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VK 20.01 (D)

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  • Player Opinion: Equipment

VK 20.01 (D)

Deutschland | Mittlerer Panzer | Stufe IV
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157.000  Credits Kosten
510108 HP Struktur
21.9/22.515.6/25 t Höchstgewicht
  1. Kommandant
  2. Richtschütze
  3. Fahrer
  4. Funker
  5. Ladeschütze
300400 hp Motorleistung
50/20 km/h Höchstgeschwindigkeit
3842 deg/s Wendegeschwindigkeit
13.725.64 hp/t Leistungsgewicht
YesYes Pivot
// mm Wannenpanzerung
30/30/3057/30/30 mm Turmpanzerung






70/70/9070/70/90 HP Schaden
60/96/2567/130/25 mm Durchschlag





24 r/m 

Standard Gun

Reload Times
Nominal: 2.5 s
50% Crew: 3.1 s
75% Crew: 2.7 s
100% Crew: 2.4 s
Rammer: 2.16 s
Vents: 2.35 s
Both: 2.11 s
Both and BiA: 2.07 s
Both and Max Crew %: 1.98 s

See Crew, Consumables, or Equipment for more information.





24 r/m 

Standard Gun

Reload Times
Nominal: 2.5 s
50% Crew: 3.1 s
75% Crew: 2.7 s
100% Crew: 2.4 s
Rammer: 2.16 s
Vents: 2.35 s
Both: 2.11 s
Both and BiA: 2.07 s
Both and Max Crew %: 1.98 s

See Crew, Consumables, or Equipment for more information.






Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 1 (70 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1680
50% Crew: 1355.9
75% Crew: 1553.3
100% Crew: 1752.1
100% Crew
Vents: 1791.3
Rammer: 1946.7
Both: 1990.8
Both and BiA: 2034.9
Both and Max Crew %: 2123.1

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 1750
50% Crew: 1425.9
75% Crew: 1623.3
100% Crew: 1822.1
100% Crew
Rammer: 2016.7
Vents: 1861.3
Both: 2060.8
Both and BiA: 2104.9
Both and Max Crew %: 2193.1

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 2 (70 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1680
50% Crew: 1355.9
75% Crew: 1553.3
100% Crew: 1752.1
100% Crew
Vents: 1791.3
Rammer: 1946.7
Both: 1990.8
Both and BiA: 2034.9
Both and Max Crew %: 2123.1

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 1750
50% Crew: 1425.9
75% Crew: 1623.3
100% Crew: 1822.1
100% Crew
Rammer: 2016.7
Vents: 1861.3
Both: 2060.8
Both and BiA: 2104.9
Both and Max Crew %: 2193.1

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 3 (90 Damage):
With wholly penetrating hits

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 2160
50% Crew: 1743.3
75% Crew: 1997.1
100% Crew: 2252.7
100% Crew
Vents: 2303.1
Rammer: 2502.9
Both: 2559.6
Both and BiA: 2616.3
Both and Max Crew %: 2729.7

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 2250
50% Crew: 1833.3
75% Crew: 2087.1
100% Crew: 2342.7
100% Crew
Rammer: 2592.9
Vents: 2393.1
Both: 2649.6
Both and BiA: 2706.3
Both and Max Crew %: 2819.7

See here, here, or here for more information.






Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 1 (70 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1680
50% Crew: 1355.9
75% Crew: 1553.3
100% Crew: 1752.1
100% Crew
Vents: 1791.3
Rammer: 1946.7
Both: 1990.8
Both and BiA: 2034.9
Both and Max Crew %: 2123.1

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 1750
50% Crew: 1425.9
75% Crew: 1623.3
100% Crew: 1822.1
100% Crew
Rammer: 2016.7
Vents: 1861.3
Both: 2060.8
Both and BiA: 2104.9
Both and Max Crew %: 2193.1

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 2 (70 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1680
50% Crew: 1355.9
75% Crew: 1553.3
100% Crew: 1752.1
100% Crew
Vents: 1791.3
Rammer: 1946.7
Both: 1990.8
Both and BiA: 2034.9
Both and Max Crew %: 2123.1

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 1750
50% Crew: 1425.9
75% Crew: 1623.3
100% Crew: 1822.1
100% Crew
Rammer: 2016.7
Vents: 1861.3
Both: 2060.8
Both and BiA: 2104.9
Both and Max Crew %: 2193.1

