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ARL 44

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ARL 44

Battle Tier
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[Client Values; Actual values in
Specifically, the mismatch in crew values caused by commander's 10% crew skill bonus. Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, 100% crew is a fiction. The client values, given for 100% crew, will normally be taken into battle with 110% crew skill members aside from specific functions, causing their actual performance to deviate from the expected client value. These differences are taken into account in tooltip boxes.
925,000  Credits Cost
870184 HP Hit Points
46.47/46.9624.53/50.5 t Weight Limit
  1. Commander
  2. Gunner
  3. Driver
  4. Radio Operator
  5. Loader
575750 hp Engine Power
37/10 km/h Speed Limit
1820 deg/s Traverse
12.3730.57 hp/t Power/Wt Ratio
NoNo Pivot
// mm Hull Armor
110/30/30110/30/30 mm Turret Armor








Shell Cost
115/115/185240/240/320 HP Damage
128/177/38212/259/45 mm Penetration





15.79 r/m 

Standard Gun

Reload Times
Nominal: 3.8 s
50% Crew: 4.71 s
75% Crew: 4.11 s
100% Crew: 3.64 s
Rammer: 3.28 s
Vents: 3.56 s
Both: 3.2 s
Both and BiA: 3.13 s
Both and Max Crew %: 3 s

See Crew, Consumables, or Equipment for more information.





6 r/m 

Standard Gun

Reload Times
Nominal: 10 s
50% Crew: 12.39 s
75% Crew: 10.82 s
100% Crew: 9.59 s
Rammer: 8.63 s
Vents: 9.38 s
Both: 8.44 s
Both and BiA: 8.26 s
Both and Max Crew %: 7.91 s

See Crew, Consumables, or Equipment for more information.
Rate of Fire






Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 1 (115 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1815.85
50% Crew: 1466.25
75% Crew: 1679
100% Crew: 1894.05
100% Crew
Vents: 1936.6
Rammer: 2104.5
Both: 2151.65
Both and BiA: 2199.95
Both and Max Crew %: 2295.4

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 1930.85
50% Crew: 1581.25
75% Crew: 1794
100% Crew: 2009.05
100% Crew
Rammer: 2219.5
Vents: 2051.6
Both: 2266.65
Both and BiA: 2314.95
Both and Max Crew %: 2410.4

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 2 (115 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1815.85
50% Crew: 1466.25
75% Crew: 1679
100% Crew: 1894.05
100% Crew
Vents: 1936.6
Rammer: 2104.5
Both: 2151.65
Both and BiA: 2199.95
Both and Max Crew %: 2295.4

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 1930.85
50% Crew: 1581.25
75% Crew: 1794
100% Crew: 2009.05
100% Crew
Rammer: 2219.5
Vents: 2051.6
Both: 2266.65
Both and BiA: 2314.95
Both and Max Crew %: 2410.4

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 3 (185 Damage):
With wholly penetrating hits

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 2921.15
50% Crew: 2358.75
75% Crew: 2701
100% Crew: 3046.95
100% Crew
Vents: 3115.4
Rammer: 3385.5
Both: 3461.35
Both and BiA: 3539.05
Both and Max Crew %: 3692.6

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 3106.15
50% Crew: 2543.75
75% Crew: 2886
100% Crew: 3231.95
100% Crew
Rammer: 3570.5
Vents: 3300.4
Both: 3646.35
Both and BiA: 3724.05
Both and Max Crew %: 3877.6

See here, here, or here for more information.






Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 1 (240 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1440
50% Crew: 1161.6
75% Crew: 1332
100% Crew: 1502.4
100% Crew
Vents: 1536
Rammer: 1670.4
Both: 1706.4
Both and BiA: 1744.8
Both and Max Crew %: 1819.2

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 1680
50% Crew: 1401.6
75% Crew: 1572
100% Crew: 1742.4
100% Crew
Rammer: 1910.4
Vents: 1776
Both: 1946.4
Both and BiA: 1984.8
Both and Max Crew %: 2059.2

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 2 (240 Damage):

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1440
50% Crew: 1161.6
75% Crew: 1332
100% Crew: 1502.4
100% Crew
Vents: 1536
Rammer: 1670.4
Both: 1706.4
Both and BiA: 1744.8
Both and Max Crew %: 1819.2

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 1680
50% Crew: 1401.6
75% Crew: 1572
100% Crew: 1742.4
100% Crew
Rammer: 1910.4
Vents: 1776
Both: 1946.4
Both and BiA: 1984.8
Both and Max Crew %: 2059.2

See here, here, or here for more information.

Standard Gun

Using Shell Type 3 (320 Damage):
With wholly penetrating hits

Theoretical Damage Per Minute
Nominal DPM: 1920
50% Crew: 1548.8
75% Crew: 1776
100% Crew: 2003.2
100% Crew
Vents: 2048
Rammer: 2227.2
Both: 2275.2
Both and BiA: 2326.4
Both and Max Crew %: 2425.6

Advantageous Damage Per Minute
First-shot DPM: 2240
50% Crew: 1868.8
75% Crew: 2096
100% Crew: 2323.2
100% Crew
Rammer: 2547.2
Vents: 2368
Both: 2595.2
Both and BiA: 2646.4
Both and Max Crew %: 2745.6

See here, here, or here for more information.
Damage Per Minute



0.43 m 

With 50% Crew: 0.533 m
With 75% Crew: 0.465 m
With 100% Crew: 0.412 m
With BiA: 0.403 m
With BiA and Vents: 0.394 m
Maximum possible: 0.378 m

For more details, see Crew



0.38 m 

With 50% Crew: 0.471 m
With 75% Crew: 0.411 m
With 100% Crew: 0.364 m
With BiA: 0.356 m
With BiA and Vents: 0.349 m
Maximum possible: 0.334 m

For more details, see Crew



2.3 s 

With 50% Crew: 2.849 s
With 75% Crew: 2.488 s
With 100% Crew: 2.205 s
With GLD: 2.005 s
With BiA: 2.157 s
With BiA and Vents: 2.11 s
With both and GLD: 1.918 s
Maximum possible: 1.839 s

For more details, see Crew or Equipment



3.4 s 

With 50% Crew: 4.212 s
With 75% Crew: 3.678 s
With 100% Crew: 3.26 s
With GLD: 2.964 s
With BiA: 3.188 s
With BiA and Vents: 3.119 s
With both and GLD: 2.835 s
Maximum possible: 2.718 s

For more details, see Crew or Equipment
Aim time
2022 deg/s Turret Traverse
360° Gun Arc
-10°/+20°-10°/+15° Elevation Arc
7050 rounds Ammo Capacity
2020 % Chance of Fire

340 m 

With 50% Crew: 267.1 m
With 75% Crew: 303.6 m
With 100% Crew: 340 m
With Recon and Situational Awareness: 357.2 m
With Coated Optics: 374 m
With Binocular Telescope: 425 m
Maximum possible: 486.7 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment

350 m 

With 50% Crew: 275 m
With 75% Crew: 312.5 m
With 100% Crew: 350 m
With Recon and Situational Awareness: 367.7 m
With Coated Optics: 385 m
With Binocular Telescope: 437.5 m
Maximum possible: 501.1 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment
View Range



400 m 

With 50% Crew: 322.9 m
With 75% Crew: 369.8 m
With 100% Crew: 417.2 m
With 100% Signal Boost: 480 m
When affected by 100% Relaying: 440 m
Maximum possible: 600.5 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment



750 m 

With 50% Crew: 605.4 m
With 75% Crew: 693.4 m
With 100% Crew: 782.2 m
With 100% Signal Boost: 900 m
When affected by 100% Relaying: 825 m
Maximum possible: 1125.9 m

For more details, see Skills or Equipment
Signal Range
Values are Stock - click for Top




The ARL 44 is a French tier 6 heavy tank.

