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FCM 36

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22:08, 26 March 2018(3,098 bytes)
18:13, 30 January 2017(2,485 bytes)added historicla info and images
18:06, 25 May 2016(1,979 bytes)For some reason the latest version was entirely in Russian, so restoring the previous version.
01:37, 25 September 2015(1,979 bytes)added statement about gun elevation
09:18, 26 April 2015(611 bytes)Added Research section
17:52, 23 April 2015(277 bytes)Created page with "{{TankData|Tank= | |Gallery= |InTheGame_pros= |InTheGame_cons= |InTheGame_performance= |InTheGame_research= |InTheGame_equipment= |InTheGame_Equipment_Builds= |..."
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