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Cruiser | U.K. | Tier III
Tech Tree Position
Research price1900 exp
Purchase price256,000 Credits
Hit Points17,500 
Main Battery
152 mm/45 Mk.XII on a PXIII* mount5 х 1 pcs.
Rate of Fire7.5 shots/min.
Reload Timesec.
Rotation Speed10 deg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time18 sec.
Firing Range10.75 km.
Maximum Dispersion107 m.
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell%
AP Shell152 mm AP 4crh 
Maximum AP Shell Damage2,900 
Initial AP Shell Velocity853 m./s.
AP Shell Weight45.36 kg.
Torpedo Tubes
533 mm DR Mk II4 х 2 pcs.
Rate of Fire1.46 shots/min.
Reload Time41 sec.
Rotation Speed25 deg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time7.2 sec.
Torpedo533 mm Mk II 
Maximum Damage10,000 
Torpedo Speed53 knot
Torpedo Rangekm.
AA Defense
40 mm/39 Vickers QF Mk.II on a single mount2 х 1 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second11.2 
. . . Firing Range2.01 km.
76.2 mm/45 QF HA Mk.I on an HA Mk.IV mount2 х 1 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second4.2 
. . . Firing Rangekm.
Maximum Speed29 knot
Turning Circle Radius580 m.
Rudder Shift Time7.8 sec.
Surface Detectability Range9.78 km.
Air Detectability Range3.89 km.
Battle Levels

Caledon — British Tier III cruiser.

This light cruiser was designed to provide support to destroyers and perform reconnaissance duties. In contrast to her predecessors, this ship had a higher speed and carried powerful torpedo armament.


Main Battery Guns Rate of Fire
180° Turn Time
Maximum Dispersion
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Research price
Purchase price
152 mm/45 Mk.XII on a PXIII* mount7.5181072,900 022,000
Hull Hit Points
Main Turrets
Secondary Gun Turrets
AA Mounts
Torpedo Tubes
Hangar Capacity
Research price
Purchase price
Caledon (A)17,500615252/24 060,000
Caledon (B)19,0006152524 1,300125,000
Torpedoes Rate of Fire
Torpedo Tubes Reload Time
180° Turn Time
Maximum Damage
Torpedo Speed
Torpedo Range
Research price
Purchase price
533 mm Mk II1.5417.210,000536 045,000
Maximum Firing Range
Research price
Purchase price
Mk III mod. 10 020,000
Mk III mod. 20 50050,000
Engine Maximum Speed
Research price
Purchase price
Propulsion: 40,000 hp29 019,000

Compatible Upgrades

 Slot 1 
Main Armaments Modification 1
Auxiliary Armaments Modification 1
Magazine Modification 1
Damage Control Party Modification 1
 Slot 2 
Damage Control System Modification 1
Engine Room Protection

Player Opinion


Warning: The data presented in the AA Defense sidebar section may be incorrect.
Refer to the in-game Port screens for more useful data.

Tier III's Caledon introduces British cruiser captains to something that the cruisers of most other nations don't see until Tier V or VI: multiple centerline mounted turrets. It gives her a lot of flexibility in her firing arcs; flexibility that she will need, since she only mounts five 152mm rifles (compared to St. Louis’ fourteen or Bogatyr’s sixteen). Caledon is badly under-gunned against most of the opponents she will face off against. As is typical of vessels of the era, her anti-aircraft suite is pathetic, and she won't be shooting down many planes (if any) from enemy carriers.

As compensation for woeful AA and a sub-par main battery, she has solid top speed and good handling characteristics: her quick rudder shift and good turning radius can go a long way towards avoiding incoming fire. She also sports two twin-tube torpedo launchers on each side, with generous firing arcs and quick reload times that give her a potent punch should she find herself at close range of enemy vessels. Finding — or making — opportunities to use her torpedoes is key for players looking for high damage games out of Caledon. She also gains access to something very unique for a low tier cruiser: the Repair Party consumable. Cruisers of other nations have to wait until Tier VIII or IX to be able to repair damage already taken in a match, but the British start the trend here at Tier III and carry it all the way up the line.


  • Main battery guns traverse quickly enough to keep up with radical maneuvering, even without Expert Marksman.
  • Double twin-tube torpedo launchers on each side.
  • Longest firing range of non-all Tier III cruisers.
  • Has access to the Repair Party consumable, long before the cruisers of other nations do.


