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List of Commander Skills

List of Commander Skills

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Main article: Commander

Battleship skills  •  Cruiser skills  •  Destroyer skills  •  Aircraft Carrier skills [1]  •  Submarine skills


While a commander is re-training (specializing to a new tech-tree ship), his skills will not function on that ship. They will function on premium and special ships.
Further, while he earns Commander XP, he does not earn 5% Elite Commander XP Elite Commander XP.

Base Skills

Icon Skill Name Skill Point Cost Description Effect Notes
Situational Awareness
Free. An alert to the commander that the ship has been spotted by the enemy. An indicator is displayed when your ship is detected by an enemy ship or aircraft. Functions during commander re-training and on ships without a commander.

Battleship Skills

Gun Feeder Demolition Expert Consumables Specialist Emergency Repair Specialist Incoming Fire Alert Preventive Maintenance
Grease the Gears Inertia Fuse for HE Shells Brisk Vigilance Priority Target AA Defense and ASW Expert
Super-Heavy AP Shells Long-Range Secondary Battery Shells Adrenaline Rush Basics of Survivability Improved Repair Party Readiness Focus Fire Training
Furious Manual Secondary Battery Aiming Close Quarters Combat Emergency Repair Expert Concealment Expert Fire Prevention Expert
Icon Skill Name Skill Point Cost Description Effect Notes

Gun Feeder

1 Accelerates shell-type switching of main battery guns. −40% to the ship's minimum shell-type switching time. It's complicated. See Shell-type switching time.

Demolition Expert

1 A better chance of causing fires on enemy ships or damage to submarines. +1% chance of main and secondary HE shells causing a fire.
+15% Explosion radius of all munitions, except for depth charges, when attacking submarines.

Consumables Specialist

1 Better availability of consumables. −7.5% cooldown time of

all Consumables
Damage Control Party
Repair Party

Specialized Repair Teams, Heavy Repair Teams, and Fast Damage Control Teams are also unaffected.

Emergency Repair Specialist

1 More efficient damage control and repair parties. −3% cooldown time of Damage Control Party and Repair Party.

Incoming Fire Alert

1 Provides a warning of long-range main battery fire. Receive a warning of a salvo fired at your ship from a distance of more than 4.5 km. Think of this as a "turn now!" warning.

Preventive Maintenance

1 Reduces the risk of main turrets, torpedo tubes, steering gear, and engine becoming incapacitated. −30% to the risk of incapacitation of modules.

+15% to the HP of secondary and AA guns.


Grease the Gears

2 Faster turret rotation. +20% main battery turrets traverse speed.

Inertia Fuse for HE Shells

2 Increases the armor penetration of high explosive (HE) main and secondary shells, while decreasing their chance of setting the enemy ship on fire. +25% armor penetration of HE shells.
Base fire chance reduced by half.
The mechanics for HE penetration can be found in the Armor Penetration article. Also see Armor thresholds and Fire.
This skill is frequently paired with Demolition Expert.


2 Activated if the ship is undetected. When activated:
10% increase in speed.
This skill allows the ship to re-position more rapidly during a battle.


2 Extends ship's torpedo acquisition range and improves torpedo protection. +25% detection range of enemy torpedoes.
+7% to the ship's torpedo protection.
Provides additional time to react to incoming torpedoes. Stacks with both Torpedo Lookout System to a base value of 1.8 km. and Hydroacoustic SearchWhile active, detects all enemy ships and torpedoes within the specified radius, without regard of obstacles such as smoke and terrain..

Priority Target

2 The detection indicator displays the number of opponents that are currently aiming at your ship. The detection indicator will show the number of enemies targeting you with main battery. Used skillfully, can detect the launch of a torpedo salvo at you (the number will temporarily decrease by one).

AA Defense and ASW Expert

2 Increased anti-aircraft fire effectiveness. Bigger depth charges. Decreased consumable reload while AAA is active. +15% damage from continuous AAA and flak.
+10% to damage inflicted by depth charges.
While AA defenses are operating:
−40% ship consumables reload time.

