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01:01, 1 August 2018(8,009 bytes)Corrected minor mishandling of syntax to show the ships name correctly
00:59, 1 August 2018(8,007 bytes)Added small change in Performance and corrected a misspelling of Phoenix
04:33, 15 February 2018(6,795 bytes)Reworked research section; fixed upgrades, pros and cons, and commander skills; added consumables, camouflage, and signals sections
05:12, 1 January 2018(5,880 bytes)Updated upgrades section.
18:17, 15 November 2017(5,867 bytes)Fixed a gun range statistic labeled as the old 13.7km range
06:49, 8 September 2017(5,866 bytes)Fixed linking and reworked sentence in history.
01:38, 22 April 2017(5,940 bytes)fixed a number of spelling and grammar mistakes
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