  • Torpedo range is only 6.0 km.
  • Only five barrels with a mediocre rate of fire leaves Caledon badly under-gunned against opponents such as Bogatyr and St. Louis.
  • Low health and armor combine to make Caledon very fragile under concentrated fire. (Caledon's armor is so bad that it allows even destroyer AP and Rocket planes to score citadel hits)
  • Part of the citadel is exposed on the main deck (which is in fact pretty easy to be penetrated), allowing even HE Bombs to smash her citadel. (and sometimes the 130mm HE from its peers too!)


Like Weymouth, the Fire Control System upgrade is less expensive than Hull (B) and is a significant boost to Caledon’s range. Invest experience there first, then pick up the second hull.

Optimal Configuration


The recommended upgrades for Caledon are:

Commander Skills

Though Caledon may encounter enemy aircraft carriers, her AA is not worth sinking commander skill points into unless you have spare points. Focus on survivability skills, or maybe try out some Torpedo skills.



Caledon’s access to the Repair Party consumable makes it viable to mount India Delta for extra health recovery.


Historical Info

Historical Gallery


Ship Change Log

See here for links to Update notes.

  • Available to supertesters in the game starting from Update 0.5.11.
  • Introduced into the game as a researchable ship in Update 0.5.13.
  • Update 0.6.12:
    • Detectability when firing main guns in smoke changed to 4.5 km.
  • Update 0.6.13:
    • Fire extinguishing time now 30 s instead of 60 s.
  • Update 0.9.6:
    • The value of the in-game turning circle radius was changed to 580 m to correct prior discrepancy.