Super-Heavy AP Shells

3 Increase AP shell damage in exchange for vulnerability to fire and flood. +7.5% AP shell damage
−10% fire and flood damage received
+25% fire and flood duration.
Does not increase shell penetration.
Recall that fire and flood damage is 100% repairable.

Long-Range Secondary Battery Shells

3 Longer range secondaries. +20% secondary battery firing range. Does not affect the range of anti-aircraft fire.

Adrenaline Rush

3 Increases reload speed of all armament as the ship's health decreases. For each 1% HP lost:
−0.2% reload time of all armaments
+0.2% AA continuous damage.

Basics of Survivability

3 Quicker firefighting, flooding control, and module repair teams. −15% to time of module restoration, firefighting, and recovery from flooding. Has no effect on consumables.

Improved Repair Party Readiness

3 Activated when the ship takes potential damage equal to 100% of its base HP. For each potential damage multiple:
−0.8% reload time of the Repair PartyWhile active, restores a percentage of the ship's health points each second. consumable.
After receiving 2M HP potential damage:
+1 charge of Repair PartyWhile active, restores a percentage of the ship's health points each second..
The effect increases with every multiple of base HP.

Focus Fire Training

3 Decreased aircraft and airstrike reload time. More AA explosions.
When Sector Reinforcement is activated, stronger damage shift to the priority sector.
+1 Flak shells in AA salvos
-15% Airstrike armament reload time
-10% Aircraft preparation time[2]
In an active priority AA sector:
+1.5% (to 5%) Damage caused with a priority sector activated
+25% Sector Reinforcement
A flak burst is not added to a ship with no long-range AAA.

Stacks with Air Groups Modification 3.


4 Activated if the ship is on fire or flooding. 1st fire / flood
  −10% Main battery reload time
2nd etc. (up to 5), each
  −5% Main battery reload time.
Fire is motivational.

Maximum -35% MB reload time with 4 fires and 2 floods.

Manual Secondary Battery Aiming

4 Greatly increases the accuracy of secondary guns against a designated target (if any) over time.
Guns that cannot bear on a designated target will fire with improved reload and accuracy.
−10% secondary battery reload time.
−10% secondary battery dispersion.
When firing at the designated target: dispersion will decrease to −50% over 45 sec.
Some focus is retained when pausing or shifting targets.

This is not manual aim; the guns still aim automatically.
To activate, the player must manually designate a target by holding down Ctrl and left-clicking on it.[3]

See here for a complete description.

Close Quarters Combat

4 When an enemy ship is spotted within the range of the secondary batteries, a main battery bonus is activated. When activated:
−10% reload time of main battery.

Emergency Repair Expert

4 Better damage control and repair. Damage Control Party
and Repair Party:
+1 charge (each).
+10% action time.
Damage Control Party already has unlimited charges on most ships.

Concealment Expert

4 Reduces detectability range. −10% detectability range of the ship. Stacks with other detection range reduction bonuses such as Concealment System Modification 1.

Fire Prevention Expert

4 Reduces the risk of catching fire. The maximum number of fires on a ship is reduced to three. −10% to the risk of fire.
−1 maximum number of fires burning at one time.
Caps the number of fires in the superstructure of a ship at one (normally there are two fire zones there).
See the Fire article.

Cruiser Skills

Grease the Gears Swift Fish Consumables Specialist Gun Feeder Incoming Fire Alert Last Stand
Demolition Expert Fill the Tubes Consumables Enhancements Eye in the Sky Priority Target Focus Fire Training
Heavy HE and SAP Shells Pack A Punch Adrenaline Rush Heavy AP Shells Superintendent Survivability Expert
Top Grade Gunner Outnumbered Radio Location Inertia Fuse for HE Shells Concealment Expert AA Defense and ASW Expert
Icon Skill Name Skill Point Cost Description Effect Notes

Grease the Gears

1 Faster turret rotation to help turrets keep up with maneuvers. +15% main battery turrets traverse speed.

Swift Fish

1 Faster torpedoes means less reaction time at the target. +5% torpedo speed.
+5% aerial torpedo speed.

Consumables Specialist

1 Better availability of consumables. −7.5% cooldown time of

all Consumables
Damage Control Party
Repair Party

Specialized Repair Teams, Heavy Repair Teams, and Fast Damage Control Teams are also unaffected.

