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Battleship | U.S.A. | Tier V
Tech Tree Position
Purchase price5,150 Doubloons
Hit Points49,100 
Main Battery
356 mm/45 Mk.8 in a turret5 х 2 pcs.
Rate of Fire1.75 shots/min.
Reload Time34.28 sec.
Rotation Speeddeg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time60 sec.
Firing Range16.42 km.
Maximum Dispersion224 m.
HE Shell356 mm HE/HC Mk22 
Maximum HE Shell Damage5,000 
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell30 %
Initial HE Shell Velocity834 m./s.
HE Shell Weight578.34 kg.
AP Shell356 mm AP Mk16 
Maximum AP Shell Damage10,300 
Initial AP Shell Velocity792 m./s.
AP Shell Weight680.4 kg.
Secondary Armament #1
127 mm/51 Mk.7 on a Mk.13 mount6 х 1 pcs.
Firing Range4.3 km.
Rate of Fire8.57 shots/min.
Reload Timesec.
HE Shell127 mm HE/HC Mk39 
Maximum HE Shell Damage1,800 
Initial HE Shell Velocity960 m./s.
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell%
AA Defense
20 mm Oerlikon on a Mk.4 mount44 х 1 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second158.4 
. . . Firing Range2.01 km.
76 mm/50 Mk.22 on a single mount10 х 1 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second28 
. . . Firing Range3.51 km.
40 mm/56 Bofors on a Mk.2 mount10 х 4 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second159 
. . . Firing Range3.51 km.
Maximum Speed20.5 knot
Turning Circle Radius650 m.
Rudder Shift Time14 sec.
Surface Detectability Range15.54 km.
Air Detectability Range8.54 km.
Battle Levels

Texas — American premium Tier V battleship.

During World War I, New York-class battleship USS Texas took part in patrol and convoy missions in the Atlantic. During World War II, the battleship escorted convoys across the Atlantic, took part in the landings of Allied forces in North Africa and Normandy, and supported landing forces in the battles for Iwo Jima and Okinawa. After her service in the Navy concluded, Texas became a museum ship in Houston, Texas, and then became the first battleship to receive the status of being a National Historic Landmark of the United States.

USS Texas is preserved as a military museum ship. She is currently in drydock for a major restoration. Her home port has yet to be announced.

Texas first went on sale in May 2016.


Main Battery Guns Rate of Fire
180° Turn Time
Maximum Dispersion
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Research price
Purchase price
356 mm/45 Mk.8 in a turret1.8602245,0003010,300 00
Hull Hit Points
Main Turrets
Secondary Gun Turrets
AA Mounts
Torpedo Tubes
Hangar Capacity
Research price
Purchase price
Texas49,100133565644/10/10 00
Maximum Firing Range
Research price
Purchase price
Mk5 mod. 10 00
Engine Maximum Speed
Research price
Purchase price
Propulsion: 28,100 hp20.5 00

Compatible Upgrades

 Slot 1 
Main Armaments Modification 1
Auxiliary Armaments Modification 1
Magazine Modification 1
Spotting Aircraft Modification 1
Damage Control Party Modification 1
 Slot 2 
Damage Control System Modification 1
Engine Room Protection
 Slot 3 
Main Battery Modification 2
Secondary Battery Modification 1
AA Guns Modification 1
Artillery Plotting Room Modification 1

Player Opinion


Warning: The data presented in the AA Defense sidebar section may be incorrect.
Refer to the in-game Port screens for more useful data.



Texas is a upgraded New York with a heavy emphasis on her historical late war refit focusing on anti air capabilities. While retaining the same main armament, turret traverse, range, and armor, there are subtle differences like speed, turret angles, and concealment, as well as the vastly upgraded AA suite that make Texas a better all around ship than her tech tree sister.


