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Revision history of "Gun/USA"

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17:36, 8 November 2015(11,282 bytes)Spelling, grammar, and wording errors fixed
08:10, 2 November 2014(11,568 bytes)Reset to prior version
16:59, 10 July 2013(11,077 bytes)Added T71 to list of tanks using the 76 mm Gun M1A2
11:11, 4 July 2013(11,096 bytes)Add link to Semi-Automatic Guns
18:31, 2 July 2013(10,442 bytes)Moved the tier 3 guns so they are between tier 2 and 4, instead of between tier 4 and 5.
19:06, 11 April 2013(7,607 bytes)This is the USA Gun data. Trying to create separate pages for each nationalities' guns in order to overcome size limitations of having them all on one page.
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