Development of the vehicle started while France was still occupied by the German forces. It was an attempt to use the obsolete B1 Bis chassis and fit it with a modern, more powerful gun. The project was finished by the Atelier de Construction de Rueil Design Bureau. A total of 60 vehicles were manufactured. However, the tank was considered unsuccessful compared to similar foreign vehicles.

The ARL 44 has decent sloped frontal armour but a weak turret and paper-thin side and rear armour. As such, it is quite prone to fires and internal module damage when hit from anywhere but the front. However, the ARL boasts much-improved mobility over its predecessors, great gun depression and elevation values, and an excellent gun selection. There is a choice between 3 guns: a hard-hitting 105mm gun, a jack-of-all-trade 90mm F3 gun, or a 90mm DCA 45 gun with extremely high penetration - even better than the German 88mm L/71. The ARL 44 is the most powerful tier 6 tank in terms of penetration and thus can effectively snipe and remain effective even in Tier 8 battles.

As of the Italian Tanks update, the ARL 44 received some minor buffs. 175 Armor Piercing Penetration with the 105 millimeter now, good enough for Tier VIII, tied with KV-85s 175s AP penetration. The 90mm F3 also now has a minor buff to aiming time (2.9 to 2.7). The whole tank received less dispersion when turning the turret and when on the move, making it better to play.

The ARL 44 leads to the AMX M4 mle. 45.

Modules / Available Equipment and Consumables




Tier Gun Penetration
Rate of fire
Aiming time

VI 76 mm Gun M1A1 128/177/38 115/115/185 15.79 0.43 2.3 1567 50330
VII 90 mm DCA 30 135/175/45 240/240/320 6.98 0.4 2.3 2050 64000
VII 105 mm Canon 13TR 175/223/54 300/330/360 5.61 0.41 3.4 2400 94350
VII 90 mm F3 170/248/45 240/240/320 6.82 0.39 2.7 2200 87000
VIII 90 mm DCA 45 212/259/45 240/240/320 6 0.38 3.4 2750 121250



Tier Engine Engine Power
Chance of Fire on Impact

VI Maybach HL 230 575 20 700 26000
VIII Maybach HL 230 P45F 750 20 750 55000



Tier Suspension Load Limit
Traverse Speed
Rmin Weight

V ARL 44 46.96 18 B/2 14200 8600
VI ARL 44 bis 50.5 20 B/2 14200 15420



Tier Radio Signal Range

X SCR-528 Fr 750 80 54000
VI SCR 508 400 100 21600

Compatible Equipment

Low Noise Exhaust System Class 2 Medium Spall Liner Camouflage Net Class 2 Coated Optics Class 2 Experimental Optics Wear-Resistant Gun Laying Drive Improved Configuration Venting System Innovative Loading System Enhanced Gun Laying Drive Class 2 Improved Hardening Class 2 Additional Grousers Class 2 Modified Configuration Class 2 Improved Rotation Mechanism Class 2 Improved Aiming Class 2 Improved Ventilation Class 2 Binocular Telescope Class 2 Gun Rammer Class 2 Turbocharger Class 2 

Compatible Consumables

Automatic Fire Extinguisher Natural Cover Optical Calibration Aim Tuning Experienced Firefighters 100-octane Gasoline 105-octane Gasoline Manual Fire Extinguisher Strong Coffee Pre-Battle Maintenance Vent Purge Large First Aid Kit Large Repair Kit Duty Comes First Shell Organizer Orderly Ammo Rack Focus on Target Increased Focus Small First Aid Kit Small Repair Kit Gearbox Intricacy Steady Hand Combat Course 

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


- Good top speed across most terrain, coupled with good acceleration and power-to-weight ratio - high weight allows ramming.

- Best penetration in class with the 90mm DCA 45; second best of every tier 6 tank.

- Hard-hitting 105mm similar to T-150 but with a cheaper, more powerful APCR round and much better accuracy.

- Surprisingly thick and well-sloped upper glacis can give a lot of bounces, especially if angled correctly.

