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Revision history of "Ammo (WoWP)"

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14:48, 7 December 2018(7,018 bytes)changed gold cost, was incorrect
11:08, 1 August 2018(6,966 bytes)→ Ammo Types‎ MAJOR EDIT COMPLETELY REWRITTEN FILE. Based on newly available ammo types, period costs etc
22:17, 8 October 2016(5,695 bytes)+Category:World of Warplanes
01:32, 11 May 2015(5,624 bytes)Added Range table and 13 mm
17:50, 22 February 2015(4,650 bytes)Added Caliber and Full Names of Machine Gun Ammo sections
14:42, 22 February 2015(1,263 bytes)Changed chance of fire from qualitative to quantitative. Numbers are from the in-game tool-tips.
00:36, 27 September 2014(842 bytes)Grammar fix. Changed "on" to "at"
10:03, 7 August 2014(842 bytes)Created page with "'''Standard:''' Moderately effective on all distances. No chance of setting opponent on fire.<br /> '''Armor-Piercing:''' Higher damage on greater distances. No chance of set..."
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