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07:34, 6 July 2015(2,584 bytes)Reverted edits by __Skiim__:na (talk) to last revision by tankslayer710:na
19:22, 5 July 2015(2,043 bytes)This tank is for people who prefer speed over firepower and armor. Stock, this is a fast, but terribly armored and armed tank. After the turret and gun upgrade, it is slightly stronger, with a higher DPM, but still horribly inadequate in tank duels with any other tier 5 tank. To succeed on the battlefield, use your speed to scout, or get to a good sniping point, where you can use your high RPM with any of the guns besides the howitzer, to hack away at the enemy tanks, secure your team a victory, and walk away with a confederate medal.
13:29, 18 December 2014(222 bytes)Created page with "{{BlitzTankData|Tank= | |Gallery= |InTheGame_pros= |InTheGame_cons= |InTheGame_performance= |InTheGame_research= |InTheGame_equipment= |History= |HistoricalGallery= |..."
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