Armored fighting vehicles attributed either to National Socialist Germany or to countries which that entity absorbed, such as Czechoslovakia or the Federal Republic of Germany. A disproportionate number of the most famous and celebrated vehicles in armored warfare hail from this faction, making it key in WoT Blitz. Its vehicles are best suited for long-range engagements or close-combat battles due to high gun accuracy, rate of fire, and frontal armor. However, the lower hull is relatively weak on a majority of German vehicles.
German light tanks at lower tiers are all-purpose machines, and are generally decently armored and mobile, with good gun selections. Low-tier panzers make up some of the basis of many players' stats and winrates. Usually outperforming their Soviet and American counterparts, the German light tanks typically rule the battlefield at the early stages of the game, especially with the introduction of a specific German light tank line. The higher-tier German light tanks focus mainly on speed. The SP I C and Ru 251 are incredibly lightly armored. They suffer frequent HE pens, and with larger-caliber enemy guns having a potential of over 1,000 damage per shot, it is best to be wary when entering this line.
German medium tanks feature two distinctly different branches, the E 50 M "Wehrmacht" line, and the Leopard 1 "Bundeswehr" line. The E 50 M line's tanks feature highly accurate guns, making them excellent snipers, but are usually large and heavy, making them good for ramming; however, this comes at the price of mobility, limiting their flanking ability. They are notorious for being bulky, which turns players away, but a properly-used Panther or E 50 can be just as good as any tank. The range of potential for these vehicles is very large. Conversely, the Leopard 1 line generally is more lightly armored, but offers a focus on mobility, with the Leopard PT A and Leopard 1 being two of the fastest tanks at their tier and featuring similar guns to their Wehrmacht brothers. The German Leopard line can be completed in either medium tanks or light tanks.
Both German heavy tank branches are notoriously rectangular. Players have the option to choose between the popular E 100 line or the Maus tanks. Looking specifically at the tier 10s, the E 100 is by far the more common of the two. This is a double-edged sword in most cases, as it truly is a strong tank, but the majority of tier 10 players see E 100s on a daily basis and know how to outperform and kill them easily. The Maus is much more historically accurate, and is much heavier than the E 100 in terms of weight and armor. The Maus also has a smaller lower glacis, but its drawback is that it cannot mount a large-caliber gun like the E 100 can. Most German heavies are heavily armored, but feature similar weak spots on the lower glacis plate.
German tank destroyers also appear in two distinct lines, with tier 10s that could not be more perfect opposites. The original German tank destroyers, the line of the Jagdpanzer, features highly versatile tanks such as the Jagdpanther, which can adapt to many situations. Most have mediocre armor that is just enough to get the job done. It is the job as of these tank destroyers to keep their guns in the game and stay alive as long as possible. At tier 10, the Jagdpanzer auf E 100 is a large, bulky TD with a very large-caliber gun (second largest in the game). The other German TD line is focused heavily on a camouflaged, sniping role. Designed to operate without being seen, the entire line is made up of tanks with minimal armor but superb guns. The tier 8 Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger, an exemplary purveyor of such tactics, is considered by many to be a favorite among tier 8 tanks.
Light Tanks
Medium Tanks
Heavy Tanks
Tank Destroyers