- Excellent gun depression (-10°), decent view range (on par with M6 at 350m) and excellent signal range at 750m.


- Weak armour everywhere else than the upper glacis.

- Shots to the exposed tracks up front often do hull damage as well. (Thus, it can't sidescrape)

- Turret is large and turns slowly, full turns also slowly; very sluggish with stock engine.

- Atrociously low HP pool for Tier 6 HT standard, 30 more than tier 5 before it - and only after field modifications

- All guns have very low DPM, comparable to tier V (especially the 90mm DCA45, which is even worse than BDR G1 B).

- Painful stock grind


For all intents and purposes, this tank feels like BDR G1 B at tier VI. Unfortunately, it also keeps virtually the same HP at 1 tier higher, as well as even worse DPM if 90mm DCA45 is used.

The ARL 44 has very different play-styles depending on the gun it is equipped with. The 76 mm Gun M1A1 and 90 mm DCA 30 are simply guns to be ground through, and are not worth any serious consideration for long term use. Despite its lower penetration compared with the DCA45, the 90 mm F3 is also a viable option thanks to its better aim time, higher DPM (than the DCA45), along with slightly better penetration than the Canon 13TR. The 90 mm DCA 45, with its exceptional penetration, good accuracy (once fully aimed), good alpha damage and rate-of-fire, make it much better suited for being used as a sniper, although the horrible aim time will make it difficult to find targets. The 105 mm Canon 13TR, with its great damage output but lower penetration and accuracy along with equally horrible aim time, makes the ARL 44 better at trading shots and brawling at the expense of long range combat.

The ARL 44's hull sports 120mm of sloped frontal armour with a line of sight thickness of almost 170mm. However, this upper glacis has two small and four large weak points. Also, the lower glacis plate is very exposed from the tanks high ground clearance, though it is a fairly small target. The sides and rear of the tank have very thin armor and must be protected. Utilizing what armour the ARL 44 has requires proper positioning and knowledge of the ARL 44's many weak points. It is very difficult to angle the ARL 44 properly due to its very poor side armour. Besides that, the track mounts on the front of the tank are very lightly armoured and become a large shot-trap. Shots that ricochet off your front glacis plates will nearly always land on your track mounts, doing full damage to you and possibly tracking you. Fighting other tanks without cover is best done head-on, with some slight angling. Be wary of the exceptionally thin turret side armour on the upgraded turret, which despite its angle can be very easily penetrated by many of the larger Tier 6 guns (90 mm and above) due to overmatching mechanics. Also, with 10° of gun depression, going hull down with this tank is fairly easy. While the armour of the turret is not exceptional, per se, the significant angling of the cheeks provides fairly reliable bounces when dealing with equal or lower tier guns.

The ARL reaches speeds of 35 to 42 kph on flat ground and is relatively mobile for a heavy tank. Its powerful Maybach HL230 P 45F engine allows it to climb up hills much better than any other heavy tank of this tier. The ARL 44's hull traverse is slow, and especially so on soft ground, making it very vulnerable to being circled. Overall the KV-85 has better maneuverability and ground resistance, but the ARL 44 has a better power-to-weight ratio and slightly better top speed, so overall the mobility is as good as the KV-85. It can keep up and continue to support a flank easily.

Early Research

  • Research the 90mm DCA 30 gun (if it wasn't researched on the BDR G1B already).
  • Research the ARL 44 turret next, as it weighs less than the ACL 1 turret and allows access to the upgraded guns.
  • Research the 90mm F3 gun.
  • Research the ARL 44 bis suspension.
  • Research Maybach HL 230 P 45F engine for increased mobility.
  • Research SCR 528F radio.
  • Research, depending on play-style, the 105 mm Canon 13TR or the 90 mm DCA 45.
    • The 90mm DCA 45 has the highest penetration of Tier 6 and makes this tank capable of damaging Tier VIII heavies from the front.
    • 105mm premium rounds increase damage (30 more than normal AP) for more reliable kills and even better DPM.
  • Finally, research the last gun, depending on which one was researched first.