Ships of U.K.
Destroyers  II Medea • III Valkyrie • III CampbeltownDoubloons • IV Wakeful • V Acasta • VI Icarus • VI GallantDoubloons • VII Jervis • VII Jupiter '42Doubloons • VIII Lightning • VIII CossackDoubloons • VIII Cossack BDoubloons • IX Jutland • IX SommeDoubloons • X Daring • X DruidDoubloons 
Cruisers  I Black Swan • II Weymouth • III Caledon • IV Danae • V Emerald • V Hawkins • V ExeterDoubloons • VI Leander • VI Devonshire • VI LondonDoubloons • VI DidoDoubloons • VI Orion '44Doubloons • VII Fiji • VII Surrey • VII BelfastDoubloons • VIII Edinburgh • VIII Albemarle • VIII CheshireDoubloons • VIII Tiger '59Doubloons • VIII Belfast '43Doubloons • VIII HampshireDoubloons • VIII NottinghamDoubloons • VIII AL CheshireDoubloons • VIII STAR EdinburghDoubloons • IX Neptune • IX Drake • X MonmouthDoubloons • X Minotaur • X Goliath • X PlymouthDoubloons • X GibraltarDoubloons • X DefenceDoubloons •  Edgar 
Battleships  III Bellerophon • III Indefatigable • III DreadnoughtDoubloons • IV Orion • IV Queen Mary • V Iron Duke • V Tiger • V AgincourtDoubloons • VI WarspiteDoubloons • VI Queen Elizabeth • VI Renown • VI RepulseDoubloons • VI Repulse BDoubloons • VII King George V • VII Rooke • VII HoodDoubloons • VII NelsonDoubloons • VII Duke of YorkDoubloons • VII CollingwoodDoubloons • VII Renown '44Doubloons • VII RodneyDoubloons • VIII Monarch • VIII Hawke • VIII VanguardDoubloons • IX Lion • IX Duncan • IX MarlboroughDoubloons • IX Scarlet ThunderDoubloons • X Conqueror • X St. Vincent • X ThundererDoubloons • X IncomparableDoubloons • X Cumberland • X [[Ship:[Conqueror]|[Conqueror]]] •  Devastation 
Aircraft Carriers  IV Hermes • VI Furious • VI Ark RoyalDoubloons • VIII Implacable • VIII IndomitableDoubloons • VIII ColossusDoubloons • VIII TheseusDoubloons • X Audacious • X MaltaDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Audacious]|[Audacious]]] •  Eagle
Netherlands  I Van Kinsbergen • II Gelderland • III Java • IV De Ruyter • V Celebes • VI Kijkduin • VII Eendracht • VIII Haarlem • VIII De Zeven ProvinciënDoubloons • VIII Admiraal • VIII Statenland • IX Johan de Witt • IX Van SpeijkDoubloons • X Gouden Leeuw • X Prins van OranjeDoubloons • X Vrijheid 
U.S.A.  I Erie • II Chester • II AlbanyDoubloons • III St. Louis • III CharlestonDoubloons • IV Phoenix • V Omaha • V MarbleheadDoubloons • V Marblehead LimaDoubloons • V RattleheadDoubloons • VI [[Ship:Cleveland (< 31.05.2018)|Cleveland (< 31.05.2018)]] • VI Pensacola • VI Dallas • VII AtlantaDoubloons • VII [[Ship:Pensacola (< 31.05.2018)|Pensacola (< 31.05.2018)]] • VII New Orleans • VII Helena • VII IndianapolisDoubloons • VII Atlanta BDoubloons • VII BoiseDoubloons • VII FlintDoubloons • VIII [[Ship:New Orleans (< 31.05.2018)|New Orleans (< 31.05.2018)]] • VIII Baltimore • VIII Cleveland • VIII WichitaDoubloons • VIII AnchorageDoubloons • VIII CongressDoubloons • VIII RochesterDoubloons • VIII San DiegoDoubloons • VIII AL MontpelierDoubloons • IX [[Ship:Baltimore (< 31.05.2018)|Baltimore (< 31.05.2018)]] • IX Buffalo • IX Seattle • IX VallejoDoubloons • IX AlaskaDoubloons • IX TulsaDoubloons • IX Alaska BDoubloons • X Des Moines • X Worcester • X Puerto RicoDoubloons • X SalemDoubloons • X AustinDoubloons •  Jacksonville •  Annapolis 
Europe  I Gryf • VI ElliDoubloons • X SveaDoubloons 
Germany  I Hermelin • II Dresden • II EmdenDoubloons • III Kolberg • IV Karlsruhe • V Königsberg • VI Nürnberg • VI Admiral Graf SpeeDoubloons • VI LeipzigDoubloons • VI HSF Admiral Graf SpeeDoubloons • VII Yorck • VII MünchenDoubloons • VII WeimarDoubloons • VIII Admiral Hipper • VIII Prinz EugenDoubloons • VIII MainzDoubloons • VIII SchillDoubloons • VIII Mainz BDoubloons • VIII Cross of DornDoubloons • VIII WiesbadenDoubloons • IX Roon • IX SiegfriedDoubloons • IX ÄgirDoubloons • IX Admiral SchröderDoubloons • IX Roon CLRDoubloons • IX AL ÄgirDoubloons • X Hindenburg • X HildebrandDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Hindenburg]|[Hindenburg]]] •  Clausewitz 