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 3 (90 Damage):
With wholly penetrating hits

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 2160
50% Crew: 1743.3
75% Crew: 1997.1
100% Crew: 2252.7
100% Crew
Vents: 2303.1
Rammer: 2502.9
Both: 2559.6
Both and BiA: 2616.3
Both and Max Crew %: 2729.7

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 2250
50% Crew: 1833.3
75% Crew: 2087.1
100% Crew: 2342.7
100% Crew
Rammer: 2592.9
Vents: 2393.1
Both: 2649.6
Both and BiA: 2706.3
Both and Max Crew %: 2819.7

See here, here, or here for more information.
Schaden pro Minute



0.48 m 

With 50% Crew: 0.595 m
With 75% Crew: 0.519 m
With 100% Crew: 0.46 m
With BiA: 0.45 m
With BiA and Vents: 0.44 m
Maximum possible: 0.422 m

For more details, see Crew



0.4 m 

With 50% Crew: 0.496 m
With 75% Crew: 0.433 m
With 100% Crew: 0.384 m
With BiA: 0.375 m
With BiA and Vents: 0.367 m
Maximum possible: 0.352 m

For more details, see Crew



2.3 s 

With 50% Crew: 2.849 s
With 75% Crew: 2.488 s
With 100% Crew: 2.205 s
With GLD: 2.005 s
With BiA: 2.157 s
With BiA and Vents: 2.11 s
With both and GLD: 1.918 s
Maximum possible: 1.839 s

For more details, see Crew or Equipment



2.3 s 

With 50% Crew: 2.849 s
With 75% Crew: 2.488 s
With 100% Crew: 2.205 s
With GLD: 2.005 s
With BiA: 2.157 s
With BiA and Vents: 2.11 s
With both and GLD: 1.918 s
Maximum possible: 1.839 s

For more details, see Crew or Equipment
4444 deg/s Turmdrehgeschwindigkeit
360° Waffenwinkel
-10°/+20°-10°/+20° Richtwinkel
175135 rounds Munitionskapazität
2015 % Brandwahrscheinlichkeit

330 m 

With 50% Crew: 259.3 m
With 75% Crew: 294.7 m
With 100% Crew: 330 m
With Recon and Situational Awareness: 346.7 m
With Coated Optics: 363 m
With Binocular Telescope: 412.5 m
Maximum possible: 472.4 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment

330 m 

With 50% Crew: 259.3 m
With 75% Crew: 294.7 m
With 100% Crew: 330 m
With Recon and Situational Awareness: 346.7 m
With Coated Optics: 363 m
With Binocular Telescope: 412.5 m
Maximum possible: 472.4 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment



310 m 

With 50% Crew: 250.2 m
With 75% Crew: 286.6 m
With 100% Crew: 323.3 m
With 100% Signal Boost: 372 m
When affected by 100% Relaying: 341 m
Maximum possible: 465.4 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment



710 m 

With 50% Crew: 573.1 m
With 75% Crew: 656.4 m
With 100% Crew: 740.5 m
With 100% Signal Boost: 852 m
When affected by 100% Relaying: 781 m
Maximum possible: 1065.9 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment
Werte sind Stock - klick für Top
VK 20.01 (D)




Der VK 20.01 (D) ist ein deutscher mittlerer Panzer der Stufe 4.

Prototyp eines mittleren Panzers, 1939 bis 1941 von Daimler-Benz entwickelt. Das neue Fahrzeug sollte der künftige mittlere Standardpanzer der Wehrmacht werden. Der Prototyp wurde an der Ostfront eingesetzt. Die Kampferprobung offenbarte eine Vielzahl schwerwiegender Schwächen. 1941 wurde das Fahrzeug als überholt erachtet und das Projekt aufgegeben.

Der VK 20.01 (D) markiert das Ende seiner Linie deutscher mittlerer Panzer.