Texas is fairly armored for a tier V battleship, her bow and stern are a standard 19mm, with her torpedo protection being 25mm. The citadel on Texas extends just above the waterline and is protected by 76mm of armor on the sides and a 254mm casemate above it, making it decently protected. The downside to Texas’s armor scheme is that while having a relatively small superstructure, much of the upper side and deck armor is also 19mm, making her susceptible to cruiser and battleship fire. Overall Texas is well protected from citadel damage, but her large, lightly armored profile leaves a large target for all types of fire.


Retaining the same armament as her sister, Texas is armed with 5 twin mounted 356mm turrets. 2 of the turrets are at the bow, 2 on the stern, and 1 mounted in the center of the ship, between the forward and rear superstructure. Her AP shells deal a maximum of 10300 damage, and overmatch 24mm of armor, allowing her to overmatch most bow and stern armor at the tier. The reload is one of the slowest at the tier, at 34.3 seconds. While the reload is nearly 5 seconds slower than New York at 30.5 seconds, the forward firing angles are considerably better to get all guns on target. This allows for less broadside to be shown and less of a chance for damage to be taken. Texas’s range is not the best, sitting at 16.4km, over 2km less than New York. To help with the low range, Texas comes equipped with a spotter plane which can bring her more in line with other tier V battleships. Overall Texas is in the middle of the road in terms of her main battery, with a slower than average reload and mediocre accuracy, but a high alpha strike and the ability to overmatch the standard armor threshold at the tier.


Both historically and in game Texas is known for her anti aircraft armament. She is not equipped with any long range anti aircraft batteries or flak, but her medium and short range AA defense more than make up for the lack of long range AA. With a max range of 3.5km, Texas’s medium range battery deals a continuous 329 damage, and her 2km short range battery deals 336 damage. No US battleship until North Carolina, with the exception California, comes close to contesting the AA power of Texas

Battle Performance

Texas like most of the low and mid tier US Battleships, is slow and should be played with that in mind. Crawling along at 20.5 knots without modifiers, Texas should play centrally to work with friendly battleships to provide crossfire. If found on a flank, Texas should be cautious while pushing, if the flank fails then her slow speed will make it difficult to retreat. Her large and lightly armored upper hull and superstructure means HP will be lost quickly if succumbed to focus fire. When encountering enemy aircraft, Texas should have little trouble shooting down aircraft that decide to attack, while it may not be enough to completely stop an attack, a carrier will feel the effects of the AA batteries.


  • Best-in-tier AA defense; in fact, the continuous DPS of her AA guns is higher than almost any other battleship until Tier VIII. Aircraft from tier IV carriers melt in her vicinity and tier VI carriers will have significant difficulty attempting a second strike if her AA suite is intact.
  • The third (amidships) turret has much better firing angles than New York
  • Slightly better torpedo protection and detection ranges than New York.
  • Solid AP performance at mid to close ranges
  • Lowered citadel is difficult to hit by equivalent tier battleships
  • Good turn radius owing to the low length to beam ratio characteristic of dreadnought battleships
  • 19 km main battery range with Artillery Plotting Room Modification 1 Extends the firing range of the main battery and secondary battery: +16% main battery firing range. / +5% secondary battery firing range. / -5% secondary battery dispersion., and up to 22.8 with Spotting AircraftWhile active, a spotter plane circles the ship enhancing main battery firing range. active


  • Slow speed of 20.5 knots means she will frequently find herself left behind by her teammates.
  • Slightly worse rudder shift than New York gives her less reaction time to dodge incoming torpedoes.
  • Main guns have a slower rate of fire than her tech tree sister New York.
  • Her biggest strength — her AA armament — is vulnerable to being knocked out by incoming high explosive rounds; the longer she is under sustained HE fire, the less AA firepower she will have.
  • Short ranged AA (3.6km) with no flak explosions; this can work in her favor by enticing carrier aircraft closer where her medium and short-ranged AA will make quick work of them, but more often just means she has no long-range AA deterrent capable of assisting allies
  • Poor gun firing angles like her sister, you will have to give a significant amount of broadside to bring all her guns to bear
  • Prone to poor shell dispersion, accurate long-range gunnery will be difficult
  • 19mm deck and extremity sections make bow-tanking against any battleship or large gun cruisers such as Graf Spee ill-advised, Texas will easily take penetration damage through the nose or rear. Bouncing shells will have to be done with her belt armor


As a premium ship, Texas has no module upgrades to research.

