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Unit Abilities and Attribute

Unit Abilities and Attribute

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Revision as of 21:42, 25 October 2018Revision as of 15:14, 30 October 2018
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 ! Attribute Icon !! Attribute Name !! Description  ! Attribute Icon !! Attribute Name !! Description
 |- |-
?| [[File:FormedMovement.png|100 px|top|Formed Movement]] || Formed Movement || This unit strictly maintains formation while moving, even if this means slowing down to turn.+| [[File:Formed_movement.png|100 px|top|Formed Movement]] || Formed Movement || This unit strictly maintains formation while moving, even if this means slowing down to turn.
 |- |-
?| [[File:NoFlankAttacks.png|100 px|top|Immune to Flank Attacks]] || Immune to flank attacks || This unit is immune to flank attack from enemies.+| [[File:Immune_to_flank_attacks.png|100 px|top|Immune to Flank Attacks]] || Immune to flank attacks || This unit is immune to flank attack from enemies.
 |- |-
?| [[File:MeleeShieldPenetration.png|100 px|top|Melee Shield Penetration]] || Melee Shield Penetration || This unit ignores enemy shield statistics.+| [[File:Shield_penetration_melee.png|100 px|top|Melee Shield Penetration]] || Melee Shield Penetration || This unit ignores enemy shield statistics.
 |- |-
?| [[File:ReformAutomatically.png|100 px|top|Reform Automatically]] || Reform Automatically || This unit will reform when idle.in melee.+| [[File:Reform_automatically.png|100 px|top|Reform Automatically]] || Reform Automatically || This unit will reform when idle.in melee.
 |- |-
?| [[File:TrampleMovement.png|100 px|top|Trample Movement]] || Trample Movement || This unit can damage knocked-down enemies by walking over them.+| [[File:Trample.png|100 px|top|Trample Movement]] || Trample Movement || This unit can damage knocked-down enemies by walking over them.
 |- |-
?| [[File:NoPhalanxKnockback.png|100 px|top|Unaffected by Phalanx Knockback]] || Unaffected by Phalanx Knockback || This unit will not be knocked back by units in Phalanx formation.+| [[File:Ignore_hoplite_phalanx.png|100 px|top|Unaffected by Phalanx Knockback]] || Unaffected by Phalanx Knockback || This unit will not be knocked back by units in Phalanx formation.
 |- |-
?| [[File:UnformedMovement.png|100 px|top|Unformed Movement]] || Unformed Movement || This unit does not maintain formation while moving.+| [[File:Unformed_movement.png|100 px|top|Unformed Movement]] || Unformed Movement || This unit does not maintain formation while moving.
 |- |-
?| [[File:EvadePhalanx.png|100 px|top|Wardogs Evade Phalanx]] || Wardogs Evades Phalanx || This unit's Wardogs evade phalanx attacks.+| [[File:Animals_ignore_phalanx.png|100 px|top|Wardogs Evade Phalanx]] || Wardogs Evades Phalanx || This unit's Wardogs evade phalanx attacks.
 |} |}
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 ! Unit Ability Icon !! Unit Ability Name !! Effect ! Unit Ability Icon !! Unit Ability Name !! Effect
 |- |-
?| [[File:AssembleEngines.png|100 px|top|Assemble/Disassemble Engines]] || Assemble/Disassemeble Engines || Assemble or Disassemble your artillery.+| [[File:Assemble_artillery_piece.png|100 px|top|Assemble/Disassemble Engines]] || Assemble/Disassemeble Engines || Assemble or Disassemble your artillery.
 |- |-
?| [[File:CarthaginianPhalanx.png|100 px|top|Carthaginian Phalanx]] || Carthaginian Phalanx || Form a defensive wall of spears.+| [[File:Carthaginian_phalanx.png|100 px|top|Carthaginian Phalanx]] || Carthaginian Phalanx || Form a defensive wall of spears.
 |- |-
?| [[File:CavalryCharge.png|100 px|top|Cavalry Charge]] || Cavalry Charge || A quick cavalry charge. +| [[File:UNIT_cavalry_charge.png|100 px|top|Cavalry Charge]] || Cavalry Charge || A quick cavalry charge.