Module / Verfügbare Zubehörteile und Verbrauchsgegenstände




Stufe Geschütz Durchschlag

IV 7,5 cm Kw.K. 37 L/24 43/87/38 110/110/175 13.95 0.55 2.3 780 10450
IV 5 cm Kw.K. 39 L/60 67/130/25 70/70/90 24 0.4 2.3 700 13970
III 5 cm Kw.K. 38 L/42 60/96/25 70/70/90 24 0.48 2.3 700 8570



Stufe Motor Leistung

IV Maybach HL 116 300 20 750 9300
V Daimler-Benz MB 809 400 15 1100 17500
IV 2 x Maybach HL 66 P 360 20 1100 12000



Stufe Ketten Höchstgewicht
Rmin Gewicht

III VK 20.01 (III) 22.5 38 0 8000 1900
IV VK 20.01 (D) 25 42 0 8000 4600



Stufe Funkgerät Funkreichweite

III FuG 5 310 50 630
VI FuG 7 415 70 8160
IX FuG 12 710 150 43200

Verfügbare Zubehörteile

Geräuscharmes Abgassystem, Klasse 3 Tarnnetz, Klasse 3 Entspiegelte Optik, Klasse 3 Experimentelle Optik Verschleißfester Richtantrieb Lüftungssystem Verbesserter Waffenrichtantrieb, Klasse 3 Verbesserte Härtung, Klasse 3 Zusätzliche Laufpolster, Klasse 3 Verbesserte Lüftung, Klasse 3 Scherenfernrohr, Klasse 3 Turbolader, Klasse 3 

Verfügbare Verbrauchsgegenstände

Automatisches Feuerlöschsystem Natürliche Deckung Schokolade Kalibrierte Optik Visierfeinabgleich Erfahrene Brandbekämpfer 100-Oktan-Benzin 105-Oktan-Benzin Handfeuerlöscher Lüftungsreinigung Großer Erste-Hilfe-Kasten Große Ersatzteilkiste Die Pflicht zuerst Granatensortierer Aufs Ziel fokussiert Volle Konzentration Kleiner Erste-Hilfe-Kasten Kleine Ersatzteilkiste Kunstvolles Schalten Schnappschuss Kampflinie 

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Excellent gun depression, with strong spaced turret front and mantlet
  • Still decent mobility for its tier


  • As with most tier 4s, mediocre guns and horrible penetration
  • Second turret jams easily if hit in the cheeks


This tank is similar to a Pz.Kpfw. III in playstyle, but more defensive. While it is considered by many to be inferior to the Pz.Kpfw. III, these players have not correctly interpreted the stats of their tanks. If one were to look deeper, they are at the least equal, with several things stand out. Those who are familiar with it praise its survivability: its armour is bouncier when angled well, the shorter hull is a smaller target, and it has much better gun depression.

Tankers who blindly accept the armor values handed to them often claim that Panzer 3's frontal armor is stronger. When they do this, they use the reported hull armour value of 70mm. Upon inspection of the model in a third party tool this is blatantly not the case for three reasons:

  • the 70mm only covers the tiny upper front plate;
  • the a massive lower front plate is 50mm, the same strength as the far smaller the VK 2001D's lower plate;
  • the upper glacis is a pitiful 15mm, is quite long, and is easily fired down upon due to shell drop. It realistically becomes 35mm, whereas the VK 2001D has double the equivalent to 60mm, due to a half-length plate, with 2 degree better slope, and 25mm thickness;

There is absolutely no armour advantage to the Panzer 3, and their front armour at best equals that of our VK 2001D. However, the armour on our tank can be angled to 30 degrees due to the much stronger 40mm side plating, and can bounce many a shot off other Tier 4s. Hull down is very effective due to the exceptional 'Western/American' gun depression and strong mantlet. Like the Panzer 3, you will have to keep poking in and out if a tier 5 tries to bring their gun to bear on you, but this is no different to another tier 4 such as the Covenanter. In short, the frontal armor is very much equivalent and provides many more possibilities (to angle or hull down) than the Panzer 3, increasing survivability.

The engine is the second most criticized aspect. It is without the very good hp/ton ratio of the Pz 3 due to extra weight, and so inferior in acceleration. Sharp circling turns are to be avoided. However, this is really of little relevance when playing with a sensible gun: one rarely moves far when engaging in combat, it has equal reverse speed if it does need to retreat, and it can top speed is only useful when relocating and can still be easily reached. It is more crucial to get into a position that allows for quick escapes or hard cover, such as a ridge. This is very similarly to the Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. G and good preparation later tier tanks of the VK 30D line, as these tanks have a somewhat underpowered engine but good top speed until the Leopard 1 at the highest of tiers.