Gun Feeder

1 Accelerates shell-type switching of main battery guns. −40% to the ship's minimum shell-type switching time. It's complicated. See Shell-type switching time.

Incoming Fire Alert

1 Provides a warning of long-range main battery fire. Receive a warning of a salvo fired at your ship from a distance of more than 4.5 km. Think of this as a "turn now!" warning.

Last Stand

1 When the engine or steering gears are incapacitated, they continue to operate (but with a penalty). The ship remains able to move and maneuver - slowly - while the engine or steering gears are incapacitated. As of Update 0.10.0, all ships retain 20% propulsion and 0% steering when the modules are incapacitated. Ships with Last Stand retain 50% of each.

Demolition Expert

2 A better chance of causing fires on enemy ships. +1% chance of main and secondary HE shells causing a fire.
+15% Explosion radius of all munitions, except for depth charges, when attacking submarines.
See Fire.

Fill the Tubes

2 Faster torpedo rack reloads. Put more metal fish into the water. −10% torpedo tubes reload time.

Consumables Enhancements

2 Longer-lasting consumables. +10% action time of:

Eye in the Sky

2 A quick-response spotter plane. Spotting Aircraft:
+2 charges
−50% cooldown time

Priority Target

2 The detection indicator displays the number of opponents that are currently aiming at your ship. The detection indicator will show the number of enemies targeting you with main battery.

Focus Fire Training

2 Faster aircraft preparation. Quicker Air Strikes. More AA explosions.
When Sector Reinforcement is activated, stronger damage shift to the priority sector.
+1 Flak shells in AA salvos
-15% Airstrike armament reload time
-10% Aircraft preparation time[2]
In an active priority AA sector:
+1.5% (to 5%) Damage caused with a priority sector activated
+25% Sector Reinforcement
A flak burst is not added to a ship with no long-range AAA.

Stacks with Air Groups Modification 3.

Heavy HE and SAP Shells

3 More ship damage from penetrating non-AP shells, potentially with a cost. +10% main battery HE and SAP shell damage.
+15% detectability of ships with a main battery caliber of 149 mm and above.
This skill will be useful to small-gun cruisers, of questionable value to most. Note, that HE and SAP shells cause ship damage only when they penetrate.
See here.

Pack A Punch

3 Improved performance of secondary armament. +20% secondary battery range.
+15% torpedo damage.

Adrenaline Rush

3 Increases reload speed of all armament as the ship's health decreases. For each 1% HP lost:
−0.2% reload time of all armaments
+0.2% AA continuous damage.

Heavy AP Shells

3 More damage for penetrating AP shells of heavy cruisers. +5% damage for AP shells 190mm and larger. Does not increase penetration.
Does not function on light cruisers.


3 Increases capacity of consumables. +1 additional charge to all consumables mounted on a ship.

Survivability Expert

3 Increases the size of the ship's Health Pool. +450 ship HP for each ship tier. Example: a Tier V ship would gain 2,250 (5x450) additional HP.
Has greater value on smaller ships.

Top Grade Gunner

4 If an enemy ship is spotted within the ship's standard detectability range,[4] this skill is activated. −10% reload time of secondary batteries.
When activated:
−8% reload time of the main battery.
Thus concealment bonuses would seem to decrease the utility of this skill.


4 When there are as many or more visible hostile ships than allies within the ship's standard main battery firing range, this skill is activated.[4] When activated:
+8% ship speed
−10% main battery dispersion.
The speed bonus also applies when there are no enemies or allies within your ship's main battery firing range.

Radio Location

4 Shows the direction to the nearest enemy ship, detected or not. In battle, an azimuth range arc appears.
The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken.
Locates submarines at all depths except maximum.

