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Tech Tree Position
Research price40000 exp
Purchase price4,500,000 Credits
Hit Points38,400 
Secondary Armament #1
127 mm/40 Type 89 on a Model A1 mount6 х 2 pcs.
Firing Rangekm.
Rate of Fire12 shots/min.
Reload Timesec.
HE Shell127 mm HE Type0 
Maximum HE Shell Damage2,100 
Initial HE Shell Velocity725 m./s.
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell%
AA Defense
127 mm/40 Type 89 on a Model A1 mount6 х 2 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second60.6 
. . . Firing Range5.01 km.
25 mm/60 Type 96 on a twin mount9 х 2 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second24.3 
. . . Firing Range2.49 km.
25 mm/60 Type 96 on a single mount5 х 1 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second
. . . Firing Range2.49 km.
Maximum Speed28 knot
Turning Circle Radius770 m.
Rudder Shift Time13.4 sec.
Surface Detectability Range9.6 km.
Air Detectability Range6.82 km.
Battle Levels

Ryūjō — Japanese Tier VI aircraft сarrier.

An aircraft carrier built under the restrictions of the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922. Owing to a double-deck hangar, she could carry an impressive air group despite her limited displacement. Her drawbacks were low survivability and the small size of her flight deck, which hampered takeoff and landing for squadrons.


Hull Hit Points
Main Turrets
Secondary Gun Turrets
AA Mounts
Torpedo Tubes
Hangar Capacity
Research price
Purchase price
Ryūjō (A)38,40063065/9/6 0400,000
Ryūjō (B)39,60063068/10 10,0001,100,000
Attack Aircraft Speed
Research price
Purchase price
A5M Claude1341,210 0300,000
A6M2 Zero1391,270 7,000750,000
Torpedo Bombers Maximum Torpedo Damage
Hit Points
Research price
Purchase price
B4Y Jean5,0001201,460 0300,000
B5N2 Kate5,0001281,530 7,000750,000
Bombers Maximum Bomb Damage
Hit Points
Research price
Purchase price
D3A Val1331,430 0300,000
D4Y2 Suisei1371,500 7,000750,000
Engine Maximum Speed
Research price
Purchase price
Propulsion: 65,000 hp28 0250,000

Compatible Upgrades

 Slot 1 
Air Groups Modification 1
Auxiliary Armaments Modification 1
Damage Control Party Modification 1
 Slot 2 
Damage Control System Modification 1
Aircraft Engines Modification 1
 Slot 3 
Secondary Battery Modification 1
Torpedo Bombers Modification 1
Attack Aircraft Modification 1
Aerial Torpedoes Modification 1
 Slot 4 
Damage Control System Modification 2
Attack Aircraft Modification 2
Torpedo Bombers Modification 2
Bombers Modification 1
Airstrike Modification 1

Player Opinion


Warning. The data presented in the AA Defense sidebar section may be incorrect.

The Ryūjō is the best ship for players to get accustomed to the Japanese carrier play.

Attack aircraft:

The stock rocket aircraft have minuscule HP pools, drop only 4 rockets and have a tiny amount of engine boost. The potential damage of each individual rocket is, at best, mediocre. At worst, they are only worth using on DDs, as their alpha damage is horrible, and they will barely scratch cruisers and battleships. On the upside, the rockets are very accurate and shoot almost at the dead center of the aiming reticle. Although this means that you don't need to attack from broadside, the accuracy is a double edged sword as this means that you need to aim very precisely on DDs. Also the attack aircraft have a high top speed, but they have a small amount of engine boost. In all, these aircraft shouldn't be used even on DDs unless you have run out of other planes or are trying to save planes. Try to hit the DDs with torps as they will be far more effective than the rocket planes. The rocket planes should be used when trying to save other plane types.

Torpedo bombers:

Ryujo's torpedo bombers are the star of the show known for dealing large amounts of damage against targets from destroyers to aircraft carriers. They now launch two torpedoes at a time compared to her predecessor Hosho and can attack up to four times per squadron with the researchable planes. Learning to hit those torps, especially against destroyers, will be the gateway to success in higher tier games. The torpedoes themselves are very fast for aerial torpedoes of this tier, and have very high alpha damage. Landing just 2 torpedo hits on DDs can potentially kill them in one shot, or at the very least, land devastating damage on them. These torpedo bombers should be your main weapon of choice against most enemy ships. However, it is worth noting that the torpedo bombers, and in fact all of the planes, have low HP pools. Good plane management is a must to be able to influence the battle in the late-game.

