Tiger I
Tiger I
Mouse over "
[Client Values; Actual values in
1,390,000 ![]() |
1400380 HP Hit Points |
55.54/5732.26/61 t Weight Limit |
- Commander
- Gunner
- Driver
- Radio Operator
- Loader
650700 hp Engine Power |
40/12 km/h Speed Limit |
2426 deg/s Traverse |
11.721.7 hp/t Power/Wt Ratio |
YesYes Pivot |
// mm Hull Armor |
100/80/80100/80/80 mm Turret Armor |
AP/APCR/HE Shells |
405/4400/295 Shell Cost |
135/135/175280/280/370 HP Damage |
150/194/38203/237/44 mm Penetration |
r/m ▲
15 r/m Standard Gun ▲
7.69 Rate of Fire Standard Gun |
Standard Gun
Standard Gun
2025 Standard Gun ▲
Standard Gun
Standard Gun
2153.2 Damage Per Minute Standard Gun |
m ▲
0.35 m With 50% Crew: 0.434 m ▲
0.34 Accuracy With 50% Crew: 0.421 m |
s 2.3 s 2.5 Aim time |
2418 deg/s Turret Traverse |
360° Gun Arc |
-8°/+15°-7°/+13° Elevation Arc |
13072 rounds Ammo Capacity |
2020 % Chance of Fire |
m 370 m 380 View Range |
m 310 m 710 Signal Range |

The Tiger I is a German tier 7 heavy tank.
Development of the Tiger I was started in 1937 by the Henschel company. Mass production began in 1942, with an eventual total of 1,354 vehicles manufactured. The tank first saw combat in the fighting for Leningrad, and Tigers were at the forefront of battles from Tunisia to Kursk. Although production was discontinued in the summer of 1944, the Tiger I continued to see action until the end of the war.
This was the first German heavy tank in WWII and proved itself to be extremely formidable against the Allied forces, composed primarily of M4 Shermans and T-34s. In the game you'll face much higher tier opponents. This tank was designed as a medium to long range sniper. Keep that in mind and make use of its great rate of fire and renowned German-engineered accuracy. Spot your enemy, avoid close combat, and keep your gun at work by firing the moment you reload. Snipe the enemy and support your team.
The Tiger I leads to the Tiger II.
Modules / Available Equipment and Consumables
Compatible Equipment
Compatible Consumables
Player Opinion
Pros and Cons
- Top 88mm gun is excellent, with good DPM, accuracy and penetration
- Decent gun depression
- Above-average frontal turret armour. Shooting the left, right, upper, and lower edges of the mantlet requires ~200mm penetrat
- Incredible hitpoint pool, can be boosted to 1700 HP with equipment and modifications, same as some stock Tier 9 heavies!
- Fairly good at sidescraping thanks to the flat side armor and large tracks
- Mediocre aimtime on the top 88mm gun
- Though the hull armour is thick, and resists HE quite well, it is also flat and vulnerable to AP shells even from Tier 5 gun
- Hull sponsons make sidescraping awkward, though the sponsons can be hard to hit from a distance.