The gun selection is the same as the Pz 3, but worse than the Luchs. It is no weaker, and can be better applied over ridgelines due to the good gun depression. Still, due to poor penetration, flanking or shooting weakspots is the best tactic with the guns. Still if credits are not an issue, HEAT or APCR in either of the guns will get rid of the one and only problem with the guns; lack of penetration. The 50mm KwK 39 L/60 has okay DPM and can make short work of any tier IV tank, especially if aimed at weaker sides or any weakspots, but regular AP struggles against heavies with less than even 70 penetration. It may be easier to pop out and aim with the 75mm KwK 37 L/24, but it is still better suited as a support gun when firing HEs to cripple enemy tanks. As usual HEAT is usually mandatory to do reliable damage, especially against equal or higher tier vehicles.

All in all the tank is geared towards a more defensive and more discerning player, who can take advantage of the better gun depression and armour to ensure they survive first, and then use the top speed mobility to relocate, without having to brawl at close range. As well as this, if you are willing to forgoe the history of the Panzer, it is more forgiving as a whole. Finally, it is better preparation for the ridge-poking maneuvers, which become a cornerstone of the rest of the line, as part of the high gun depression playstyle. It is a thoroughly viable alternative to Panzer 3.

Early Research

  • The FuG 7 Radio carries over from the Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. G. Mount it immediately.
  • First, research the 5 cm KwK 39 L/60 Gun.
  • The best research path to take after the first gun upgrade is probably turret > suspension > first engine > top gun > top engine. But depending on whether you want more armour or more speed, research the Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. M Turret or the 2 x Maybach HL 66 P Engine. Keep in mind that you can only mount one of these before you need to upgrade your suspension.
  • Now, research the VK 20.01 (D) Suspension.
  • If you researched the turret, you can choose between the engine and the 7,5 cm KwK 37 L/24 Gun. If you researched the engine, you can choose between the turret and the Daimler-Benz MB 809 Engine.
  • Finally, research the FuG 12 Radio.


Historical Info

Daimler Benz having been forced to accept untested components in their Panzer III Ausf E, gained permission to pursue their design without interference from Wa Pruef 6. This allowed them to adopt leaf springs as torsion bars held the following key disadvantages: wasted space inside vehicle, poor access to repair and replace torsion bars, instability as a weapons platform due to the individual sprung wheels and the lack of a satisfactory shock absorber design addressing the instability. The Panzer III Ausf E's hydraulic steering, which did not function as planned was also dispensed with. It was to be replaced with a system using mechanical levers as long as no better alternative was available. The tank design was to be completed by December 1940 and if the MB 809 diesel engine could be delivered by February 1941, a complete experimental chassis was to follow. The MB 809 had a continuous power rating of 350 metric hp, increasing to up to 400 metric hp without fuel infection. With fuel injection, its power could be increased to 450 metric hp. Design of a diesel motor was deemed necessary to utilize strategic fuel specifically demanded by Hitler. The design of the MB 809 was completed in June 1940 with the first motor running on the test stand on February 1941 followed by its acceptance test in 12 March 1941. The motor arrived in Berlin-Marienfelde to be installed in an experimental chassis. On 22 December 1941, a report to the directors of Daimler-Benz stated: "Based on experience in the Russian campaign, the new tank just developed by Daimler-Benz was now obsolete. Utilizing the already developed tank, studies were being conducted on a new design with thicker armour and heavier armament."

Historische Galerie

Historical Accuracy Errata

The following are consensus errors or inconsistencies which have been identified with the configuration of the vehicle in question and conflict with information available on the public record. The causes for these divergences in the game are normally not disclosed and may be rooted in game balance.

There are no historical records of a Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. M turret being mounted on the VK 20.01 (D). Furthermore, no proposal for the VK 20.01 (D) to be armed with any gun other than the 5 cm Kw.K. 38 L/42 exists.

