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16:18, 7 August 2020(23,437 bytes)Use renamed UU template
18:01, 4 July 2020(23,531 bytes)Update inefficient skills
14:55, 23 June 2020(23,382 bytes)fixed and added video
00:21, 12 May 2020(23,360 bytes)updated consumables and signals
17:46, 10 April 2020(23,521 bytes)references to ship - worldofwarships.com & YouTube
18:35, 4 April 2020(23,297 bytes)eference to ship - World of Warships Official Channel - YouTube
15:10, 4 April 2020(23,314 bytes)references to ship - worldofwarships.com & YouTubea
17:15, 28 March 2020(21,757 bytes)references to Wikipedia for ship and class
18:44, 26 December 2019(22,236 bytes)A few fixed typo's, as well as mentioning the availability of the HSF collection during 0.8.10 for the K117 camo.
13:20, 19 September 2019(21,450 bytes)Changed second to third in the pros section involving health pool
17:32, 19 August 2019(21,451 bytes)added and removed video
05:20, 19 February 2019(21,424 bytes)AA Guns Modification 1
22:13, 7 February 2019(21,428 bytes)Updated Upgrades per 0.8.0. Cleaned up Pros list by removing redundant entries.
22:05, 7 February 2019(22,126 bytes)Updated Upgrades per 0.8.0. Cleaned up Pros list.
05:52, 25 September 2018(22,126 bytes)updated inaccuracies
21:17, 12 September 2018(21,964 bytes)tried to have more accurate information in here, the text sounds a bit "dramatic"
08:09, 27 August 2018(21,694 bytes)Fixed numerous typos, added info
08:07, 27 August 2018(21,747 bytes)Fixed numerous typos, added info
14:32, 23 May 2018(19,434 bytes)Added 3D model. Moved video to correct section.
05:08, 15 May 2018(19,451 bytes)Added additional historical image.
14:48, 18 April 2018(19,358 bytes)Added the K-117 camouflage
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