Optimal Configuration


The recommended upgrades for Texas are as follows:

Slot 1 is most commonly filled with Main Armaments Modification 1, though Auxiliary Armaments Modification 1 : +100% survivability to each. is a popular pick for captains who go for a full AA build with other upgrades and commander skills. Slot 3 offers two viable options: Main Battery Modification 2 increases turret traverse speed, while Artillery Plotting Room Modification 1 Extends the firing range of the main battery and secondary battery: +16% main battery firing range. / +5% secondary battery firing range. / -5% secondary battery dispersion. increases range and gives secondaries a slight boost in range and accuracy.

Commander Skills

Most aircraft carrier drivers know better than to mess with Texas, but without the adequate firing training skills/modifications, it is still possible to be torped or bombed by aircraft when the battleship is in a position where the carriers have no other choice. As a battleship, survivability is also an important benchmark, which means investing skill points into maximizing both her survivability and her anti-air defenses are the way to go.

The following information is provided for players who wish to create a permanent captain for the ship. Those players who are retraining captains or using the ship to gain extra experience for a captain should consult the page relevant to the ship to which the captain will be assigned.


Texas can equip the following consumables:


As a premium ship, Texas comes with Default permanent camouflage and a set of permanent combat bonuses.


Note: Use of the Juliet Charlie signal makes detonation impossible.


Historical Info

Historical Gallery



  1. USS Texas (BB-35) - Wikipedia
  2. New York-class battleship - Wikipedia
  3. History Spotlight: USS Texas - News - World of Warships
  4. Naval Legends: USS Texas - News - World of Warships
  5. Premium Ship Spotlight: Texas - News - World of Warships
  6. Save USS Texas with Project VALOR - News - World of Warships
  7. Squall Line: Texas - News - World of Warships
  8. USS Texas - Life Aboard in Peace and War - News - World of Warships
  9. Battleship USS Texas in World of Warships (NA) - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube
  10. Naval Legends - USS Texas Teaser - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube
  11. Naval Legends: USS Texas - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube
  12. Premium Ship Spotlight - Battleship Texas - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube
  13. Talkin' Ship - Dynamo Room! - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube
  14. Talkin' Ship - Engine Room! - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube
  15. Talkin' Ship - Help Restore Battleship Texas - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube
  16. Talkin' Ship - Main Street - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube
  17. Talkin' Ship - Navigation Room! - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube
  18. Talkin' Ship - Trevzor on Battleship Texas - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube
  19. Talkin' Ship - USS Texas Powder Room - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube
  20. USS Texas. The Story of Superdreadnought - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube
  21. USS Texas: New York-class battleship (NA) - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube

Ship Change Log

See here for links to Update notes.

  • Available for testing by supertesters in the game starting from Update
  • Update
    • Went on sale in the Premium store.
  • Update 0.5.6:
  • AA defenses were reinforced.
  • 12x1 20mm Oerlikon Mk4 AA mounts were added on top of the second and the third main turrets. As a result, average AA damage within the 2km AA engagement area radius increased by 43 points (from 115 to 158).
  • Update
    • Added an additional permanent camouflage “Stars and Stripes” available for purchase for 1000 doubloons.
  • Update 0.5.9:
    • The Stars and Stripes permanent camouflage is no longer available for purchase.
  • Update 0.5.10:
    • Fixed display of the shadow from the rack under the radar.
  • Update 0.6.1:
    • Improved appearance with the use of special technology for improved rendering of thin elements (mainly rigging).
  • Update 0.6.3:
    • Base firing range increased from 15,580 to 16,420 m.
  • Update 0.6.12:
    • Detectability when firing main guns in smoke changed to 13.99 km.
    • Added a new permanent camouflage "The Lone Star".
  • Update 0.6.13:
    • Improved display of thin elements.
    • The survivability of air defense weapons was tested and brought to a single standard. The change affects 76.2 mm and 40 mm guns.
  • Update 0.6.15:
    • The permanent camouflages "Type 9", "Stars and Stripes", "The Lone Star" received a bonus: a -10% discount to the post-battle service cost.
  • Update 0.7.6:
    • Minor fixes to ship textures and geometry.
  • Update 0.7.9:
    • Catapults were added to the main battery turrets.
    • Added the Spotting Aircraft consumable.
  • Update 0.7.11:
    • Became available in the game client for purchase for doubloons.
  • Update 0.9.6:
    • The value of the in-game turning circle radius was changed to 650 m to correct prior discrepancy.
  • Update 0.10.0:
    • The firing range of the secondary battery was increased to 4.3 km.
  • Update 0.10.4:
    • Fixed a bug due to which the visual effect of the Repair Party consumable was incorrectly displayed on the ship.