 |- |-
?| [[File:CavalryDash.png|100 px|top|Cavalry Dash]] || Cavalry Dash || Increases your speed for a short period of time, but it silences you.+| [[File:Unit_cav_dash.png|100 px|top|Cavalry Dash]] || Cavalry Dash || Increases your speed for a short period of time, but it silences you.
 |- |-
?| [[File:Dash.png|100 px|top|Dash]] || Dash || Increases your speed for a short period of time, but it silences you.+| [[File:Unit_dash.png|100 px|top|Dash]] || Dash || Increases your speed for a short period of time, but it silences you.
 |- |-
?| [[File:DropArtillery.png|100 px|top|Drop Artillery]] || Drop Artillery || Drop your artillery piece(s).+| [[File:Drop_artillery_engines.png|100 px|top|Drop Artillery]] || Drop Artillery || Drop your artillery piece(s).
 |- |-
?| [[File:Fetch.png|100 px|top|Fetch]] || Fetch || Order your dogs to go to a specific location with increased aggression.+| [[File:Barb_fetch.png|100 px|top|Fetch]] || Fetch || Order your dogs to go to a specific location with increased aggression.
 |- |-
?| [[File:Fireatwill.png|100 px|top|Fire at will]] || Fire at will || Your unit will fire at will.+| [[File:Fire_at_will.png|100 px|top|Fire at will]] || Fire at will || Your unit will fire at will.
 |- |-
?| [[File:FocusArchers.png|100 px|top|Focus Fire]] || Focus Fire (archers) || Fires a deadly volley of flaming projectiles at a targeted area.+| [[File:Focus_fire_achers.png|100 px|top|Focus Fire]] || Focus Fire (archers) || Fires a deadly volley of flaming projectiles at a targeted area.
 |- |-
?| [[File:FocusJavs.png|100 px|top|Focus Fire]] || Focus Fire (javelins) || Fires a deadly volley of flaming projectiles at a targeted area.+| [[File:Javelin_focus_fire.png|100 px|top|Focus Fire]] || Focus Fire (javelins) || Fires a deadly volley of flaming projectiles at a targeted area.
 |- |-
?| [[File:FocusSlingers.png|100 px|top|Focus Fire]] || Focus Fire (slingers) || Fires a deadly volley of projectiles at a targeted area.+| [[File:UNIT_focus_fire_.png|100 px|top|Focus Fire]] || Focus Fire (slingers) || Fires a deadly volley of projectiles at a targeted area.
 |- |-
?| [[File:FormedCombat.png|100 px|top|Formed Combat]] || Formed Combat || Enter a tight formation that will increase your defence at the cost of speed.+| [[File:Formed_combat.png|100 px|top|Formed Combat]] || Formed Combat || Enter a tight formation that will increase your defence at the cost of speed.
 |- |-
?| [[File:FrenziedCharge.png|100 px|top|Frenzied Charge]] || Frenzied Charge || Barrel forward in a savage charge.+| [[File:Frenzied_charge.png|100 px|top|Frenzied Charge]] || Frenzied Charge || Barrel forward in a savage charge.
 |- |-
?| [[File:Hamstring.png|100 px|top|Hamstring]] || Hamstring || Strike and slows down your enemy.+| [[File:Unit_sword_hamstring.png|100 px|top|Hamstring]] || Hamstring || Strike and slows down your enemy.
 |- |-
?| [[File:Harass.png|100 px|top|Harass]] || Harass || Rush forward in a short charge.+| [[File:Newharass.png|100 px|top|Harass]] || Harass || Rush forward in a short charge.
 |- |-
?| [[File:HeavyPila.png|100 px|top|Heavy Pila]] || Heavy Pila || Throw a high damage pila at short range.+| [[File:Heavy_pila.png|100 px|top|Heavy Pila]] || Heavy Pila || Throw a high damage pila at short range.
 |- |-
?| [[File:HeavyThrust.png|100 px|top|Heavy Thrust]] || Heavy Thrust || A heavy strike to your enemy.+| [[File:Heavy_thrust.png|100 px|top|Heavy Thrust]] || Heavy Thrust || A heavy strike to your enemy.
 |- |-
?| [[File:HoplitePhalanx.png|100 px|top|Hoplite Phalanx]] || Hoplite Phalanx || Form a defensive wall of spears.+| [[File:Unit_greek_spear_phalanx.png|100 px|top|Hoplite Phalanx]] || Hoplite Phalanx || Form a defensive wall of spears.