It is important to note that nearly all the ARL 44's modules carry over into the AMX M4(1945), which also uses the 90 mm DCA 45 as its top gun. Thus, researching them on the ARL 44 will save a lot of effort on the AMX M4(1945).

Suggested Equipment

Tank Gun Rammer Enhanced Gun Laying Drive Improved VentilationToolbox Binocular Telescope 


Historical Info

While under German occupation, French tank developers worked in secret on their own projects. These main secret developers of French tanks were involved in the creation of the best French wartime tank, the Char B. Forges et Chantiers de la Méditerranée (FCM) ended up outside of the occupation zone, but Ateliers de construction de Rueil (ARL) ended up inside of it. Until 1936, this organization was the tank building branch of the APX arms manufacturer.
click to

Historical Gallery

Historical Accuracy Errata

The following are consensus errors or inconsistencies which have been identified with the configuration of the vehicle in question and conflict with information available on the public record. The causes for these divergences in the game are normally not disclosed and may be rooted in game balance.

Historical 75 mm SA44 gun that was fitted to the initial ARL 44 prototype is missing.
  • There exist no records nor plans of fitting the 105 mm Canon 13TR, the 90 mm F3, nor the 90 mm DCA 30 to the ARL 44.
  • Historical HEAT round with 320 mm of penetration is missing. This was the standard ammunition of the 90 mm F3 gun. The AP and APCR rounds are fake.