Dive bombers:

As a tier 6 ship, the player will face many opponents where they can citadel with AP bombs. The player will be able to learn which targets they can citadel and which they should avoid. The individual bomb damage is very good, but sometimes the aiming circle is very large and the accuracy of the bombs decreases substantially when maneuvers are conducted, so care must be taken to line up each bomb drop properly. But every bomb that lands on the enemy will hurt a lot. It is recommended to use torpedo bombers and rocket planes more often than dive bombers because they will be more useful in more situations.


It is recommended to start with attack aircraft in the the beginning of the battle as spotting destroyers and other ships are important for other allied ships to plan ahead of what to do. Its best to target cruisers with torpedo bombers as they have weak torpedo protection and torpedo bombers in one attack run alone can bring down a full hp cruiser to 2/3 of its health although battleships is another very important option. Dive bombers should be used when a cruiser or battleship looks suitable to citadel such as Fuso because bombs often deal poor amounts of damage when they don't hit the citadel of a ship. Players should drop the bombs where they will very likely hit the center of the ship which can land citadel damage. Players must learn to balance risk and reward when committing to an attack, blocking AA through mountains are a key way to land hits on ships to preserve aircraft hp. Attack runs on targets that are either isolated or have weak AA is advised due to the relatively low risk involved. Players should also only call back their aircraft (f key by default) when they are safely outside AA bubbles in order to ensure they don't get shot down along the way.


Overall, Ryujo is a strong solid T6 CV suitable for beginner, she generally many strengths and fewer weaknesses.


  • Good concealment which boosts her survivability.
  • Decent torpedo bombers that drop high speed torpedo.
  • Ridiculously fast plane cruising speed and top speed meaning that she can attack more frequently than Ranger.
  • AP bombs can deal reasonable damage when both bombs hit the citadel, and this makes it hard for ships to heal.
  • Powerful rockets that have decent accuracy, penetration, and damage that are effective against all ship types, even against tier 8 targets.
  • Planes are very responsive and have a tight turning circle.
  • Larger squadron and hangar size compared to other same-tier counterparts.


  • Weak armor protection and large size makes her easy to hit and easily gets citadel by destroyer HE shells although her survivability is better than Ranger.
  • AA is weaker than her counterpart Ranger and will not stop enemy aircraft carrier from attacking her.
  • Low health pool of planes although this is offset by speed and damage.
  • Bombers carry AP bombs that are effective only against select targets (e.g. larger cruisers and battleships) but not against destroyers or smaller ships as they will either miss entirely or overpen.
  • Shockingly poor AP bomb damage when they do not hit the citadel of enemy ships.
  • Stock attack aircraft only drop 4 rockets per run. Due to the high accuracy, precise aiming is required.
  • Rockets have the longest machine gun delay at 3.8 seconds, which allows ships more time to react.


This is a suggested research path:

Captains should upgrade the torpedo bombers first, as they are Ryujo's most effective weapon. The upgrade gives a large increase in damage and also an increase in squadron size. Then, the attack aircraft or dive bombers should be upgraded next, according to the captain's preference. The attack aircraft upgrade is a large increase in payload from 4 to 8 rockets in each attack run. The dive bombers' upgrade will increase the alpha damage of the AP bombs and also give a tiny increase in hit points. Lastly, the B hull should be upgraded for more HP and better AA, which unlocks progression to T8 Shokaku. Generally, the extra hit points and AA should not be required if the captain can stay undetected by enemies.

Optimal Configuration


The recommended upgrades for Ryūjō should be focused as much as possible on the torpedo bombers and are as follows:

Commander Skills

Ryūjō uses the standard Japanese carrier captain skill setup. Emphasis should be on skills that boost fighter and bomber survivability.

Any skills that are related to an enemy vessel firing on your carrier are not useful, as the cost-benefit of investing in survivability skills is not worth the minimal benefit they offer. Ryūjō has a low HP pool and is large and unarmored, and will not survive an attack by any ship larger than a destroyer. Ryūjō captains must position their ship near friendlies or behind islands and far back from the enemy fleet.


The consumables available for the ship and each plane type for Ryūjō are the same as the other T6 CVs and are as follows:


Attack Aircraft

Torpedo Bombers

Dive Bombers



Historical Info

Historical Gallery


  1. Japanese aircraft carrier Ryūjō - Wikipedia

Ship Change Log

See here for links to Update notes.