 |- |-
?| [[File:LightPila.png|100 px|top|Light Pila]] || Light Pila || Fires a deadly volley of pila at a unit.+| [[File:Light_pila.png|100 px|top|Light Pila]] || Light Pila || Fires a deadly volley of pila at a unit.
 |- |-
?| [[File:LightThrust.png|100 px|top|Light Thrust]] || Light Thrust || Strike your enemies.+| [[File:Spear_light_thrust.png|100 px|top|Light Thrust]] || Light Thrust || Strike your enemies.
 |- |-
?| [[File:ManualAim.png|100 px|top|ManualAim]] || Manual Aim || Aim manually with your artillery.+| [[File:Manual_aim.png|100 px|top|ManualAim]] || Manual Aim || Aim manually with your artillery.
 |- |-
?| [[File:MountKick.png|100 px|top|Mount Kick]] || Mount Kick || Your horses kick your enemies, knocking them down and damaging them.+| [[File:Mount_kick.png|100 px|top|Mount Kick]] || Mount Kick || Your horses kick your enemies, knocking them down and damaging them.
 |- |-
?| [[File:PikePhalanx.png|100 px|top|Pike Phalanx]] || Pike Phalanx || Form a pike phalanx, an unbreakable wall of pikes.+| [[File:Pike_phalanx_.png|100 px|top|Pike Phalanx]] || Pike Phalanx || Form a pike phalanx, an unbreakable wall of pikes.
 |- |-
?| [[File:RaiseShields.png|100 px|top|Raise Shields]] || Raise Shields || Raise Shields to protect you from incoming missile fire, at the cost of melee capabilities and vision.+| [[File:Raise_shields.png|100 px|top|Raise Shields]] || Raise Shields || Raise Shields to protect you from incoming missile fire, at the cost of melee capabilities and vision.
 |- |-
?| [[File:RepairArty.png|100 px|top|Repair]] || Repair || Repair your damaged artillery. You can't fire while this ability is active.+| [[File:Arty_repair.png|100 px|top|Repair]] || Repair || Repair your damaged artillery. You can't fire while this ability is active.
 |- |-
?| [[File:Slam.png|100 px|top|Slam]] || Slam || Slam your enemies with your shield, slowing them down.+| [[File:Newslam.png|100 px|top|Slam]] || Slam || Slam your enemies with your shield, slowing them down.
 |- |-
?| [[File:Slash.png|100 px|top|Slash]] || Slash || Slash your enemies, at the cost of speed.+| [[File:Unit_slash.png|100 px|top|Slash]] || Slash || Slash your enemies, at the cost of speed.
 |- |-
?| [[File:Stampede.png|100 px|top|Stampede]] || Stampede || A powerful elephant charge.+| [[File:Newstampede.png|100 px|top|Stampede]] || Stampede || A powerful elephant charge.
 |- |-
?| [[File:Stomp.png|100 px|top|Stomp]] || Stomp || A powerful stomp by your elephants, knocking down your enemies.+| [[File:Unit_stomp.png|100 px|top|Stomp]] || Stomp || A powerful stomp by your elephants, knocking down your enemies.
 |- |-
?| [[File:Strain.png|100 px|top|Focus Fire]] || Strain || Increases your range for a short time, but reduces your speed afterwards.+| [[File:Newstrain.png|100 px|top|Focus Fire]] || Strain || Increases your range for a short time, but reduces your speed afterwards.
 |- |-
?| [[File:ThrowJavelin.png|100 px|top|Throw Javelin]] || Throw Javelin || Throw a volley of javelins.+| [[File:Unit_bar_throw_javelins.png|100 px|top|Throw Javelin]] || Throw Javelin || Throw a volley of javelins.
 |- |-
?| [[File:Unleash.png|100 px|top|Unleash]] || Unleash || Unleash your dogs to a targeted area.+| [[File:Newunleash.png|100 px|top|Unleash]] || Unleash || Unleash your dogs to a targeted area.
 |- |-
?| [[File:ViciousStrikes.png|100 px|top|Vicious Strikes]] || Vicious Strikes || A strike that increases your melee damage, but slows you down afterwards.+| [[File:Vicious_strikes.png|100 px|top|Vicious Strikes]] || Vicious Strikes || A strike that increases your melee damage, but slows you down afterwards.
 |} |}

