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21:36, 28 November 2016(8,683 bytes)added video
10:44, 17 June 2016(7,014 bytes)I edited this page since the KV-5 got the Zis-6D which makes it very good for spearheading.
21:06, 1 October 2014(7,059 bytes)All in all, the KV-5 is a large beast of a soviet heavy tank which will bring in a lot of credits, and if used properly, can take on more enemy tanky than other tanks of its tier could.
08:42, 26 August 2014(222 bytes)Created page with "{{BlitzTankData|Tank= | |Gallery= |InTheGame_pros= |InTheGame_cons= |InTheGame_performance= |InTheGame_research= |InTheGame_equipment= |History= |HistoricalGallery= |..."
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