hull-down tanks play) and still be able to engage even targets on a higher hill in front of it. The effect of the downward slope gives the Flaktoaster the gun depression it normally lacks, but does make it very exposed if there are no bushes to hide behind.
It's a good sniper, but you must be aware of taking any damage. It's armor can be penetrated even with tier I guns. The best strategy is to hide when some tanks are coming, and show yourself when the danger is gone.
Early Research
- The FuG 8 radio carries over all the way from Marder II, mount it immediately
- Research the short 88 and the upgraded engine, the stock suspension can handle the weight
- Go from there
Suggested Equipment
Historical Info
Specific features:
The Sonderfahrgestell was based on the Pz Kpfw IV, but was a very much modernized vehicle. The Flakpanzer could lower the superstructure sides to allow 360° traverse. New, wide (520mm) tracks were used in conjunction with Schachtellaufwerk (interleaved suspension).
Historische Galerie