Revision as of 15:14, 30 October 2018

Unit Abilies and Attribute

On this page, you will find all current Unit Abilities and Attribute in Total War: ARENA.


Down below you will find a list of the different Attributes and the description of what they do.
Attributes are 'passive' and can therefore not be used by the player but will automatically be used by the unit.

Attribute Icon Attribute Name Description
Formed Movement Formed Movement This unit strictly maintains formation while moving, even if this means slowing down to turn.
Immune to Flank Attacks Immune to flank attacks This unit is immune to flank attack from enemies.
Melee Shield Penetration Melee Shield Penetration This unit ignores enemy shield statistics.
Reform Automatically Reform Automatically This unit will reform when idle.in melee.
Trample Movement Trample Movement This unit can damage knocked-down enemies by walking over them.
Unaffected by Phalanx Knockback Unaffected by Phalanx Knockback This unit will not be knocked back by units in Phalanx formation.
Unformed Movement Unformed Movement This unit does not maintain formation while moving.
Wardogs Evade Phalanx Wardogs Evades Phalanx This unit's Wardogs evade phalanx attacks.

Unit Abilites

Down below you will find a list of the different Unit Abilities and how common they are.
Abilities are 'active' and can therefore be used by the player.
As the fast reader will have seen, there is three subcategories called 'Common', Special' and 'Unique'

  • Common: Is avalivle for more than 6 different units
  • Special: Is avalible for 2-5 different units
  • Unique: Is only avalible for 1 unit


Unit Ability Icon Unit Ability Name Effect
Assemble/Disassemble Engines Assemble/Disassemeble Engines Assemble or Disassemble your artillery.
Carthaginian Phalanx Carthaginian Phalanx Form a defensive wall of spears.
Cavalry Charge Cavalry Charge A quick cavalry charge.
Cavalry Dash Cavalry Dash Increases your speed for a short period of time, but it silences you.
Dash Dash Increases your speed for a short period of time, but it silences you.
Drop Artillery Drop Artillery Drop your artillery piece(s).
Fetch Fetch Order your dogs to go to a specific location with increased aggression.
Fire at will Fire at will Your unit will fire at will.
Focus Fire Focus Fire (archers) Fires a deadly volley of flaming projectiles at a targeted area.
Focus Fire Focus Fire (javelins) Fires a deadly volley of flaming projectiles at a targeted area.
Focus Fire Focus Fire (slingers) Fires a deadly volley of projectiles at a targeted area.
Formed Combat Formed Combat Enter a tight formation that will increase your defence at the cost of speed.
Frenzied Charge Frenzied Charge Barrel forward in a savage charge.
Hamstring Hamstring Strike and slows down your enemy.
Harass Harass Rush forward in a short charge.
Heavy Pila Heavy Pila Throw a high damage pila at short range.
Heavy Thrust Heavy Thrust A heavy strike to your enemy.
Hoplite Phalanx Hoplite Phalanx Form a defensive wall of spears.
Light Pila Light Pila Fires a deadly volley of pila at a unit.
Light Thrust Light Thrust Strike your enemies.
ManualAim Manual Aim Aim manually with your artillery.
Mount Kick Mount Kick Your horses kick your enemies, knocking them down and damaging them.
Pike Phalanx Pike Phalanx Form a pike phalanx, an unbreakable wall of pikes.
Raise Shields Raise Shields Raise Shields to protect you from incoming missile fire, at the cost of melee capabilities and vision.
Repair Repair Repair your damaged artillery. You can't fire while this ability is active.
Slam Slam Slam your enemies with your shield, slowing them down.
Slash Slash Slash your enemies, at the cost of speed.
Stampede Stampede A powerful elephant charge.
Stomp Stomp A powerful stomp by your elephants, knocking down your enemies.
Focus Fire Strain Increases your range for a short time, but reduces your speed afterwards.
Throw Javelin Throw Javelin Throw a volley of javelins.
Unleash Unleash Unleash your dogs to a targeted area.
Vicious Strikes Vicious Strikes A strike that increases your melee damage, but slows you down afterwards.


