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Revision history of "Matchmaker (WoT)"

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08:12, 8 February 2020(3,172 bytes)
05:17, 15 January 2020(3,028 bytes)Major overhaull: was extremely outdated
17:17, 5 January 2020(13,623 bytes)Updated Unqiue Matchmaker Table
19:39, 28 July 2017(13,672 bytes)→ Battle Tiers‎ Updated Unique Matchmaking Chart
15:47, 26 July 2017(13,654 bytes)→ Battle Tiers‎ Replaced Matchmaking Chart + modified the given example + removed all outdated information
14:40, 25 July 2017(15,413 bytes)→ MatchMaker after version 0.9.18‎ Replaced the mentioned map, such articles should not be used to commemorate an non-existing map
17:54, 2 January 2017(13,743 bytes)→ Map Restrictions‎ Malinovka was removed from Tiers 1 and 2.
19:43, 6 December 2016(13,428 bytes)→ Map Restrictions‎ I query tier 1 2 fighting on Malinovka
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