U.S.S.R.  I Orlan • II DianaDoubloons • II Diana LimaDoubloons • II Novik • III AuroraDoubloons • III Bogatyr • III OlegDoubloons • III VaryagDoubloons • III AL AvroraDoubloons • IV Svietlana • V MurmanskDoubloons • V [[Ship:Kirov (< 10.06.2020)|Kirov (< 10.06.2020)]] • V Kotovsky • V Krasny KrymDoubloons • V MikoyanDoubloons • V KirovDoubloons • VI Budyonny • VI MolotovDoubloons • VI Admiral MakarovDoubloons • VII Shchors • VII LazoDoubloons • VII Lazo BDoubloons • VIII Chapayev • VIII Tallinn • VIII Mikhail KutuzovDoubloons • VIII OchakovDoubloons • VIII Pyotr BagrationDoubloons • VIII Bagration • VIII Dmitry PozharskyDoubloons • IX Dmitri Donskoi • IX Riga • IX KronshtadtDoubloons • IX Kozma MininDoubloons • X MoskvaDoubloons • X Alexander Nevsky • X Petropavlovsk • X StalingradDoubloons • X Smolensk BDoubloons • X SmolenskDoubloons • X SevastopolDoubloons • X KomissarDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Moskva]|[Moskva]]] • X Vladimir Monomakh • X Petrozavodsk •  Novosibirsk 
Italy  I Eritrea • II Nino Bixio • III Taranto • IV Alberto di Giussano • V Raimondo Montecuccoli • V GenovaDoubloons • VI Trento • VI Duca d'AostaDoubloons • VII Zara • VII Duca degli AbruzziDoubloons • VII Francesco FerruccioDoubloons • VII GoriziaDoubloons • VIII Amalfi • IX Brindisi • IX MichelangeloDoubloons • X Venezia • X NapoliDoubloons • X Napoli BDoubloons • X Ravenna •  Piemonte 
Pan-America  I Hércules • II Almirante Barroso • II Almirante AbreuDoubloons • III Vicente Guerrero • IV Córdoba • V La Argentina • VI Almirante Cochrane • VII Coronel Bolognesi • VII Nueve de JulioDoubloons • VIII Ignacio Allende • VIII Almirante GrauDoubloons • IX Santander • X San Martín 
Japan  I Hashidate • II Chikuma • III Tenryū • III KatoriDoubloons • IV YūbariDoubloons • IV Kuma • IV Iwaki AlphaDoubloons • V Furutaka • V Agano • V YahagiDoubloons • VI Aoba • VI Gokase • VII Myōkō • VII Omono • VII TokachiDoubloons • VII MayaDoubloons • VII ARP MyōkōDoubloons • VII ARP AshigaraDoubloons • VII ARP HaguroDoubloons • VII Southern DragonDoubloons • VII Eastern DragonDoubloons • VII ARP NachiDoubloons • VIII Mogami • VIII ToneDoubloons • VIII AtagoDoubloons • VIII Shimanto • VIII Atago BDoubloons • VIII ARP TakaoDoubloons • VIII ARP MayaDoubloons • VIII Tone 2 • VIII Tone 3 • IX Ibuki • IX Takahashi • IX AzumaDoubloons • IX AL AzumaDoubloons • IX Chikuma IIDoubloons • IX Chikuma II GoldenDoubloons • IX BA TakahashiDoubloons • X Zaō • X Yodo • X YoshinoDoubloons • X Yoshino BDoubloons • X KitakamiDoubloons • X YariDoubloons • X Zaō CLR • X [[Ship:[Zaō]|[Zaō]]] 
U.K.  I Black Swan • II Weymouth • III Caledon • IV Danae • V Emerald • V Hawkins • V ExeterDoubloons • VI Leander • VI Devonshire • VI LondonDoubloons • VI DidoDoubloons • VI Orion '44Doubloons • VII Fiji • VII Surrey • VII BelfastDoubloons • VIII Edinburgh • VIII Albemarle • VIII CheshireDoubloons • VIII Tiger '59Doubloons • VIII Belfast '43Doubloons • VIII HampshireDoubloons • VIII NottinghamDoubloons • VIII AL CheshireDoubloons • VIII STAR EdinburghDoubloons • IX Neptune • IX Drake • X MonmouthDoubloons • X Minotaur • X Goliath • X PlymouthDoubloons • X GibraltarDoubloons • X DefenceDoubloons •  Edgar 
France  I Bougainville • II Jurien de la Gravière • III Friant • IV Duguay-Trouin • V Émile Bertin • VI La Galissonnière • VI De GrasseDoubloons • VI DupleixDoubloons • VI MontcalmDoubloons • VI [[Ship:[La Galissonnière]|[La Galissonnière]]]Doubloons • VII Algérie • VII ToulonDoubloons • VIII Charles Martel • VIII Cherbourg • VIII BayardDoubloons • IX Saint-Louis • IX Brest • IX CarnotDoubloons • X Henri IV • X Marseille • X ColbertDoubloons • X BrennusDoubloons •  Condé 
Pan-Asia  I Chengan • III Ning HaiDoubloons • V Chungking • VI Rahmat • VI HuangheDoubloons • VII Chumphon • VIII Harbin • VIII IrianDoubloons • VIII WukongDoubloons • IX Sejong • IX DalianDoubloons • IX MengchongDoubloons • IX TianjinDoubloons • X Jinan • X IncheonDoubloons 
Spain  I Júpiter • II Méndez Núñez • III Navarra • IV Almirante Cervera • V Galicia • VI Baleares • VI CanariasDoubloons • VII Asturias • VIII Cataluña • VIII NumanciaDoubloons • IX Andalucía • IX Almirante OquendoDoubloons • X Castilla 
Commonwealth  I Sutlej • II Port Jackson • III Caradoc • IV Dunedin • V Delhi • VI Hobart • VI PerthDoubloons • VI MysoreDoubloons • VII Uganda • VIII Auckland • IX Encounter • IX HectorDoubloons • X Cerberus • X BrisbaneDoubloons