Ships of U.S.A.
Destroyers  II Sampson • II SmithDoubloons • III Wickes • IV Clemson • V Nicholas • V HillDoubloons • VI Farragut • VI MonaghanDoubloons • VII Mahan • VII SimsDoubloons • VII Sims BDoubloons • VIII Benson • VIII KiddDoubloons • IX Fletcher • IX BenhamDoubloons • IX HalfordDoubloons • IX Black BDoubloons • IX BlackDoubloons • IX JohnstonDoubloons • IX Frank Friday • X Gearing • X SomersDoubloons • X Forrest ShermanDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Gearing]|[Gearing]]] •  Joshua Humphreys 
Cruisers  I Erie • II Chester • II AlbanyDoubloons • III St. Louis • III CharlestonDoubloons • IV Phoenix • V Omaha • V MarbleheadDoubloons • V Marblehead LimaDoubloons • V RattleheadDoubloons • VI [[Ship:Cleveland (< 31.05.2018)|Cleveland (< 31.05.2018)]] • VI Pensacola • VI Dallas • VII AtlantaDoubloons • VII [[Ship:Pensacola (< 31.05.2018)|Pensacola (< 31.05.2018)]] • VII New Orleans • VII Helena • VII IndianapolisDoubloons • VII Atlanta BDoubloons • VII BoiseDoubloons • VII FlintDoubloons • VIII [[Ship:New Orleans (< 31.05.2018)|New Orleans (< 31.05.2018)]] • VIII Baltimore • VIII Cleveland • VIII WichitaDoubloons • VIII AnchorageDoubloons • VIII CongressDoubloons • VIII RochesterDoubloons • VIII San DiegoDoubloons • VIII AL MontpelierDoubloons • IX [[Ship:Baltimore (< 31.05.2018)|Baltimore (< 31.05.2018)]] • IX Buffalo • IX Seattle • IX VallejoDoubloons • IX AlaskaDoubloons • IX TulsaDoubloons • IX Alaska BDoubloons • X Des Moines • X Worcester • X Puerto RicoDoubloons • X SalemDoubloons • X AustinDoubloons •  Jacksonville •  Annapolis 
Battleships  III South Carolina • IV Wyoming • IV Arkansas BetaDoubloons • V New York • V OklahomaDoubloons • V TexasDoubloons • VI New Mexico • VI ArizonaDoubloons • VI W. Virginia '41Doubloons • VII Colorado • VII FloridaDoubloons • VII West Virginia '44Doubloons • VII CaliforniaDoubloons • VII Colorado 2 • VIII North Carolina • VIII Kansas • VIII Nebraska • VIII AlabamaDoubloons • VIII MassachusettsDoubloons • VIII Alabama VLDoubloons • VIII ConstellationDoubloons • VIII Massachusetts BDoubloons • VIII Alabama STDoubloons • VIII North Carolina CLRDoubloons • VIII Volunteer State • VIII North Carolina 2 • IX Iowa • IX Minnesota • IX Delaware • IX MissouriDoubloons • IX KearsargeDoubloons • IX IllinoisDoubloons • IX Kearsarge BDoubloons • IX GeorgiaDoubloons • IX Iowa 2 • X Montana • X Vermont • X Louisiana • X OhioDoubloons • X Rhode Island • X Wisconsin • X BA Montana • X [[Ship:[Montana]|[Montana]]] • X Montana 2 • X Utah •  Maine 
