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23:00, 12 October 2016(7,991 bytes)Added Commander Skills section.
22:52, 12 October 2016(7,376 bytes)Added Camouflage section.
03:46, 31 August 2016(6,623 bytes)Fixed no-display error for screenshot gallery
21:00, 10 August 2016(6,652 bytes)Re-structured player opinion section to match other ships. Cleaned up formatting of various text; added links to other wiki pages. To enable screen reader support, press shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Z. To learn about keyboard shortcuts, press shortcut Ctrl+slash.
06:50, 4 July 2016(6,449 bytes)modified pros/cons
06:47, 4 July 2016(6,420 bytes)wrote player opinion section
02:28, 2 July 2016(5,355 bytes)Updated pros and cons
23:54, 1 July 2016(5,046 bytes)Fixed issue with links in references.
23:49, 1 July 2016(4,968 bytes)Added links to ship reviews
22:31, 1 July 2016(4,777 bytes)Added more photographs in the Gallery.
21:12, 1 July 2016(4,361 bytes)Added in-game photos
04:59, 25 June 2016(3,861 bytes)added historical info and images
11:05, 24 June 2016(1,147 bytes)Created page with "<!-- DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE LINES WITH COMMENTS (it's look like as this or next line) -->{{WoWs_Ship|Promo=<!-- in case of gift or promo ship write conditions to get it. -->..."
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