Light Tanks ILeichttraktor IIPz.Kpfw. II Ausf. D IIMKA IIPz.Kpfw. 35 R IIPz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f) IIPz.Kpfw. 35 (t) IIPz.Kpfw. I IIPz.Kpfw. II III43 M. Toldi III IIIPz.Kpfw. M 15 IIIPz.Kpfw. 38 (t) IIIPz.Kpfw. III Ausf. E IIIPz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J IIIPz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C IIIPz.Kpfw. II Ausf. G IIIPz.Kpfw. T 15 IVPz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. IVPz.Kpfw. II Luchs VVK 16.02 Leopard VIVK 28.01 mit 10,5 cm L/28 VIVK 28.01 VIIAufklärungspanzer Panther VIISpähpanzer SP I C VIIIleKpz M 41 90 mm VIIIleKpz M 41 90 mm GF VIIIHWK 12 VIIIHWK 30 IXSpähpanzer Ru 251 XRheinmetall Panzerwagen
Medium Tanks IIIGroßtraktor - Krupp IIIPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A IIIPz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) IVPz.Kpfw. III Ausf. J IVPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D IVVK 20.01 (D) VPz.Kpfw. III Ausf. K VTurán III prototípus VPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H Ankou VPz.Kpfw. III/IV VPz.Kpfw. IV hydrostat. VPz.Kpfw. V/IV VPz.Kpfw. V/IV Alpha VPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H VPz.Kpfw. T 25 VVK 30.01 (H) VIPz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm VIVK 30.01 (D) VIVK 30.02 (M) VIIPanther/M10 VIIPanther VIIVK 30.02 (D) VIIIPanther mit 8,8 cm L/71 VIIIPanzer 58 VIIISchwarzpanzer 58 VIIIPanzer 58 Mutz VIIIM48A2 Räumpanzer VIIIKampfpanzer 07 RH VIIIIndien-Panzer VIIIPanther II IXE 50 IXT 55A IXKampfpanzer 50 t IXKunze Panzer IXLeopard Prototyp A XE 50 Ausf. M XLeopard 1
Heavy Tanks IVPz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f) IVDurchbruchswagen 2 VITiger 131 VIVK 30.01 (P) VIVK 36.01 (H) VIIVK 45.03 VIITiger I VIITiger (P) VIIIVK 100.01 (P) VIIIVK 168.01 (P) VIIIVK 168.01 Mauerbrecher VIIIVK 75.01 (K) VIIIE 75 TS VIIILöwe VIIITiger II VIIIVK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A IXE 75 IXMäuschen IXVK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B XE 100 XPz.Kpfw. VII XMaus XVK 72.01 (K)
Tank Destroyers IIPanzerjäger I IIIMarder II IVStuG III Ausf. B IVPz.Sfl. IC IVJagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer IVMarder 38T VStuG IV VPz.Sfl. IVc VStuG III Ausf. G VIDicker Max VIJagdpanzer IV VINashorn VIIE 25 VIIKrupp-Steyr Waffenträger VIIJagdpanther VIISturer Emil VIIIFerdinand VIIIKanonenjagdpanzer 105 VIIIRheinmetall Skorpion G VIIIRheinmetall Skorpion VIIIJagdpanther II VIII8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger VIIIRhm.-Borsig Waffenträger IXJagdtiger IXWaffenträger auf Pz. IV XGrille 15 XJagdpanzer E 100 XWaffenträger auf E 100
Self-Propelled Artillery IIG.Pz. Mk. VI (e) IIISturmpanzer I Bison IIIWespe IVPz.Sfl. IVb IVSturmpanzer II VGrille VIHummel VIIG.W. Panther VIIIG.W. Tiger (P) IXG.W. Tiger XG.W. E 100
Mittlere Panzer
USA IIT2 Medium Tank IIIConvert. Medium Tank T3 IIIM2 Medium Tank IVT6 Medium IVM3 Lee VM4 Improved VM4A2E4 Sherman VM4A1 Sherman VRam II VIM4A3E8 Fury VIM4A3E8 Thunderbolt VII VIM4A3E8 Sherman VIM4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo VIIT26E3 Eagle 7 VIIT20 VIIT23E3 VIIIT25 Pilot Number 1 VIIITL-1 LPC VIIIT42 VIIIASTRON Rex 105 mm VIIIAMBT VIIIM46 Patton KR VIIIM26 Pershing VIIIT26E4 SuperPershing VIIIT69 VIIIT95E2 IXM46 Patton XM48A5 Patton XM60 XT95E6