Aircraft Carriers  IV [[Ship:Langley (< 23.01.2019)|Langley (< 23.01.2019)]] • IV Langley • V [[Ship:Bogue (< 23.01.2019)|Bogue (< 23.01.2019)]] • VI [[Ship:Independence (< 23.01.2019)|Independence (< 23.01.2019)]] • VI Independence • VI Ranger • VII [[Ship:Ranger (< 23.01.2019)|Ranger (< 23.01.2019)]] • VII [[Ship:Saipan (< 23.01.2019)|Saipan (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII [[Ship:Lexington (< 23.01.2019)|Lexington (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII Yorktown • VIII Lexington • VIII [[Ship:Enterprise (< 23.01.2019)|Enterprise (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII EnterpriseDoubloons • VIII SaipanDoubloons • VIII HornetDoubloons • VIII Saipan BDoubloons • VIII AL HornetDoubloons • IX [[Ship:Essex (< 23.01.2019)|Essex (< 23.01.2019)]] • X [[Ship:Midway (< 23.01.2019)|Midway (< 23.01.2019)]] • X Essex • X Midway • X Franklin D. RooseveltDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Midway]|[Midway]]] •  United States
U.S.A.  III South Carolina • IV Wyoming • IV Arkansas BetaDoubloons • V New York • V OklahomaDoubloons • V TexasDoubloons • VI New Mexico • VI ArizonaDoubloons • VI W. Virginia '41Doubloons • VII Colorado • VII FloridaDoubloons • VII West Virginia '44Doubloons • VII CaliforniaDoubloons • VII Colorado 2 • VIII North Carolina • VIII Kansas • VIII Nebraska • VIII AlabamaDoubloons • VIII MassachusettsDoubloons • VIII Alabama VLDoubloons • VIII ConstellationDoubloons • VIII Massachusetts BDoubloons • VIII Alabama STDoubloons • VIII North Carolina CLRDoubloons • VIII Volunteer State • VIII North Carolina 2 • IX Iowa • IX Minnesota • IX Delaware • IX MissouriDoubloons • IX KearsargeDoubloons • IX IllinoisDoubloons • IX Kearsarge BDoubloons • IX GeorgiaDoubloons • IX Iowa 2 • X Montana • X Vermont • X Louisiana • X OhioDoubloons • X Rhode Island • X Wisconsin • X BA Montana • X [[Ship:[Montana]|[Montana]]] • X Montana 2 • X Utah •  Maine 
Europe  V Viribus UnitisDoubloons • IX Karl XIV JohanDoubloons 
Germany  III Nassau • III Von der Tann • III König AlbertDoubloons • IV Kaiser • IV Moltke • V König • V Derfflinger • VI Bayern • VI Mackensen • VI Prinz Eitel FriedrichDoubloons • VII Gneisenau • VII Prinz Heinrich • VII ScharnhorstDoubloons • VII AL Prinz HeinrichDoubloons • VII Scharnhorst BDoubloons • VII Scharnhorst '43Doubloons • VIII TirpitzDoubloons • VIII Bismarck • VIII Zieten • VIII OdinDoubloons • VIII BrandenburgDoubloons • VIII AnhaltDoubloons • VIII Brandenburg BDoubloons • VIII Tirpitz BDoubloons • VIII BA TirpitzDoubloons • IX Friedrich der Grosse • IX Prinz Rupprecht • IX PommernDoubloons • IX Pommern BDoubloons • IX Prinz Sigismund • X Grosser KurfürstDoubloons • X Schlieffen • X Preussen • X MecklenburgDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Grosser Kurfürst]|[Grosser Kurfürst]]] •  Hannover 