  • Added to the game in Update 0.3.1 (Closed Beta).
  • Update 0.4.1:
    • Detectability range was increased from 9.0 to 9.9 km.
    • The characteristics of the Flight Control modules and the corresponding squadron compositions were changed:
      • Flight control Type 6 mod 1: 1 torpedo bomber, 2 bomber and 1 fighter squadrons to 2 torpedo bomber, 1 bomber and 1 fighter squadrons.
      • Flight control Type 6 mod 2: 2 torpedo bomber, 2 bomber and 1 fighter squadrons to 3 torpedo bomber, 2 bomber and 0 fighter squadrons.
      • Flight control Type 6 mod 3: 1 torpedo bomber, 1 bomber and 3 fighter squadrons to 2 torpedo bomber, 2 bomber and 1 fighter squadrons.
    • The credit and experience earnings were reduced by a value between 5 and 10%.
  • Update 0.5.2:
    • Credit earnings increased by 8%.
    • Experience earnings increased by 5%.
  • Update 0.5.11:
    • The hull's armor model was refined.
    • Update 0.6.13:
    • The appearance of the ship was improved using a special technology for improved rendering of thin elements.
  • Update 0.6.14:
    • The action time of the Damage Control Party consumable was increased from 5 to 30 s, while fire resistance coefficient was changed to 0.8.
  • Update 0.6.15:
    • A bonus of -10% to the cost of the post battle repairs was added to the Type 10 permanent camouflage.
  • Update 0.7.2:
    • Players who completed the "Yamamoto Isoroku" collection were given the option to use an additional permanent camouflage color scheme.
  • Update 0.7.6:
    • The appearance of the ship was improved using a special technology for improved rendering of thin elements.
  • Update 0.7.9:
    • The appearance of camouflage on the ship was fixed.
  • Update 0.8.0:
    • The Fighter squadron was changed to an Attack squadron:
      • Attack Aircraft per squadron: 8; Attack Aircraft per attack group: 2; Amount of rockets per aircraft: 4.
    • The Dive Bombers were changed:
      • Dive Bomber aircraft per squadron: 6; Dive Bomber aircraft per attack group: 2; Amount of bombs per aircraft: 1.
    • The Torpedo Bombers were changed:
      • Torpedo Bomber aircraft per squadron: 6; Torpedo Bomber aircraft per attack group: 2; Amount of torpedoes per aircraft: 1.
    • For replacement and compensation due to the carrier rework, refer to this page.
    • For consumables mounted by squadrons, refer to this page.
    • For consumables mounted by Ryujo, refer to this page.
  • Update
    • Preparation time for an attack was decreased from 5 to 4.5 s for the Torpedo Bombers B4Y Jean and B5N2 Kate.
    • The hitpoints of all stock aircraft were increased to be within 5% of the hitpoints of the researchable aircraft.
  • Update 0.8.7:
    • The Torpedo Bombers were changed:
      • Number of aircraft in a squadron was increased from 6 to 8.
      • Number of aircraft on deck was increased from 9 to 12.
    • The Dive Bombers were changed:
      • Number of aircraft in a squadron was increased from 6 to 8.
      • Number of aircraft on deck was increased from 9 to 12.
  • Update 0.9.2:
    • The Dive Bombers were changed:
      • The minimum time between attacks for bomber squadrons was increased from 5 to 8.5 s.
  • Update 0.9.6:
    • The Dive Bombers were changed:
      • The damage of armor-piercing bombs on the stock bombers was decreased from 5,500 to 4,600.
      • The damage of armor-piercing bombs on the researchable bombers was decreased from 6,100 to 5,100.
  • Update 0.9.7:
    • Attack Aircraft aiming reticle was rotated 90 degrees to appear horizontally.
    • Minor corrections to geometry and textures.
    • Research cost was decreased from 60,000 to 48,000 experience.
  • Update 0.10.0:
    • Patrol fighter speed was increased to 221 knots.
  • Update 0.10.3:
    • Hull (A) was removed. Hulls (B) and (C) were renamed to (A) and (B), respectively.
  • Update 0.11.2:
    • A bug was fixed that caused incorrect visual effects to play.
  • Updated 0.11.8:
    • Researchable torpedo bombers:
      • Maximum torpedo damage reduced from 6,500 to 6,067.
      • Chances of causing flooding reduced from 36% to 34%.
  • Update 0.11.10:
    • Type 91 mod. 2 torpedo of the researchable torpedo bombers was replaced with the Type 91 mod. 1 torpedo used by the stock torpedo bombers:
      • Maximum damage reduced from 6,067 to 5,400.
      • Range reduced from 4 to 3 km.
      • Arming distance reduced from 491 to 447 m.
      • Flooding chance reduced from 34 to 30%.
  • Update 12.4:
    • Fixed an issue that allowed a ship to use AA defenses in some cases without being spotted.
      • Air detectability increased from 6.4 to 6.8 km.
    • The textures and geometry of the ship have been changed.
  • Update 12.10:
    • Improved the visual details of the armor layout for the ship.
  • Update 13.1:
    • Torpedo Bomber parameters changed:
      • Stock squadron aircraft preparation time increased from 74 to 81 s.
      • Researchable squadron aircraft preparation time increased from 73 to 78 s.
      • Torpedo damage decreased from 5,400 to 5,000.