- Frequent transmission/engine and ammo rack damage
- Slow turret traverse, reacts sluggishly when ambushed
Many German tanks are great snipers, and the Tiger is no exception. Its top gun, the 8.8 cm KwK 43 L/71, is extremely accurate (0.34), inflicts good damage, has a phenomenal rate of fire and has excellent penetration (203 on its standard AP shot), enough to go through any Tier 9's weak spots. If you are at the bottom of the list, let your allies spot the enemies for you to snipe. Stay at a distance, using bushes if possible, and with your superior accuracy and armor penetration you'll soon whittle them down. However, it's still best to equip Optics (unless you have an exceptional crew) in case you don't have allies to spot for you, as the base view range is quite good for its tier. This gun is formidable even in the tier 8 arena, and will have no problem penetrating most tier 8 heavies from the front. The armor though does not hold up to its historical value because the direct historical competitors of this tank were designed to counter the tiger (IS, Pershing, etc.). If you find yourself at the front in close proximity to enemy heavies that are the same or higher tier than you you have done something wrong. The armor of this tank will not save you. While you can side scrape you are completely vulnerable when you take a shot because you have to expose the flat front of the turret to bring the gun to bear; even when side scraping only the hull will bounce. If enemy tanks catch you at medium range you are screwed; you will be spotted when you fire and the enemy will go through your armour like a hot knife through butter. While you might be able to snipe weak spots they just have to be able to hit you to do damage and at medium to close range that is not hard. The IS for example has 20mm more armor at the front for bother the hull and turret AND the IS has sloped/rounded plates. The Tiger I has thin unsloped armour. Although the Tiger has some of the best and most reliable DPM values for a Tier VII tank, the armor is weak and boxy, even when angled, a handful of tanks, such as the T29, can penetrate the Tiger with relative ease. New players will be in for quite a surprise when even some tier V tanks damage them. While it's good to be aggressive in a game, a destroyed tank is of no use to anybody and this is especially true for the Tiger, for as long as it's kept alive, it will deal incredible amounts of damage.
The good news is that the Tiger has a tough turret frontally for when you can get hull-down, and the side armor is decent for sidescraping. Even if it is at the top of the tier, caution is still advised for tanks such as the KV-1 have enough penetration or have HE guns to pose a sufficient threat against your thin, boxy armor. However, don't be afraid to take a few shots later on in the game; your Hit Point is best in tier and will enable to you to switch positions as well as give you an opportunity to play your DPM against the enemy when possible.
In short - this tank is a complete gem to players who like a cautious, supportive play style, and should be played as such. However, many players run through this tank to get to the Tiger II without proper knowledge and experience, and these players tend to give this tank a bad reputation. Make no mistake, the Tiger (H) is a formidable tank once the player works out the unique style of the tank.
- The Tiger I was slightly reworked in 1.10:
Alpha damage from top 8.8cm (240/240/295) -> 280/280/370 Aim time on top 8.8cm from 2.7 -> 2.5 Rate of Fire from 9.34 -> 8.02 (Reload from 6.42 -> 7.48, but it does gain 5 more DPM) (The Tiger now aims slightly faster, hits harder but reloads slower.)
Early Research
- The 8.8 cm KwK 36 L/56 cannon and the radios carry over from VK 36.01 (H). You can equip the 8,8 cm L/56 immediately for better DPM or stick with the 7,5 cm L/70 for its higher penetration. But you will have a hard time hitting anything.
- Research the upgraded suspension for more weight capacity and traverse speed.
- Next research the "Pz.Kpfw. Tiger Ausf. E" turret and then the 8,8cm KwK 43 L/71 cannon. You might want to hold off on equipping the second turret until you have the cannon researched, since the turret traverse drops by quite a bit. The cannon is what makes it worth it. It is necessary to excel with this tank.
- Research the engine "Maybach HL 230 TRM P45" for a noticeable boost in horsepower. There will be a striking boost in acceleration.
Suggested Equipment
Improved Rotation MechanismTurbocharger
Historical Info
The Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf.E (Tiger I)
Historical Gallery
Historical Accuracy Errata
1) The Pz.Kpfw. VI H Ausf. H2 turret was only meant for the VK 36.01 (H), which is the Tiger I prototype.
2) The 88 mm KwK 43 gun only existed as a proposal. It was rejected before it even became a project for the following reasons:
- The turret would need a counter weight fitted as well as a weight on the breech of the gun.
- Ammunition storage would require nearly a full rebuild of the ammunition storage racks, it would also make the forward racks inaccessible by the loader reducing the amount of ready storage without rotating the turret 90 degrees to access it.
- Handling of the ammunition in the turret was impossible using the original Tiger turret. The length of the shell from where the breech sat in the turret was longer than the entry of the breech to the turret aft. (Basically, the shell could not go into the breech due to how close the breech sat near the aft of the turret.