Inertia Fuse for HE Shells

4 Increases the armor penetration of high explosive (HE) main and secondary shells, while decreasing their chance of setting the enemy ship on fire. +25% armor penetration of HE shells.
Base fire chance reduced by half.
The mechanics for HE penetration can be found in the Armor Penetration article. Also see Armor thresholds and Fire.
This skill is frequently paired with Demolition Expert.

Concealment Expert

4 Reduces detectability range. −10% detectability range of the ship. Stacks with other detection range reduction bonuses such as Concealment System Modification 1.

AA Defense and ASW Expert

4 Increased anti-aircraft and ASW effectiveness. Quicker consumable reload while AAA is active. +25% damage from continuous AAA and flak.
+15% damage from depth charges.
While AA defenses are operating:
−50% ship consumables reload time.

Destroyer Skills

Grease the Gears Liquidator Consumables Specialist Gun Feeder Incoming Fire Alert Preventive Maintenance
Demolition Expert Swift Fish Consumables Enhancements Extra-Heavy Ammunition Priority Target Last Stand
Main Battery and AA Specialist Fill the Tubes Adrenaline Rush Inertia Fuse for HE Shells Superintendent Survivability Expert
Main Battery and AA Expert Swift in Silence Radio Location Fearless Brawler Concealment Expert Dazzle
Icon Skill Name Skill Point Cost Description Effect Notes

Grease the Gears

1 Faster turret rotation to help turrets keep up with maneuvers. +15% main battery turrets traverse speed.


1 Increased chance to cause flooding on a torpedo strike. +30% chance (multiplicative) of causing flooding. See Flooding.

Consumables Specialist

1 Shorter cooldown time of certain consumables. −7.5% cooldown time of

all Consumables
Damage Control Party
Repair Party

Specialized Repair Teams, Heavy Repair Teams, and Fast Damage Control Teams are also unaffected.

Gun Feeder

1 Accelerates shell-type switching of main battery guns. −40% to the ship's minimum shell-type switching time. It's complicated. See Shell-type switching time.

Incoming Fire Alert

1 Provides a warning of long-range main battery fire. Receive a warning of a salvo fired at your ship from a distance of more than 4.5 km. Think of this as a "turn now!" warning.

Preventive Maintenance

1 Reduces the risk of main turrets, torpedo tubes, steering gears, and engine becoming incapacitated. −30% to the risk of incapacitation of modules.

+15% to the HP of secondary and AA guns.


Demolition Expert

2 A better chance of causing fires on ships. +1% chance of main and secondary HE shells causing a fire.
+15% Explosion radius of all munitions, except for depth charges, when attacking submarines.
The effect of this bonus might be surprising. See Fire.

Swift Fish

2 Faster torpedoes. +5% torpedo speed.
+5% aerial torpedo speed.
More speed means less reaction time.

Consumables Enhancements

2 Longer action time of certain consumables. +10% action time of:

Extra-Heavy Ammunition

2 More damage from armor-piercing penetrations and from ASW depth charges. +7.5% main battery AP shell damage.
+10% to damage inflicted by depth charges.
Does not increase armor penetration.

Priority Target

2 The detection indicator displays the number of opponents that are currently aiming at your ship. The detection indicator will show the number of enemies targeting you with main battery.

Last Stand

2 When the engine or steering gears are incapacitated, they continue to operate (but with a penalty). The ship remains able to move and maneuver - slowly - while the engine or steering gears are incapacitated. As of Update 0.10.0, all ships retain 20% propulsion and 0% steering when the modules are incapacitated. Ships with Last Stand retain 50% of each.

Main Battery and AA Specialist

3 Improved firepower. −5% main battery reload time.

+10% continuous AA damage.

Fill the Tubes

3 Put more metal fish in the water. −10% torpedo tubes reload time.

Adrenaline Rush

3 Increases reload speed of all armament as the ship's health decreases. For each 1% HP lost:
−0.2% reload time of all armaments
+0.2% AA continuous damage.