Unit Ability Icon Unit Ability Name Effect
Ambush Flurry Ambush Flurry Fire more quickly and with increased damage, but that slows you down afterwards.
Barbaric Phalanx Barbaric Phalanx Form a mobile phalanx.
Battle Cry Battle Cry Increases all nearby allied units' Morale.
Blood Payment Blood Payment Increases your melee damage for an extended period time by sacrificing health.
Call to Arms Call To Arms Increases aggression on target allied unit, for a period of time.
Caltrops Caltrops Deploy caltrops, slowing down every enemy unit stepping on them.
Cleave Cleave A powerful strike, increasing your melee damage, but slowing you down afterwards.
Diomedes' Revenge Diomedes' Revenge Your horses kick your enemies, increasing your melee damage.
Gore Gore Strike your enemies, making them fly around.
Hurl Hurl Increases your range, but slows you down afterwards.
Presence Presence Inspiring presence which gives melee attack and melee defence to all nearby allies.
Intimidate Intimidate Decreases the Morale of all nearby units.
Jab Jab Strike your enemy.
Numidian Advance Numidian Advance Increases Speed and Impact Damage for a short time.
Numidian Throw Numidian Throw Throw a deadly volley of javelins at a specific location.
Parry Parry A defensive strike, increasing your defensen but tiring you.
Phalanx Reposition Phalanx Reposition Increases your mobility when in phalanx.
Phalanx Thrust Phalanx Thrust Stab your enemy in a powerful strike, while in phalanx.
Prowl Prowl Unleash your dogs : they will go slower, but with increased aggression and a quicker charge.
Pyknosis Pyknosis Increases melee damage, but reduces speed.
Rapid Shot Rapid Shot Fires at a faster rate, but that slows you down afterwards. This ability is replace by Barrage when usng Cynane and archers who have this ability.
Reckless Charge Reckless Charge Rush forward in a powerful charge.
Roar Roar Decrease the morale and speed of all nearby enemy units.
Roma Invicta Roma Invicta Increases melee capabilities and morale for a short period of time.
Spear of Ares Shield Screen Form a shield screen, protecting you from enemy missiles.
Skirmish Tactics Skirmish Tactics Increases mobility for a short period of time, at the cost of being silenced.
Snipe Snipe Increases your range and damage, but slows you down afterwards.
Spear of Ares Spartan Bound Increases an ally's melee defence and attack.
Spear of Ares Spear of Ares Attack in a mighty strike, increasing your melee damage.
Stab Stab Stab your enemy in a powerful strike.
Unite Unite Increases morale for all nearby allied units.


