About Fleets
A fleet is a feature that allows players to form a solid group under a unique identity. Members of a fleet work together to gain oil by simply playing and opening containers to upgrade fleet bonuses.
The identity of a fleet consists of three things:
- the name
- the callsign
- the emblem
For example, a fleet named Wargaming could have [WG] as its callsign.
During the creation of their fleet, one may select multiple parameters. These will help players who are looking for a fleet filter their search and concentrate on the parameters they want. They are the following:
- Emblem
- Shield (12 currently available)
- Field (12 currently available)
- Symbol (13 currently available)
- Fleet tags
- Voice (Mic Only, Spoken Language(s), etc.)
- Gameplay (Ship type(s), High/Low Tiers, etc.)
- Special (Standard, Versus AI, Console, Mobile)
- Privacy
- Open
- Available for search
- Join Requests allowed
- Invites
- Private
- Hidden from search
- Join Requests disabled
- Invite Only
- Tier gate (minimum ship tier required to join the fleet)
- Winrate gate (minimum winrate (%) required to join the fleet)
At its creation, a fleet can contain up to 20 members.
Fleet parameters can be freely changed after the creation of the fleet.
Fleet Commander
The Fleet Commander is the leader of the fleet. This means that they have full control on the entire fleet; in other words they have no restrictions.Maximum number of people at this position: 1
Deputy Commander
The Deputy Commander is the right-hand man of the Fleet Commander and has control on the majority of the fleet. The players at this position can recruit new members, promote Fleet members to Officers, demote them back to Midshipmen, remove members, purchase crates and lead the fleet in Fleet Battles.Maximum number of people at this position: 2
The Officer is the person who is exclusively in charge of recruiting new members. They do not have any other privilege.The number of officers is not limited.
The Midshipmen are the regular members of the fleet. They do not have any privilege.If you leave a fleet, you will not be able to join or create a new one for the next 60 seconds.
Oil is a special resource that one can only obtain if they are member of a Fleet. A player does not personally possess Oil; it is contributed directly to the player's fleet. Oil is invested in a fleet to provide bonuses for its members. The amount of Oil contributed to the fleet can be viewed on the Fleet's menu under the Personnel tab.
How to Obtain
There are two ways of obtaining oil: winning battles and receiving containers. For each player:
- each of the 3 first wins of the day grants 15 oil to the fleet
- every obtained container grants 10 oil to the fleet
Oil is granted once the player receives the container. Opening it does not grant more oil.
Without buying any crates, a player can bring their fleet up to 55 oil a day. It is recommended to grab the daily crate in the in-game store every day.
As mentioned above, oil is not a personal resource. Once earned, oil is directly put into the fleet's "bank". As of now, there are only two ways of using oil:
- Purchasing upgrades (see below)
- Buying crates
Upgrades are one of fleets' main benefits. It allows members to benefit from multiple bonuses including multipliers for Global XP, Commander XP, Steel and more.
One benefits from those upgrades only if they are part of the fleet. If you leave a fleet, you will not benefit from the upgrades anymore.
Name | Description | Bonus (per level) |
Price (per level) |
Naval Academy | Commander XP received | +3% +6% +9% +12% +15% |
200 1000 5000 25 000 125 000 |
Naval College | Ship XP received | +1% +2% +3% +4% +5% |
200 1000 5000 25 000 125 000 |
Drydock | Cost of Tier I-VIII ship post-battle maintenance |
+3% +6% +9% +12% +15% |
200 1000 5000 25 000 125 000 |
Officer House | Number of members in your Fleet | +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 |
25 000 50 000 75 000 100 000 125 000 |
Warship Design Department | Global XP received | +10% +20% +30% +40% +50% |
200 1000 5000 25 000 125 000 |
Port of Steel | Steel received | +3% +6% +9% +12% +15% |
200 1000 5000 25 000 125 000 |
Shipyard | Cost of researchable ships | +3% +6% +9% +12% +15% |
200 1000 5000 25 000 125 000 |