Commander Base Trait
Destoryer Detectability (-4%)
Commander Bio:Erich Bey (1898-1943) was a Rear Admiral of the Kriegsmarine (1943). He joined the navy in the midst of World War I, and soon was promoted to the rank of officer. He devoted his entire 25-year career to service on destroyers and torpedo boats. Bey spent several years in the Naval Command supervising the construction and preparation of torpedo vessels. By the beginning of World War II, Erich Bey already commanded a destroyer flotilla and took part in combat operations, including operations in the Danish straits and raids off the English coast. He was one of the heroes of Narvik, in whose narrow fjords in April 1940 German destroyers desperately fought British ships to the last. In May of the same year, Bey was appointed commander of the German destroyer force. In December 1943, he led battleship Scharnhorst against the convoy of the Allies in the Arctic. The British, who had more advanced radars, were able to detect, encircle and sink the raider in the Battle of the North Cape. Erich Bey was killed in battle together with his ship. The mastery and bravery of Erich Bey were acknowledged even by the British command. |
Contact Is Imminent
Torpedo speed (+1/+2/+3/+4kts)
Observant Rage
Destroyer main battery reload time (-2/-3/-4/-5%)
Torpedo detection range (+3/+6/+9/+12%)
Rudder-shift time (+4/+6/+8/+10%)
No-Fly Zone
Your Ship's average AA Damage per second (+3/+6/+8/+10%)
Your ship's AA guns firing range (+2/+3/+4/+5%)
Look at Me Now
Sea Detectability Range (-2/-3/-5/-6%)
Destroyer's main gun AP shells damage (+6/+8.33/+10.66/+13%)
Destroyer's main gun HE shells damage (+6/+8.33/+10.66/+13%)
Destroyer's main gun SAP shells damage (+6/+8.33/+10.66/+13%)
Destoryer Detectability (+4%)
Listen Closely
Sonar cooldown time (-15/-20/-25/-30)
Sonar charges (+1/+1/+2/+2)
Sonar duration (-9/-11/-13/-15%)
Back In Stock
Torpedo launcher reload time (-2/-4/-6/-8%)
Twist n' Track
Destoryer gun traverse speed (+0.5/+1/+1.5/+2°/s)
Shows the direction of the closest enemy ship
Reaching Out
Destroyer main battery reload time (-1.5/-2/-2.5/-3%)
Destoyer main battery range (+2/+4/+6/+8%)
Incoming damage to your Destoryer (-0.75/-1.5/-2.25/-3%)
Torpedo Detectability range (+2/+3/+4/+5%)
Shows the direction of the closest enemy ship
Smoke on the Water
Smoke screen dispersion time (+2/+4/+6/+8%)
Smoke screen deployment time (+2/+4/+6/+8%)
Cloudy Daze
Engine boost cooldown time (-5/-10/-15/-20%)
Smoke screen dispersion time (-5/-7.5/-10/-12.5%)
Smoke screen deployment time (-5/-7.5/-10/-12.5%)
Torpedo Royal
Torpedo Speed (+0.5/+1/+1.5/+2kts)
Torpedo Damage (+3/+4/+5/+6%)
Torpedo Detectability (+25/+50/+75/+100m)
| Commander Legendary Skill
Engine repair time (-2.5/-5/-10/-15%)
Allows for reduced mobility with a disable engine and/or Rudder
Special Effect: Damage control party cooldown time -50% Active when an enemy ship is within X range (3/4.5/6/7.5km)
Maximum HP (+2/+4/+7/+10)
Maximum movement speed (-3%)
Special Effect: Rudder-shift time (-20%) Active when an enemy ship is within X range (3/4.5/6/7.5km)