Unit Ability Icon Unit Ability Name Unit and Faction Effect
Attendant's Care Attendant's Care Attendant Archers; Greeks (premium) Incease the Melee Defence and Melee damage of an ally for an extended period of time.
Heavy Shot Heavy Shot Rhodian Slingers; Greeks Fire a volley of a heavy stones that deal increased damage and increased melee weapon penetration damage
Impetus Impetus Hellenic Cataphracts; Greeks Increases Movement Speed and Charge Impact with every step.
Iolaus' Vow Iolaus' Vow Sacred Band; Greeks Increases the Defence and Morale of all nearby allied units for a short period of time
Skewer Skewer Silver Shield Pikemen; Greeks A powerful strike that increases your melee damage for a brief period of time.
Whistling Bullets Whistling bullets Helot Slingers; Greeks Fire a volley of bullets that will reduce the morale and movement speed of the unit it hits
Charge Column Charge Column Evocati Cohort; Roman Empire Enter a stance which increases your acceleration and charge impact, at the cost of your turn speed.
Encourage Encourage Legatus; Roman Empire Increases morale on target allied unit, for a period of time.
Marching Column Marching Column Praetorians; Roman Empire Enter a stance which increases your mobility at the cost of charge deflect.
Raise Eagle Raise Eagle Eagle Cohort; Roman Empire Increases morale on nearby allied units, for a short period of time.
Reposition Reposition Centurion; Roman Empire Increases your speed for a short period of time, but decreases your speed afterwards.
Vengeful Strike Vengeful Strike Ghosts of Cannae; Roman Empire(premium) A strike which reduces your speed, but Increase your Morale for a short period of time.
Andartas Roar Andartas Roar Andartas Swords; Barbarians Reduce the Morale of all nearby enemies.
Chosen Ally Chosen Ally Chosen Swordsmen; Barbarians Increase the Melee Attack of an ally for a period of time.
Fenrirs Howl Fenrirs Howl Fenrirs Followers; Barbarians Reduce the charge deflect of all your enemies around you.
Gungnirs Charge Gungnirs Charge Gungnir Chargers; Barbarians Charge forward for a long time.
Harbingers Charge Harbingers Charge Harbingers; Barbarians Charge forward for a long time.
Noble Bellow Noble Bellow Noble Horse; Barbarians Reduce the charge deflect of all your enemies around you.
Piercing Blows Piercing Blows Bastarnae Flaxmen; Barbarians (premium) A powerful strike dealing increased melee weapon penetration damage, at the cost of speed.
Sunder Sunder Getae Horsemen; Barbarians(premium) A powerful strike that will reduce the effectiveness of your enemy's shield.
Surge Surge Dacias Chosen; Barbarians Grant all neraby allied units a Speed increase.
Bestial Defence Bestial Defence Tanit; Carthage Increase your missile block chance, at the cost of speed.
Cannae Chant Cannae Chant Veterans of Cannae; Carthage Increase your morale and reduces the fatigue you get when in phalanx.
Charge Charge Iberian Rebels; Carthage Rush forward in a charge.
Echo of Trebia Echo of Trebia Veterans of Trebia; Carthage Increase your mobility when you are in phalanx.
Elite's Presence Elite's Presence Campaign Elites; Carthage Increase the melee attack of all nearby units.
Flaming Javelins Flaming Javelins Carthaginian Marines; Carthage(premium) Throw a volley of javelins being on fire.
Gallic Assault Gallic Assault Boii Spearmen; Carthage An undisciplined charge.
Howl Howl Insubres Swordsmen; Carthage Increase your charge impact for a short period of time.
Mounted Combat Mounted Combat Elite Hippeis; Carthage Increase your melee capabilities, at the cost of your mobility.
Rapid Throw Rapid throw Iberian Skirmishers; Carthage Fire more quickly, at the cost of your range.
Sacred Onslaught Sacred Onslaught Sacred Band; Carthage A mighty strike, increasing your melee damage.
Traverse Traverse Baal; Carthage Increase your mobility, at the cost of being silenced for the duration of the ability.