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The Bureau is an in-game feature that allows players to get their hands on most of the Legendary Tier ships, as well as a variety of goodies including camouflages, in-game currencies, boosters and more.
Introducing: The Bureau

Unlocking The Bureau

A player unlocks the Bureau feature once they reach account level 10. When unlocked, the player can, at any point, start going through the first project.

Unlocking Projects

Once the feature has been unlocked, the player does not get immediate access to all available projects. First, they need to go through the Introduction to the Bureau project, which is a short one that is mandatory to make players learn how the feature works. Once the project is completed, the player will receive the Tier II British premium destroyer Campbeltown and will get access to all the other Bureau projects available.

How It Works

A Bureau project is not a thing that can be completed relatively quickly; most of the projects can take up to multiple months to complete on average. Each project is made of segments, which comprise stages. The majority of projects comprise 12 segments with 5 stages each. Players can expect to get their hands on rewards at the end of each stage and segment.

Every project comprises a number of linked segment, which are automatically researched one after the other. All of them have a base research rate (calculated in Research Points/second), but can be accelerated by the player's own commanders and ships; the more you have, the faster you will complete the project. It is important to note that the automatic research is active only for 24 hours after the player's last in-game activity; which means one needs to log in regularly if they want their research not to stop. A green bar depicts the estimated progress for the next 24 hours of research. The base research rate being very slow (+3 Research Points/s), it is imperative to boost it by adding ships and commanders to the segments.

A premium account provides a total of 48 hours of inactivity before a project's progression stops.

Boosting the Progression

Research Points

There are multiple ways of boosting your progression through a project. Each segment has different commanders and ships to choose from. A maximum of 2 commanders and 2 ships is allowed to accelerate the research. Every commander that is added to the segment boosts its progression by +4 Research Points/s, and each ship gives you +3 Research Points/s. It is useful to know that premium (or special) ships selected to accelerate the research boost it by +4 Research Points/s; which can come in handy if one possess a fair bit of premium ships.

Although this can provide a great boost to your progression, it is not the only way to help one through a project: daily trials are also a good way of accelerating the research. Every day, players can complete daily trials by winning a battle in certain ships (either in Versus AI or Standard). There is a limit of 3 trials per day and project, and each trial completed boosts the progression of the related project by 100 000 Research Points. As with the previous method, premium (or special) ships provide a better boost; this one being 125 000 Research Points.

The last method, called breakthrough, requires a bit of in-game currencies. Each project can be boosted via this method by up to 40% in total (which also equals to 40% of each segment). A breakthrough can be done by using either Research Points or Doubloons. While doubloons are rare and can only be obtainable through special means or even straight up bought, Research Points are obtainable mostly for free from campaigns. It is important to know that there is a limit of 3 500 000 Research Points that can be possessed. Once that limit is reached, every Research Point that one obtains will automatically be converted into credits at a rate of 1 Research Point -> 1 credit (1:1).

Special Requirements

Old projects, such as Yamato's, Worcester's, Shimakaze's and others can be completed without any special requirement; which means that at the end, no matter how much time it takes, one will be able to complete the entire project. However, with time and updates, most of the new projects now have special obligatory segments that require you to win a battle in a particular ship of the line related to the ship that embodies the final reward. For example, in Henri IV's project, there are 3 special segments. The first requires you to play and win a battle in the Tier VI tech-tree French cruiser Algérie, the second one in Tier VII tech-tree French cruiser Charles Martel and the third one in Tier VIII tech-tree French cruiser Saint-Louis. If one doesn't own these 3 ships, they won't be able to complete the project. In some of the projects that feature these special segments are ones like Schlieffen, Midway, Hakuryū, Napoli and others.

Some projects can also be obtained via the store only, such as Zaō's. Usually these projects are available for either 30 000 000 credits or 5000 doubloons during the first update of them being released, then the doubloons option disappear, leaving only the credits option. As of now, the only project that was obtainable in the store only but not via credits or doubloons was Colbert's, which was available for 3000 steel in the Forge.


When starting a project, the final reward is not the only reward a player can look forward to. While going through stages and segments on their way to the final reward, players get their hands on multiple useful in-game goodies such as camouflages, boosters, in-game currencies, commander progression items and more. The final rewards though, can also vary depending on the projects. Most of them are Legendary Tier ships, but some can also be lower tier premium ships, crates as well as special camouflages, flags and patches.

List of All Bureau Projects
Project Reward Project
Acquisition Method
Still Available
Introduction to the Bureau II Campbeltown Introduction Project
Red, White, and Blue V California Free
The Star-Spangled Fleet IV Oklahoma Free
Legendary Birthday Crates Free
Legendary Birthday 2021 Crates Free
Legendary Birthday 2022 Crates Free
Legendary Birthday 2023 Crates Free
Legendary Birthday 2024 Crates Free
Holiday Bureau 2022 Crates Free
The Dragon Fleet Commander Resources Free
North Cape Special Camouflages Free
Yamato Yamato Free
Großer Kurfürst Großer Kurfürst Free
Alaska Alaska Free
Kléber Kléber Free
Minotaur Minotaur Free
Khabarovsk Khabarovsk Free
Conqueror Conqueror Free
Gearing Gearing Free
Shimakaze Shimakaze Free
Des Moines Des Moines Free
Montana Montana Free
Worcester Worcester Free
Colbert Colbert 3000 Legends_Steel.png
Kaga VII Kaga Free
Saipan VII Saipan Free
Bourgogne Bourgogne Free
Napoli Napoli Free
Henri IV Henri IV Free
Halland Halland Free
Daring Daring Free
Cristoforo Colombo Cristoforo Colombo Free
Z-52 Z-52 Free
Venezia Venezia Free
Gdańsk Gdańsk Free
Jinan Jinan Free
Zaō Zaō 30 000 000Legends_Credits.png/ 5000Legends_Doubloons.png
Schlieffen Schlieffen 30 000 000Legends_Credits.png/ 5000Legends_Doubloons.png
Midway Midway 30 000 000Legends_Credits.png/ 5000Legends_Doubloons.png
Hakuryū Hakuryū 30 000 000Legends_Credits.png/ 5000Legends_Doubloons.png
Vermont Vermont 30 000 000Legends_Credits.png/ 5000Legends_Doubloons.png