Ships of Japan
Destroyers  II TachibanaDoubloons • II Umikaze • II Tachibana LimaDoubloons • III Wakatake • IV Isokaze • V Minekaze • V FūjinDoubloons • V KamikazeDoubloons • V Kamikaze RDoubloons • V Mutsuki • VI [[Ship:Mutsuki (< 01.12.2016)|Mutsuki (< 01.12.2016)]] • VI Fubuki • VI Hatsuharu • VI Shinonome BDoubloons • VI ShinonomeDoubloons • VII [[Ship:Hatsuharu (< 01.12.2016)|Hatsuharu (< 01.12.2016)]] • VII Akatsuki • VII Shiratsuyu • VII YūdachiDoubloons • VIII [[Ship:Fubuki (< 01.12.2016)|Fubuki (< 01.12.2016)]] • VIII Akizuki • VIII Kagerō • VIII AsashioDoubloons • VIII HSF Harekaze IIDoubloons • VIII Asashio BDoubloons • VIII HSF HarekazeDoubloons • VIII AL YukikazeDoubloons • IX [[Ship:Kagerō (< 01.12.2016)|Kagerō (< 01.12.2016)]] • IX Yūgumo • IX Kitakaze • IX MinegumoDoubloons • IX STAR KitakazeDoubloons • X Shimakaze • X Harugumo • X HayateDoubloons • X AL ShimakazeDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Shimakaze]|[Shimakaze]]] •  Yamagiri 
Cruisers  I Hashidate • II Chikuma • III Tenryū • III KatoriDoubloons • IV YūbariDoubloons • IV Kuma • IV Iwaki AlphaDoubloons • V Furutaka • V Agano • V YahagiDoubloons • VI Aoba • VI Gokase • VII Myōkō • VII Omono • VII TokachiDoubloons • VII MayaDoubloons • VII ARP MyōkōDoubloons • VII ARP AshigaraDoubloons • VII ARP HaguroDoubloons • VII Southern DragonDoubloons • VII Eastern DragonDoubloons • VII ARP NachiDoubloons • VIII Mogami • VIII ToneDoubloons • VIII AtagoDoubloons • VIII Shimanto • VIII Atago BDoubloons • VIII ARP TakaoDoubloons • VIII ARP MayaDoubloons • VIII Tone 2 • VIII Tone 3 • IX Ibuki • IX Takahashi • IX AzumaDoubloons • IX AL AzumaDoubloons • IX Chikuma IIDoubloons • IX Chikuma II GoldenDoubloons • IX BA TakahashiDoubloons • X Zaō • X Yodo • X YoshinoDoubloons • X Yoshino BDoubloons • X KitakamiDoubloons • X YariDoubloons • X Zaō CLR • X [[Ship:[Zaō]|[Zaō]]] 
Battleships  II MikasaDoubloons • III Kawachi • IV Myōgi • IV IshizuchiDoubloons • V Kongō • V ARP KongōDoubloons • V ARP KirishimaDoubloons • V ARP HarunaDoubloons • V ARP HieiDoubloons • V HSF HieiDoubloons • VI Fusō • VI MutsuDoubloons • VI IseDoubloons • VI Ise 2 • VI Ise 3 • VII Nagato • VII AshitakaDoubloons • VII HyūgaDoubloons • VIII Amagi • VIII Yumihari • VIII KiiDoubloons • VIII Ignis PurgatioDoubloons • VIII RagnarokDoubloons • IX Izumo • IX Adatara • IX MusashiDoubloons • IX HizenDoubloons • IX IwamiDoubloons • IX DaisenDoubloons • IX TsurugiDoubloons • IX Iwami BDoubloons • X Yamato • X Bungo • X ShikishimaDoubloons • X ARP YamatoDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Yamato]|[Yamato]]] •  Satsuma 
