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  • If you have too few or too many variables the module name will be in red.
  • Continue to add | (pipes) to how ever many modules you need.
  • Place variables in order, separated by a comma.
    • name = name of the module
    • tier = tier of the module, acceptable only numbers(1,2,..,10)
    • shells = types of shells available for the gun, must be in same order as damage/penetration, acceptable only AP, APCR, HE, HEAT, HEp; must be separated by "/" (ie. AP/APCR/HE)
    • damage = damage caused by a direct hit, in Hit Points, do not include "(HP)"
    • penetration = the penetration of the gun, in millimeters, do not include "(mm)"
    • rate of fire = the rate of fire of the gun, in rounds per minute, do not include "(r/m)"
    • accuracy = gun accuracy, in meters at 100m, do not include "(m)"
    • aim time = time it takes to full aim, in seconds, do not include "(s)"
    • price = price of the module, in credits
    • weight = weight of the module, in kilograms, do not include "(kg)"
    • compatibility = the vehicle(s) the module is compatible with, arranged by tier, then alphabetically, use the contour template {{contour|c="tank"}} see the contour template for notes.


<!--|name, tier, shells, damage, penetration, rate of fire, accuracy, aim time, price, weight, compatibility-->
|name, tier, shells, damage, penetration, rate of fire, accuracy, aim time, price, weight, compatibility