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Revision history of "Plane nations: Japan"

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10:16, 26 March 2019(1,747 bytes)unsuppressing heavies
08:44, 18 January 2015(1,513 bytes)replaced description with official one. Need work on type info
03:43, 16 July 2014(1,480 bytes)→ Attack Aircraft‎ Edit to note that there are no Japan attack craft in the game yet.
03:42, 16 July 2014(1,415 bytes)→ Heavy Fighters‎ Edit to note that there are no heavy Japan aircraft in the game yet.
02:43, 16 July 2014(1,345 bytes)Added description to Japan fighters.
04:22, 15 July 2014(1,120 bytes)Added quick description for pros and cons. Description on Heavies and Attacks fixed to show that there are no Japan heavies or Attacks yet
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