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Revision history of "Gun/Germany"

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17:02, 8 June 2016(10,898 bytes)Added the gun of the Grille 15.
17:38, 8 November 2015(10,787 bytes)Grammar, spelling, and wording errors
13:34, 31 October 2013(14,713 bytes)updated 7,6 cm PaK 36 (r) and PaK 40, added Marder 38T links, removed 5 cm PaK 39
13:16, 31 October 2013(14,790 bytes)updated 7,5 cm PaK 40/2
22:20, 20 August 2013(14,690 bytes)panzer IV hydraulic updated
06:06, 29 July 2013(14,673 bytes)Add morser to gun marks.
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