Aircraft Carriers  IV [[Ship:Hōshō (< 23.01.2019)|Hōshō (< 23.01.2019)]] • IV Hōshō • V [[Ship:Zuihō (< 23.01.2019)|Zuihō (< 23.01.2019)]] • VI [[Ship:Ryūjō (< 23.01.2019)|Ryūjō (< 23.01.2019)]] • VI Ryūjō • VII [[Ship:Hiryū (< 23.01.2019)|Hiryū (< 23.01.2019)]] • VII [[Ship:Kaga (< 23.01.2019)|Kaga (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII [[Ship:Shōkaku (< 23.01.2019)|Shōkaku (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII Shōkaku • VIII KagaDoubloons • VIII Kaga BDoubloons • IX [[Ship:Taihō (< 23.01.2019)|Taihō (< 23.01.2019)]] • X [[Ship:Hakuryū (< 23.01.2019)|Hakuryū (< 23.01.2019)]] • X Hakuryū • X ShinanoDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Hakuryū]|[Hakuryū]]] •  Sekiryu
Aircraft Carriers
U.S.A.  IV [[Ship:Langley (< 23.01.2019)|Langley (< 23.01.2019)]] • IV Langley • V [[Ship:Bogue (< 23.01.2019)|Bogue (< 23.01.2019)]] • VI [[Ship:Independence (< 23.01.2019)|Independence (< 23.01.2019)]] • VI Independence • VI Ranger • VII [[Ship:Ranger (< 23.01.2019)|Ranger (< 23.01.2019)]] • VII [[Ship:Saipan (< 23.01.2019)|Saipan (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII [[Ship:Lexington (< 23.01.2019)|Lexington (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII Yorktown • VIII Lexington • VIII [[Ship:Enterprise (< 23.01.2019)|Enterprise (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII EnterpriseDoubloons • VIII SaipanDoubloons • VIII HornetDoubloons • VIII Saipan BDoubloons • VIII AL HornetDoubloons • IX [[Ship:Essex (< 23.01.2019)|Essex (< 23.01.2019)]] • X [[Ship:Midway (< 23.01.2019)|Midway (< 23.01.2019)]] • X Essex • X Midway • X Franklin D. RooseveltDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Midway]|[Midway]]] •  United States 
Germany  IV Rhein • VI Weser • VI Erich LoewenhardtDoubloons • VIII August von Parseval • VIII [[Ship:Graf Zeppelin (< 23.01.2019)|Graf Zeppelin (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII Graf ZeppelinDoubloons • VIII Graf Zeppelin BDoubloons • X Manfred von Richthofen • X Werner Voss • X Max ImmelmannDoubloons • X Otto Lilienthal 
U.S.S.R.  IV Komsomolets • VI Serov • VIII Pobeda • VIII ChkalovDoubloons • VIII Chkalov BDoubloons • X Admiral Nakhimov • X Admiral Orlov 
Italy  VIII AquilaDoubloons 
Japan  IV [[Ship:Hōshō (< 23.01.2019)|Hōshō (< 23.01.2019)]] • IV Hōshō • V [[Ship:Zuihō (< 23.01.2019)|Zuihō (< 23.01.2019)]] • VI [[Ship:Ryūjō (< 23.01.2019)|Ryūjō (< 23.01.2019)]] • VI Ryūjō • VII [[Ship:Hiryū (< 23.01.2019)|Hiryū (< 23.01.2019)]] • VII [[Ship:Kaga (< 23.01.2019)|Kaga (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII [[Ship:Shōkaku (< 23.01.2019)|Shōkaku (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII Shōkaku • VIII KagaDoubloons • VIII Kaga BDoubloons • IX [[Ship:Taihō (< 23.01.2019)|Taihō (< 23.01.2019)]] • X [[Ship:Hakuryū (< 23.01.2019)|Hakuryū (< 23.01.2019)]] • X Hakuryū • X ShinanoDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Hakuryū]|[Hakuryū]]] •  Sekiryu 
U.K.  IV Hermes • VI Furious • VI Ark RoyalDoubloons • VIII Implacable • VIII IndomitableDoubloons • VIII ColossusDoubloons • VIII TheseusDoubloons • X Audacious • X MaltaDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Audacious]|[Audacious]]] •  Eagle 
France  VI BéarnDoubloons 
Pan-Asia  VIII SanzangDoubloons 