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Revision history of "Maps"

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13:36, 8 September 2015(18,435 bytes)Updated the text of Hidden Village, Pearl River, and Province which were removed from Random Battle Mode with Patch 9.10
02:14, 16 August 2015(18,369 bytes)Finally figured out how to use these images.
01:51, 16 August 2015(18,283 bytes)Had an experiment with files.
01:37, 16 August 2015(18,197 bytes)Oops forgot that was there.
01:35, 16 August 2015(18,241 bytes)Improved my own grammer.
01:31, 16 August 2015(18,166 bytes)Made it look better.
01:31, 16 August 2015(18,165 bytes)Added the new maps into here.
22:05, 15 August 2015(17,698 bytes)Improved my sentence and added another at the beginning.
22:01, 15 August 2015(17,625 bytes)This was an edit which added descriptions to the special section of this article.
05:15, 14 August 2015(15,980 bytes)Fixed sentences that said "better graphics"
21:16, 15 July 2015(15,890 bytes)Removed vandalism caused by qiura:eu (talk)
20:47, 15 July 2015(14 bytes)Replaced content with "GUT BAJ ASOŁL"
12:32, 28 May 2015(15,984 bytes)dragon ridge was removed in 8.4, not 9.6
16:25, 11 May 2015(15,655 bytes)added Overlord map
18:40, 10 May 2015(15,632 bytes)→ Winter Maps‎ Added small description of map "Winter Himmelsdorf".
18:38, 10 May 2015(15,553 bytes)→ Winter Maps‎ Added small description to map "Winterberg".
18:37, 10 May 2015(15,477 bytes)→ Summer Maps‎ Added description of map "Ruinberg on fire".
18:26, 10 May 2015(15,320 bytes)→ Summer Maps‎ Added description of Ghost Town
20:29, 22 April 2015(14,954 bytes)map list reworked, new template and formatting impltemented
03:54, 28 January 2015(3,389 bytes)Tactics moved to individual map pages
04:39, 31 October 2014(21,578 bytes)Added description for Malinovka
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