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Revision history of "Exterior"

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12:15, 24 May 2021(8,713 bytes)
15:15, 18 January 2020(5,552 bytes)Fixing outdated material
17:39, 9 February 2019(5,472 bytes)Major update with reformatting.
20:12, 3 June 2017(4,368 bytes)Fixing vandalism: Undo revision 250486 by lukefas:eu (talk)
22:39, 15 July 2014(4,302 bytes)Added Collapsibe table listing Maps by camouflage type
02:29, 14 July 2014(3,460 bytes)Added types of Emblems and slogans, then changed all "Slogans" to "Inscriptions" because that is what the game refers to writing on the tanks as. Can be verified in garage.
16:47, 13 July 2014(2,468 bytes)Updated formatting of the cost tables
18:28, 12 July 2014(2,837 bytes)Added cost tables and placement paragraph. All info can be verified in the garage.
14:13, 11 July 2014(999 bytes)Created page with "The exterior of the tank can be changed by going to the garage and clicking the "exterior" button below the vehicle that you have selected. You can change the exterior with ev..."
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