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Glossary (WoT)

Glossary (WoT)

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Hull Down - A tactic involving only showing your turret to enemy tanks by using the terrain. This tactic is excellent for tanks with good gun depression and strong turret armour

Side Scraping - This tactic is commonly used with German Heavies, such as the Tiger I, Tiger II, and so on. This involves the tank commander angling his tank just 20-30 degrees or so, while facing the enemy or using a wall, so that all the shots to their side bounce off.

Angling - Angling is when a tank is on one side of a 90 degree corner! and the enemy is on the other. The one who is angling, puts out their front and turns it towards the enemy at a 110 degree angle. It is key not to show your side, because you will be penetrated then.

In-game Communication

Text Communication

Text Communication isn't always used, since typing takes time and there is a limit of the number of characters in 1 line of chat.

Fall Back - A command which can be used in game by a player to inform the person in question that they should retreat.

In-game Sound Communication

In-game Sound Communication is used in every battle. It is accessed by pressing the button in the very bottom right and then selecting the desired voice command.

Attack! - Used when a player wants to tell their team to attack or that the user of the command is attacking. When you have your sights over a spotted enemy, then you press attack, it says "Attacking [enemy tank commander (tank they have)]

Capture the Base! - Used when a player wants to tell their team to capture the base

Defend the Base! - Used when a player wants to let their team know they need to stop the enemy from capping

Technical Language