UK IVickers Medium Mk. I IIVickers Medium Mk. II IIIVickers Medium Mk. III IVMatilda IVMatilda LVT IVGrant IVAC 1 Sentinel VCavalier VValiant VSherman III VMatilda Black Prince VISherman Firefly VICromwell VIAC 4 Experimental VICromwell B VISherman VC Firefly VIIComet VIIICenturion Mk. I VIIIFV4202 VIIIChieftain/T95 VIIICenturion Mk. 5/1 RAAC VIIIChimera IXCobra IXCenturion Mk. 7/1 XCenturion Action X
Germany IIIGroßtraktor - Krupp IIIPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A IIIPz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) IVPz.Kpfw. III Ausf. J IVPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D IVVK 20.01 (D) VPz.Kpfw. III Ausf. K VTurán III prototípus VPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H Ankou VPz.Kpfw. III/IV VPz.Kpfw. IV hydrostat. VPz.Kpfw. V/IV VPz.Kpfw. V/IV Alpha VPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H VPz.Kpfw. T 25 VVK 30.01 (H) VIPz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm VIVK 30.01 (D) VIVK 30.02 (M) VIIPanther/M10 VIIPanther VIIVK 30.02 (D) VIIIPanther mit 8,8 cm L/71 VIIIPanzer 58 VIIISchwarzpanzer 58 VIIIPanzer 58 Mutz VIIIM48A2 Räumpanzer VIIIKampfpanzer 07 RH VIIIIndien-Panzer VIIIPanther II IXE 50 IXT 55A IXKampfpanzer 50 t IXKunze Panzer IXLeopard Prototyp A XE 50 Ausf. M XLeopard 1
France IIID2 IIISomua S35 IVSARL 42 VRenault G1 VIBretagne Panther VIM4A1 FL 10 VIIIBat.-Châtillon Bourrasque VIIIAltProto AMX 30 VIIILorraine 40 t VIIIAMX Chasseur de chars VIIIM4A1 Revalorisé IXAMX 30 1er prototype IXChar Futur 4 IXBat.-Châtillon 25 t AP XBat.-Châtillon 25 t XAMX 30 B
USSR IIIT-29 IVA-32 IVT-28E mit F-30 IVT-34 mit L-11 IVT-28 VMatilda IV VT-34 geschützt VM4-85 VT-34 VIA-43 VIT-34-85M VIT-34-85 Rudy VILozas M4-A2 Sherman VIT-34-85 VIIA-44 VIIKV-13 VIIT-43 VIIT-44-122 VIIIObjekt 416 VIIIT-54 Erster Prototyp VIIIT-44-100 Igrovoy VIIIT-44-100 (R) VIIISTG VIIISTG Garde VIIIObjekt 274a VIIIT-44 IXObjekt 430 Version II IXObjekt 430 IXT-54 XObjekt 140 XObjekt 907 XT-22 medium XK-91 XObjekt 430U XT-62A
China VType T-34 VIType 58 VIIT-34-1 VIIIType 59 VIIIT-34-2 VIIIT-34-3 VIII59-Patton VIII122 TM VIIIType 59 G IXWZ-120 X121 X121B
Japan IIChi-Ni IIType 89 I-Go/Chi-Ro IVType 1 Chi-He VType 3 Chi-Nu VType 3 Chi-Nu Kai VIType 4 Chi-To VIIType 5 Chi-Ri VIIISTA-1 VIIISTA-2 IXType 61 XSTB-1
Czechoslovakia IVST vz. 39 VŠkoda T 24 VIŠkoda T 40 VIŠkoda T 25 VIIKonštrukta T-34/100 VIIITVP VTU Koncept VIIIŠkoda T 27 IXŠkoda T 50 XTVP T 50/51
Sweden IVLago VStrv m/42 VIStrv m/42-57 Alt A.2 VIStrv 74 VIILeo VIIIStrv 81 VIIIPrimo Victoria VIIILansen C VIIIUDES 14 Alt 5 IXUDES 16 XUDES 15/16
Poland V25TP KSUST II VDS PZInż VIPudel VI40TP Habicha VIT-34-85 Rudy VIB.U.G.I. VIICS-44 VIIICS-52 LIS VIIICS-53 IXCS-59 XCS-63
Italy IIM14/41 IIIM15/42 IVP26/40 VP.43 VIP.43 bis VIIP.43 ter VIIIProgetto M35 mod. 46 VIIIP.44 Pantera IXPrototipo Standard B XProgetto M40 mod. 65 XCarro da Combattimento 45 t