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M26 Pershing

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19:49, 23 August 2011(5,548 bytes)6.6 Statistics Checked
15:32, 23 August 2011(5,491 bytes)Corrected text of super_pershing.jpg description to match source. Note, caliber/calibre is both used for bore diameter and bore length. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caliber and https://en.wikipedia.org
13:12, 14 August 2011(5,611 bytes)Added where the research leads to.
13:51, 1 July 2011(5,727 bytes)Changed stock values and modules from game version 0.6.5
10:18, 28 June 2011(6,056 bytes)Added tank life with new turret based on site: https://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/36389-hp-stat-of-tanks-with-upgraded-turret
15:22, 21 June 2011(5,991 bytes)'Caliber' does not represent barrel length but rather the diameter of the barrel and the projectile used in it.
13:08, 5 May 2011(6,007 bytes)Somewhy Diastant took out brackets which were responsible for the format of general info part of the page
16:06, 11 April 2011(5,921 bytes)Image to tank-template
15:58, 11 April 2011(5,905 bytes)Added info about view range
13:05, 28 February 2011(5,669 bytes)History gallery added
09:30, 5 February 2011(25 bytes)Created page with "Reserved for M26 Pershing"
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