Sources and External Links

Light Tanks IRenault FT IID1 IIAM 39 Gendron-Somua IIAMR 35 IIFCM 36 IIRenault R35 IIHotchkiss H35 IIIAMX 38 IVAMX 40 VAMX ELC bis VIAMX 12 t VIPanhard AMD 178B VIIAMX 13 75 VIIHotchkiss EBR VIIAMX 13 57 VIIAMX 13 57 GF VIIIPanhard EBR 75 (FL 10) VIIIPanhard AML Lynx 6x6 VIIIBat.-Châtillon 12 t VIIIELC EVEN 90 IXAMX 13 90 IXPanhard EBR 90 XPanhard EBR 105 XAMX 13 105
Medium Tanks IIID2 IIISomua S35 IVSARL 42 VRenault G1 VIBretagne Panther VIM4A1 FL 10 VIIIBat.-Châtillon Bourrasque VIIIAltProto AMX 30 VIIILorraine 40 t VIIIAMX Chasseur de chars VIIIM4A1 Revalorisé IXAMX 30 1er prototype IXChar Futur 4 IXBat.-Châtillon 25 t AP XBat.-Châtillon 25 t XAMX 30 B
Heavy Tanks IVB1 VBDR G1 B VIARL 44 VIIAMX M4 mle. 45 VIIIAMX 50 100 VIIIAMX M4 mle. 49 VIIIAMX M4 mle. 49 Liberté VIIIAMX 65 t VIIISomua SM VIIIFCM 50 t IXAMX 50 120 IXLorraine 50 t IXAMX M4 mle. 51 XAMX 50 B XAMX M4 mle. 54
Tank Destroyers IIRenault FT AC IIIFCM 36 Pak 40 IIIRenault UE 57 IVSomua SAu 40 VM10 RBFM VS35 CA VIARL V39 VIIAMX AC mle. 46 VIIIAMX AC mle. 48 VIIIAMX Canon d'assaut 105 IXAMX 50 Foch XAMX 50 Foch (155) XAMX 50 Foch B
Self-Propelled Artillery IIRenault FT 75 BS IIILorraine 39L AM IVAMX 105 AM mle. 47 VAMX 13 105 AM mle. 50 V105 leFH18B2 VIAMX 13 F3 AM VIILorraine 155 mle. 50 VIIILorraine 155 mle. 51 IXBat.-Châtillon 155 55 XBat.-Châtillon 155 58
Heavy Tanks
USA VT14 VT1 Heavy Tank VIPawlack Tank VIM6 VIIKing Tiger (Captured) VIIM-II-Y VIIT29 VIIIChrysler K VIIIChrysler K GF VIIIT26E5 VIIIT26E5 Patriot VIIIM54 Renegade VIIIT77 VIIIM-III-Y VIIIM-IV-Y VIIIM6A2E1 VIIIT32 VIIIT34 VIIIT34 B IXAE Phase I IXConcept 1B IXM-VI-Y IXM103 IXT54E1 XM-V-Y XT110E5 XT57 Heavy Tank
UK VChurchill I VExcelsior VIChurchill VII VITOG II* VIIBlack Prince VIIFV201 (A45) VIIICharlemagne VIIICaliban VIIIGonsalo VIIICaernarvon VIIICaernarvon Action X IXFV4201 Chieftain Proto IXConqueror XFV215b XSuper Conqueror XT95/FV4201 Chieftain
Germany IVPz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f) IVDurchbruchswagen 2 VITiger 131 VIVK 30.01 (P) VIVK 36.01 (H) VIIVK 45.03 VIITiger I VIITiger (P) VIIIVK 100.01 (P) VIIIVK 168.01 (P) VIIIVK 168.01 Mauerbrecher VIIIVK 75.01 (K) VIIIE 75 TS VIIILöwe VIIITiger II VIIIVK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A IXE 75 IXMäuschen IXVK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B XE 100 XPz.Kpfw. VII XMaus XVK 72.01 (K)
France IVB1 VBDR G1 B VIARL 44 VIIAMX M4 mle. 45 VIIIAMX 50 100 VIIIAMX M4 mle. 49 VIIIAMX M4 mle. 49 Liberté VIIIAMX 65 t VIIISomua SM VIIIFCM 50 t IXAMX 50 120 IXLorraine 50 t IXAMX M4 mle. 51 XAMX 50 B XAMX M4 mle. 54
USSR VChurchill III VKV-220-2 VKV-220-2 Beta Test VKV-1 VKV-1 shielded VIKV-1S VIKV-2 VIKV-2 (R) VIKV-85 VIObject 244 VIT-150 VIIIS VIIKV-3 VIIKV-122 VIIIS-2M VIIIS-2 shielded VIIIS-2 VIIIIS-3 VIIIIS-6 VIIIIS-6 B VIIIKV-5 VIIIKV-4 VIIIIS-5 (Object 730) VIIIIS-3A VIIIIS-3A Peregrine VIIIKirovets-1 VIIIKV-4 Kreslavskiy VIIIObject 252U Defender VIIIObject 252U VIIIIS-M VIIIObject 703 Version II VIIIIS-2-II IXT-10 IXObject 777 Version II IXObject 257 IXObject 705 IXIS-3-II IXST-I XIS-4 XIS-7 XObject 260 XObject 705A XObject 277 XObject 279 early XST-II XObject 780
China VIIIS-2 VIIIWZ-111 VIIIWZ-111 Alpine Tiger VIII110 VIII112 IXWZ-111 model 1-4 IXWZ-114 X113 X113 Beijing Opera XWZ-111 model 5A XWZ-111 Qilin
Japan IIIType 91 Heavy IVType 95 Heavy VO-I Experimental VIHeavy Tank No. VI VIO-I VIIO-Ni VIIIO-Ho IXType 4 Heavy XType 5 Heavy
Czechoslovakia VIIŠkoda T 45 VIIVz. 44-1 VIIIŠkoda T 56 VIIITNH 105/1000 IXTNH T Vz. 51 XVz. 55
Sweden VIIIEmil I VIIIEMIL 1951 VIIIBofors Tornvagn IXEmil II IXStrv K XKranvagn
Italy VIICarro d'assalto P.88 VIIIProgetto CC55 mod. 54 VIIIBisonte C45 IXProgetto C50 mod. 66 XRinoceronte
Poland VII45TP Habicha VIII50TP prototyp VIII53TP Markowskiego IX50TP Tyszkiewicza X60TP Lewandowskiego
ja:Tank:F06 ARL 44