Inertia Fuse for HE Shells

3 Increases the armor penetration of high explosive (HE) main and secondary shells, while decreasing their chance of setting the enemy ship on fire. +25% armor penetration of HE shells.

Base fire chance reduced by half.
The mechanics for HE penetration can be found in the Armor Penetration article. Also see Armor thresholds and Fire.
This skill is frequently paired with Demolition Expert.


3 Increases capacity of consumables. +1 charge to all consumables mounted on a ship.

Survivability Expert

3 Increases the size of the ship's Health Pool. +350 ship HP for each ship tier. Example: a Tier V ship would gain 1,750 (5x350) additional HP.
Has greater value on smaller ships.

Main Battery and AA Expert

4 Even more firepower. +20% main battery range.

+15% flak damage.

Swift in Silence

4 So long as the ship remains undetected, the speed bonus is activated. +5% main battery reload time.
While undetected:
+8% ship speed.
The skill is especially suitable for stealthy torpedo destroyers.

Radio Location

4 Shows the direction to the nearest enemy ship, detected or not. In battle, an azimuth range arc appears.
The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken.
Locates submarines at all depths except maximum.

Fearless Brawler

4 When the ship is detected, the main battery reload bonus is activated. +1 flak burst per salvo.
When activated:
-10% main battery reload time.
A flak burst is not added to ships with no long-range AAA.
"The skill is especially useful for artillery destroyers — French and Soviet — as well as when fighting for Key Areas." - WG

Concealment Expert

4 Reduces detectability range. −10% detectability range of the ship. Stacks with other detection range reduction bonuses such as Concealment System Modification 1.


4 When an undetected ship is spotted, reduces the accuracy of hostile fire directed at it, and kicks up the speed. When activated, for 15 seconds:
+20% dispersion of enemy shells.
+8% ship speed.
The shell dispersion effect is applied when the guns are fired.

Aircraft Carrier Skills

Last Gasp Improved Engine Boost Engine Techie Air Supremacy Direction Center for Fighters Search and Destroy
Torpedo Bomber Swift Fish Improved Engines Repair Specialist Secondary Armament Expert Patrol Group Leader
Sight Stabilization Enhanced Armor-Piercing Ammunition Pyrotechnician Aircraft Armor Survivability Expert Interceptor
Bomber Flight Control Proximity Fuze Close Quarters Expert Enhanced Aircraft Armor Hidden Menace Enhanced Reactions
Icon Skill Name Skill Point Cost Description Effect Notes

Last Gasp

1 Completely restores engine boost for the last attack flight of a carrier's planes. Restores engine boost.

Improved Engine Boost

1 Increases the engine boost time for a carrier's squadrons. +5% aircraft engine boost duration. Stacks with Aircraft Engines Modification 1 : +10% engine boost time.

Engine Techie

1 Faster Engine Cooling consumable reload time. −20% Engine Cooling cooldown time.

Air Supremacy

1 Decreases aircraft servicing time to get your planes back in the air. −5% aircraft restoration time.

Direction Center for Fighters

1 When the carrier's CAP FighterA group of fighter planes launched automatically to defend an aircraft carrier. consumable is activated, an additional fighter is launched. +1 Fighter. Does not apply to Patrol FighterWhile active, a group of fighter planes circles a location spotting and engaging enemy aircraft..

Search and Destroy

1 Extends the patrol radius of Patrol Fighter or Interceptor squadrons. +10% patrol radius.

Torpedo Bomber

2 Enables torpedo bombers to drop closer to the target for better accuracy. −10% torpedo arming distance.

Swift Fish

2 Faster aerial torpedoes == less reaction time at the target. +5% to torpedo speed.

Improved Engines

2 Increases the cruising speed of a carrier's squadrons. +2.5% Squadron speed. Stacks with
Flight Control Modification 2 : +5% cruising speed.

