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Revision history of "Battle Mechanics"

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21:20, 3 December 2017(106,395 bytes)→ Module Damage Taken‎ Edits to bad writing structure, missed spaces etc.
21:19, 3 December 2017(106,391 bytes)→ Crew Voice Messages‎ Removed a stray character which need not be there
00:15, 9 October 2017(106,384 bytes)→ Tips‎ intransparent --> opaque
14:31, 13 September 2017(106,364 bytes)HE splash hit (with tank/tank destroyer) has a message
23:44, 20 August 2017(106,217 bytes)→ Examples‎ Remove extra closing parenthesis in formula, correct calculated example value based on Excel
09:21, 20 June 2017(106,218 bytes)→ Unused Messages‎ not true, that is said when you use target lock-on
16:57, 2 June 2017(105,873 bytes)Adding note that some information is rather old.
17:32, 5 March 2017(105,609 bytes)→ Draw Distance‎ Updated to current system
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