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Modifications (WoWP)

Modifications (WoWP)

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This is attempted work in progress on building a new aircraft model system, with tech trees and so on. Pure work in progress, please DO NOT edit without consulting original creator

Aircraft in the game can be categorized in three main ways: by nation, by class and by tier. For each nation a link is given below to their corresponding tech tree, eventually links to each aircraft will be shown in these articles.

Plane modifications

Plane modules consists of:

Weapons (hub/cowling/wing-mounted weapons)
Outboard Weapons (guns/rockets/bombs)

Some planes share the same modules with other planes so you do not have to research it multiple times. With update 2.0.5, new planes that are added will no longer have shared modules with other planes.


Engine modules visibly affect Cruise speed, Maximum boost speed, Optimum air speed, and Rate of climb.


Airframe modules visibly affect HP, Maximum dive speed, and Turning speed.


Weapon modules include guns and cannons with many different sizes ranging from rifle sized bullets to 50mm shells. Weapons may hub-mounted, cowling-mounted, or wing-mounted. Weapons that need to fire through the propeller are labelled Synchronized weapons and have reduced rate of fire.

Outboard Weapons

Outboard weapon modules consists of guns (mostly gunpods), rockets, and bombs.


Turret modules are AI controlled weapon modules which can be manually controlled. The AI will automatically fire the turrets when enemies are in range. You cannot manually fire your turrets unless you are in turret view.