U.S.S.R.  III Knyaz Suvorov • IV Imperator Nikolai IDoubloons • IV Gangut • V Pyotr Velikiy • V Oktyabrskaya RevolutsiyaDoubloons • VI Izmail • VI NovorossiyskDoubloons • VII Sinop • VII PoltavaDoubloons • VIII Vladivostok • VIII LeninDoubloons • VIII BorodinoDoubloons • VIII V. I. Lenin • IX Sovetsky Soyuz • IX NavarinDoubloons • IX AL Sov. RossiyaDoubloons • X Kremlin • X SlavaDoubloons •  Admiral Ushakov 
Italy  IV Dante Alighieri • V Conte di Cavour • V Giulio CesareDoubloons • VI Andrea Doria • VII Francesco Caracciolo • VIII Vittorio Veneto • VIII RomaDoubloons • VIII AL LittorioDoubloons • IX Lepanto • IX Marco PoloDoubloons • IX Giuseppe VerdiDoubloons • X Cristoforo Colombo • X Ruggiero di Lauria • X Sicilia • X Amerigo Vespucci 
Pan-America  V Rio de JaneiroDoubloons • VIII Ipiranga • VIII AtlânticoDoubloons • IX Los Andes • X Libertad • X Comodoro 
Japan  II MikasaDoubloons • III Kawachi • IV Myōgi • IV IshizuchiDoubloons • V Kongō • V ARP KongōDoubloons • V ARP KirishimaDoubloons • V ARP HarunaDoubloons • V ARP HieiDoubloons • V HSF HieiDoubloons • VI Fusō • VI MutsuDoubloons • VI IseDoubloons • VI Ise 2 • VI Ise 3 • VII Nagato • VII AshitakaDoubloons • VII HyūgaDoubloons • VIII Amagi • VIII Yumihari • VIII KiiDoubloons • VIII Ignis PurgatioDoubloons • VIII RagnarokDoubloons • IX Izumo • IX Adatara • IX MusashiDoubloons • IX HizenDoubloons • IX IwamiDoubloons • IX DaisenDoubloons • IX TsurugiDoubloons • IX Iwami BDoubloons • X Yamato • X Bungo • X ShikishimaDoubloons • X ARP YamatoDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Yamato]|[Yamato]]] •  Satsuma 
U.K.  III Bellerophon • III Indefatigable • III DreadnoughtDoubloons • IV Orion • IV Queen Mary • V Iron Duke • V Tiger • V AgincourtDoubloons • VI WarspiteDoubloons • VI Queen Elizabeth • VI Renown • VI RepulseDoubloons • VI Repulse BDoubloons • VII King George V • VII Rooke • VII HoodDoubloons • VII NelsonDoubloons • VII Duke of YorkDoubloons • VII CollingwoodDoubloons • VII Renown '44Doubloons • VII RodneyDoubloons • VIII Monarch • VIII Hawke • VIII VanguardDoubloons • IX Lion • IX Duncan • IX MarlboroughDoubloons • IX Scarlet ThunderDoubloons • X Conqueror • X St. Vincent • X ThundererDoubloons • X IncomparableDoubloons • X Cumberland • X [[Ship:[Conqueror]|[Conqueror]]] •  Devastation 
France  III Turenne • IV Courbet • V Bretagne • VI Normandie • VI DunkerqueDoubloons • VI Dunkerque BDoubloons • VII Lyon • VII StrasbourgDoubloons • VIII Richelieu • VIII GascogneDoubloons • VIII ChampagneDoubloons • VIII FlandreDoubloons • VIII PicardieDoubloons • VIII [[Ship:[Richelieu]|[Richelieu]]] • IX Alsace • IX Jean BartDoubloons • IX Jean Bart BDoubloons • X République • X BourgogneDoubloons •  Patrie 
Pan-Asia  IX BajieDoubloons • IX WujingDoubloons • IX Sun Yat-SenDoubloons • IX LouchuanDoubloons • IX Xuan WuDoubloons 
Spain  IX VictoriaDoubloons 
Commonwealth  VII YukonDoubloons