Repair Specialist

2 Improves the In-flight Repair consumable +1 charge.
+10% the action time of the consumable.

Secondary Armament Expert

2 Improves anti-surface, anti-air and anti-submarine firepower. −10% secondary battery reload time.
+10% flak and continuous AA damage.
+10% depth charge damage.
Interesting combination.

Patrol Group Leader

2 More fighter squadrons on call. +1 charge to Patrol Fighter or Interceptor consumable.

Sight Stabilization

3 Speeds up the aiming of a carrier's attack squadrons. +7.5% Aiming speed for all type attack squadrons.

Enhanced Armor-Piercing Ammunition

3 Increased damage from airborne armor-piercing munitions. +3% damage from AP bombs and rockets. Does not increase penetration.


3 Increases the chance of causing a fire on the target. +1% for HE rockets.
+5% for HE bombs.
See Fire to explore explore how effective this is.

Aircraft Armor

3 Reduces continuous damage to aircraft in all AA defense zones. −10% to continuous AA damage See the Anti-Aircraft Fire article.

Survivability Expert

3 A more survivable aircraft is a more effective aircraft.
Has no effect on the carrier's health pool.
+25 aircraft HP per ship tier. Carrier-based aircraft HP ranges roughly 1500-2400.


3 The Patrol Fighters consumable is replaced by Interceptor. +10% patrol radius.
Invulnerable to fighters.
Cannot attack fighters.
Cannot spot ships.
Interceptors are called to defend friendlies against incoming enemy attack squadrons.

Bomber Flight Control

4 Faster bombers. +5% cruising speed of bombers. Does not affect torpedo bombers.

Proximity Fuze

4 Partially negates the effect of a ship's Torpedo Protection System (TPS), increasing damage and the chance of flooding. −10 percentage points to the target's torpedo protection. Has no effect on ships with no TPS (destroyers).
See Flooding.

Close Quarters Expert

4 Much more dangerous anti-surface batteries. Secondary batteries:
  • +20% range
  • −30% dispersion.

Enhanced Aircraft Armor

4 Flak vest. −25% damage from flak.

Hidden Menace

4 Makes the ship more capable of operating close to the front at the cost of making the ship harder for returning planes to find. −15% ship detectability range.
−20% Damage Control Party cooldown.
−50% Safe flight altitude.
−50% speed of returning squadrons.
Aircraft do not receive concealment benefits.
Currently affects squadron climb-out speed as well as return cruise. This effect can be partially offset by Air Groups Modification 1.

Enhanced Reactions

4 With the Patrol Fighters or Interceptor consumables activated, the time it takes to start attacking enemy aircraft is reduced. −80% time before attack.
+25% action time of the consumable.

+50% arrival time.

Effectiveness TBD.

Submarine Skills

Enhanced Sonar Liquidator Helmsman Priority Target Incoming Fire Alert
Improved Battery Capacity Torpedo Crew Training Consumables Enhancements Preventive Maintenance Last Stand
Enhanced Impulse Generator Sonarman Consumables Specialist Watchful Superintendent
Adrenaline Rush Torpedo Aiming Master Sonarman Expert Improved Battery Efficiency Enlarged Propeller Shaft
Icon Skill Name Skill Point Cost Description Effect Notes

Enhanced Sonar

1 Activated if your ship is detected by the enemy. When activated:

-10% Sonar reload time.



1 Increased chance to cause flooding on a torpedo strike. +30% chance (multiplicative) of causing flooding. See Flooding.


1 Reduces rudder shift time within 15 seconds of using the Hydrophone consumable. When activated:

−10% rudder shift time.
−10% diving plane shift time.


Priority Target

1 The detection indicator displays the number of opponents that are currently aiming at your ship. The detection indicator will show the number of enemies targeting you with main battery.

Incoming Fire Alert

1 Provides a warning of long-range main battery fire. Receive a warning of a salvo fired at your ship from a distance of more than 4.5 km. Think of this as a "turn now!" warning.

Improved Battery Capacity

2 +10% dive capacity.

-20% dive capacity recharge rate on the surface.


Torpedo Crew Training

2 Activated if your ship is detected by the enemy. When activated:

-15% torpedo tube reload time.


Consumables Enhancements

2 +5% action time of the ship's consumables.

Preventive Maintenance

2 Reduces the risk of main turrets, sonar, torpedo tubes, steering gear, and engine becoming incapacitated. −30% to the risk of incapacitation of modules. This skill does not apply to secondary or AA batteries.

Last Stand

2 When the engine or steering gears are incapacitated, they continue to operate (but with a penalty). The ship remains able to move and maneuver - slowly - while the engine or steering gears are incapacitated. As of Update 0.10.0, all ships retain 20% propulsion and 0% steering when the modules are incapacitated. Ships with Last Stand retain 50% of each.

Enhanced Impulse Generator

3 Increases ping velocity if less than 33% of the maximum dive capacity remains. When activated:

+15% sonar ping velocity.



3 +25% duration of a ping effect on a sector highlighted once.

-15% duration of a ping effect on a sector highlighted twice.


Consumables Specialist

3 Improved consumables preperation and cooldown time. −15% preparation and reload time of ship's consumables.


3 Displays the warning "in detection range" when the undetected submarine is in the range of an activated Submarine SurveillanceDetect submarines underwater., Surveillance RadarWhile active, detects all enemy ships within the specified radius, disregarding obstacles such as smoke and terrain. or Hydroacoustic SearchWhile active, detects all enemy ships and torpedoes within the specified radius, without regard of obstacles such as smoke and terrain. consumable but is not detected because of its current depth.[5] The warning "in detection range" is displayed. Submarines are detected by Hydroacoustic Search at all depths but at maximum depth only within 2 km. Submarines are detected by Surveillance Radar only at the surface level. Submarines are detected by Submarine Surveillance at periscope and maximum depth.


3 Increases capacity of consumables. +1 charge to all consumables mounted on a ship.

Adrenaline Rush

4 Increases reload speed of all armament as the ship's health decreases. For each 1% HP lost:
−0.25% torpedo tubes reload time.

−0.25% Sonar reload time.
−0.25% Secondary battery reload time.
−0.25% Main battery reload time.

Torpedo Aiming Master

4 [tl/dr: On active double ping sector before launching torpedoes] When activated:

+15% torpedo damage.

Only works with homing torpedoes.

Sonarman Expert

4 Increases the ping effect after hydrophone use.

Activated if a sector was highlighted within 30 seconds of using the Hydrophone consumable.

When activated:
+25% duration of a ping effect on a sector highlighted once.
+25% duration of a ping effect on a sector highlighted twice.

Improved Battery Efficiency

4 Activated if less than 50% of the maximum dive capacity remains. When activated:
+25% dive capacity recharge rate on the surface.

Enlarged Propeller Shaft

4 Activated if less than 50% of the maximum dive capacity remains. When activated:
+18% speed at surface and periscope depth.
Does not work at maximum depth.

  1. Aircraft Carrier skills do not apply to hybrid ships such as Ise and Tone.
  2. 2.0 2.1 When activated, the continuous AA damage in the priority sector instantly gains 25% and rises to its default maximum plus 25%. Meanwhile, the weak side loses an additional 25%.
  3. Secondary target designation can be tricky at first. To make it more sure, with the Alternate Interface Mode set to Full (highly recommended on the Settings.Controls panel) <ctrl-left click> on the red damage bar just above the range number. A target icon will appear above the ship.
  4. 4.0 4.1 The standard main battery firing range or standard detectability range are those values shown in port. They are not changed by in-battle effects such as gun bloom, spotting aircraft, smoke, or weather.
  5. This means:
    • If the submarine gets the warning on the surface, it is in the range of an activated Submarine Surveillance.
    • If the submarine gets the warning at periscope depth, it is in the range of an activated Surveillance Radar.
    • If the submarine gets the warning at maximum depth, it is either in the range of an activated Surveillance Radar or Hydroacoustic Search (but more than 2 km away).